Those who have played the demo: is it any good? Approaching FF7 levels of demo quality?

Those who have played the demo: is it any good? Approaching FF7 levels of demo quality?

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I just finished it now and it's insanely short, I thought I was maybe 1/3 of the way through when it ended. Nemesis had just shown up, I ran through 2 or 3 rooms, and that was it.

Did you play REmake 2? It is damn near the same game (you decide if that is good or bad). nuJill is a cunt though and Nemesis has some fucky hurt boxes on his attacks.

It's okay. It's RE2 but with dodging.

Played it. It was just as boring and predictable as demake2.

It's REmake 2 but with Jill and a finicky dodge. Demos short but if you enjoyed REmake 2 you'll enjoy this. Raccoon city looks good though if nothing else

>Raccoon city looks good though if nothing else
Nah, it looks generic and forgettable as fuck. The modern Capcom clearly does not know how lighting works in real life, and instead simulates Splinter Cell's binary on/off shadows.

Nobody is as autistic as you and even knows or cares about on/off binary shadows or whatever the fuck technical insignificant shit you're talking about.


Hello Michael

Really good. Short obviously but the space itself is really open and there's a bonus you'll get in the main game for finding all the ridiculously hidden bobble heads in the demo.

i cant get the graphics right, wtf. her hair , carlos' hair, and almost everything else looks too white and grainy

Jill's voice actor is horrendous

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Is the bonus any good

It's something called ambassador points. According to the website it gets you in-game stuff including "extra campaigns," whatever that means. Probably more stuff like 4th survivor but who knows.

It was good. Made me want full game even more.

Its only about 15mins long so quite short though I ended up putting 3 hours in simply fucking with the Nemesis. Nemesis is quite fun and I like him alot even if he is a bit derpy sometimes. It really is an expac of Remake2 like to a comical degree though given thats bassicly what the OG3 was im not really upset.

i thought it was exceptional. short; but exhilarating.

>significantly harder to dodge zombies even with the dodge button
>frantic, zombies everywhere
>a lot of exploring, looking for items
>plenty of ammo lying around (my only downside)

also, Nemesis is fast. You can't run away from Nemesis like you could Mr. X for else he'll just hit you with his tentacles and jump on you. You need to incapacitate him with grenades or the shotgun

It's difficult to keep your eye on nemesis if you're using a mouse and keyboard.

Demo is a lot shorter but gameplay is far superior to FF7R

Use FXAA+TAA option. SMAA makes the hair glitchy.

Characters seem like a caricature and overacted version of what foreigners think of american characters.
Dialogs are so forced... Even the documents have the same tone. It's pathetic and annoying the level of passive aggressiveness and constant "tough guy" talk in the game.

Yeah I'm not the biggest fan either. Something about her voice rattles me.

re2 with faster neme.

w-wait for ray tracing

Yeah I felt this too. It's like they got a quirky admin to write it or something.

I finished it now for the second time and for the first time I died. Nemesis is overpowered as fuck. AS FUCK. For real, you have no chance of survival with him around. Dodging does nothing, as he just grabs you with tentacles and smacks you anyway.

Its why I play in Jap voices. Character seem much better. None of the shitty passive aggressiveness and tough guy shit. Jill is also much more caring warmer and professional in Jap.

As someone who only just played REmake2 a couple weeks ago and enjoyed the shit out of it I was just, unimpressed. I mean it's more of the same which was good but I'll just wait a while and grab it cheap. I don't even know why I was unexcited, really.

How bad are you at this game?

Spiderman is in it.

Attached: Nemmy flies away.webm (1280x720, 2.49M)

Fucking tranny faggot.

Its good

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You can get sort of used to him. I spent perhaps 3 hours fighting him and trying to learn his patterns. He has different wind ups on his attacks to throw you off and the more fucked up he is he seems to get more aggressive and use harsher attacks. This was about as fucked up as I could get him in the demo and it tooks like every bullet, explosive barrel on the map and dozens upon dozens of knife swings. I would had kept going but he ended up landing his insta kill grab on me once and it was all over. I wonder how messed up you can make him in the full game. Brightness is maxed because I was looking for the bobbleheads and never turned it back down.

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Hey OP, the faggots on this board (such as whose weeping over the fact she says "fuck you" one whole time) keep forgetting that Jill has a grudge against Umbrella by this point, and she reasonably lumps the UBCS with Corporate Umbrella so she's going to be a cunt towards them after the Spencer Mansion incident/cover up. Don't be like the aforementioned faggot, and understand where she's coming from rather than over reacting over a single curse word.

thanks man

I'd hate for people to make ryona and porn mods of this, it'd be terrible.

It's a worse REmake2, as it should be.
RE3 was worse than RE2 so this is exactly what anyone who played the original games would expect.

Is dismemberment still in the game?

nuh uh



It sounds a bit close to her classic RE voice to me.

it runs better but the gore and physics animations are all gimped for some reason.

if crapcom wasn't shit it would be better
remake2 was shit anyway

Womans can't hit as hard.


Straight downgrade

If you run through it beginning to end it can be extremely short. What adds time are the many side-areas to explore and find loot/worldbuilding at.

It's not as good as REmake 2.

Attached: shotgun.webm (1920x1080, 540.61K)

Just TAA alone should work as well. It's just that I started the game with SMAA noticed the glitches and then switched to FXAA+TAA when I remembered that both RE2 remake andRE7 had hair artifacts if SMAA was on.

you'd think it would be just RE2 engine and graphics, but somehow they made the models more animated in the face and made RE2 faces look dated.

it has some of that nu soul that FF7 demo had with all the advertisements and life injected into it. Like the toy story, if you walk up to the door, you can see super soakers from the 90s (super soaker 50 in 1999, when it came out in 1992) and the front glass has an advertisement for Mega Man action figures. The subway had movie posters. And more easter eggs throughout city.
see above comment

The shotgun is absolutely fine
At longer ranges its wider spread makes for good crowd control which helps against grouped up zombs
It's still possible to 1-shot-blood-splatters-everywhere headshot enemies, you just have to get up to kissing distance to make it happen
Not unlike original resident evil games

this is legitimately upsetting considering how high quality (though short) REmake 2 was

I did that to him with two grenades but he turned into Spider-Man jumping around the scenery in supersonic speed and killed me anyway. It's a little ridiculous when a guy who weighs probably 3 tons can do that. At least Mr. X had weight.

Umberlla got some of her friends killed and caused this outbreak. Nothing wrong with her being suspicious of a bunch of umberlla mercs

>The shotgun is absolutely fine

Attached: mfwbeckett.png (340x500, 103.67K)

>comparing a game release to a 2019 tech demo

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>crowd control
hitting 3 zombies with 1-2 pellets each isn't "crowd control"

>quoting a statement alone and not the following sentences explaining the statement

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This isn't a new game, it's RE2make dlc.

2's demo had full gore, why can't this? this is what they gave us so far, so that's what'll be judged


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Because bodies need to stay intact so nemesis can turn them into crimson heads.


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haha yeah I hope no one in the world right now is stuck inside with nothing to do and the capability to make stuff like that

Someone remind me why Michaeldoeslife is so angry about remakes? anyone got screen of the thread when he got BTFO like 1-2 years ago?

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The hair in the cutscenes for me were like pixelated and blocky. Like the hair was made up of grainy squares. was very weird.


Imagine thinking this way when the original game came out



can someone remind me why anyone wants to give that retard attention? he literally lives off of the attention and clicks he gets from here and other sites, he's a parasite

>Approaching FF7 levels of demo quality?

I clicked on his video only once but before demo got released I sorted new videos on youtube by last 24 hours to find every bit of news and this guy legit made a new video every single day lmao