What is it that stops dorks from being able to admit this game is shit, has always been shit?

what is it that stops dorks from being able to admit this game is shit, has always been shit?

The combat is awful, the character development is awful, the writing ranges from serviceable to garbage, the quests are all dull and uninteresting, the lore doesn't match up with the world (the biggest "city" in the game is about the size of a feudal village and has none of the infrastructure that would logically be necessary. Seriously, random hick villages in witcher 3 of no importance at all made more sense), there is absolutely no choice and consequence to speak of and the world reactivity is nearly nonexistent making all actions feel pretty meaningless anyway despite how the game tries to drum up epic themes. The rare joy to be found in this game is in actively avoiding anything to do with the story and just exploring the world and finding unique trinkets in caverns and dungeons, or stumbling across some intrigue or fuck off big monster, but that doesnt last very long due to how poor the core systems of gameplay are.

> yeah...but.. mods!!
People spend more time modding this fucking game then they do playing it, even the most itinerant fanboy will readily admit that, yet no one seems to want to admit its because the core issues are still present no matter how many mods you chuck in, and thats the other thing, it begs the question: if your game needs 500 fucking mods (not at all an exaggeration. Some mod guides are 800+) to be playable isnt it objectively a BAD game? Plenty of games have benefited from a rich modding scene, but all those other games are still good games without the mods. Thats without mentioning that almost zero mods that are frequently advocated for do sweet fuck all for the gameplay, such 500+ modlists mostly consisting of trying to replace every single texture and mesh in the game or turning the women into anime dolls.

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i spent like 6-7 hours modding this game and configuring the settings and making sure the skeletons loaded in right and making sure the mod order was right just for 15 mods. I probably did this like 3 times over the years and I only end up playing for like 1-2 hours at most after configuring for many more hours.

At this point whoever likes this game played it when they were a teenager and will never stop defending it no matter how mamy facts you throw at them. Its the same with oblivion; no matter how you explain that oblivion is potentially even worse than this, people will just start spouting shit like muh quests and muh soul.

Last two months I spent 10 hours modding in around 100 mods, with tit and ass physics, hundrerds sex animation, better faces, armour variety, bondage gear etc. Now I let it sit and when I play it I have the best faps of my life. Base game is shit though.

I like it because it's fun and reminds me of when i was in elementary school. Seethe harder grandpa.

the modding process is god awful too. I'm convinced the skyrim modding community probably has an over-representation of people on the spectrum and full blown spergs, it would explain a lot of things.

Yeah those are the best faps but I rarely get into the proper mood for mod faps. Hopefully I get the time to get mods back in since i wiped my hard drive.

I dunno man, Skyrim is pretty fun.

as soon as i finally get used to the mod manager they just make a new one and throw me off again, making some of the processes more tedious and retarded. I hope with 6 the community wakes up and realizes the way they did it was fucking retarded.

Skyrim is a terrible game. I've never modded it either, and I don't think it's fair to say mods should be considered when talking about how good the actual game is. Regardless, it's fucking trash.

In case this isn't a gigantic retarded shitpost, i'll give you some answers, as the answer in truth just isn't as simple as you're making it out to be.

Skyrim, like Oblivion, Morrowind, and so many other games, hearkens back to a time when modding and community involvement in games was a big deal. Communities such as MODDB, Nexus, TGC, and others. This was in the days of Half-Life total conversions, D2 total conversions, custom mapping tools and integration from all sorts of platforms and software and concepts and styles.

Keep in mind, before the Overwatch-era, PC's were usually self-built, 'mods', and modding, were a natural flow from how PC's and video games were once upon a time, and Bethesda's been a somewhat-unwitting accomplice to a huge bed of modding nerds and somewhat-older-minded 'gamer' folks from before it was a trendy, hip and streamlined experience.

They didn't care if combat in the base game sucked; the game is more about the engine itself, what it can do on paper when modded, and modding (as you note) was more fun than the game itself.

Skyrim specifically, is a little weird because it's on the very, very tail end of that type of thinking, that type of community. Look at the monetized mods fiasco, the streamlining and attempting to eliminate the mod community. Look at how you (likely a zoomer or young milennial?) have been branded to need the game to be out of the box as a streamlined, great 'experience' and that's what matters.

I'm not saying you're wrong. I'm saying it's a cultural and contextual difference from eras of design and the community that once existed to support it.

Hope this helps.

>I've never modded it either, and I don't think it's fair to say mods should be considered when talking about how good the actual game is. Regardless, it's fucking trash.

dont worry, you're not missing out. There isnt a single mod that fixes any of the issues. Some make a sincere attempt (YASH, Requiem) but they still fall short because the game would need a complete redesign to fix it. The modding community is people who spend more time making screenshots and tinkering autistically than actually playing the game.

>elementary school

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i sank ~100h playing skyrim in 2012 and i hardly remember anything worthwhile, it was really bland compared to previous titles. did the expansions improve it?

You'd maybe have a point, but by far the most popular mods for Skyrim are just porn/erotica. Meaning even the modder nerds don't really care to play it that much.

i enjoyed my first three playthroughs of this game, as a warrior, mage and thief, respectively.
its not too bad, but you quickly realize it is a very shallow experience and there are other games with more depth in the same genre out there, released both before its time and during its time.
but the real nightmare is that i always kept coming back to skyrim, trying to relive the enjoyment i had all those years ago, only to notice i was not feeling it anymore and uninstalling it after 30 minutes or so.
what a shame...

I tried this game so many times and still I can't understand why people praise this game so much. Also wasted that modding it.
Playing as a stealth archer was the only way to keep me playing for a while. Was fun putting a arrow into a random mob skull.

That's just human nature and with the death of an era a vacuum is left and with humans any vacuum turns into sex. There were nudie mods in Half-Life; keep in mind anything people touch will be infected almost instantly and pervasively with sexuality. It's just how we are.

>i enjoyed my first three playthroughs of this game, as a warrior, mage and thief, respectively.
Or you could have just played as a warriormagethief and done all quests and factions in one single playthrough.

Beats me why people bother restarting and grinding all the skills from 0 again.

its a role-playing thing, you wouldn't get it.

Im old enough to be your father retard, and thats why i know none of the shit you just said is true. There isnt a single other game that had such a entrenched modding scene for such a BAD base game. Modding communities for other games were a natural extension of how good the base game was. People didnt mod the fuck out of goldsrc with all its limitations because HL1 was a bad fps, the modding naturally grew of out of HL1 being a fucking fantastic game.

> Look at how you (likely a zoomer or young milennial?) have been branded to need the game to be out of the box as a streamlined, great 'experience' and that's what matters.

Its exactly late millennials and zoomers who think its acceptable for a game to be dogshit as long as there is some vague "potential" or scratches a particular itch or has mods to keep adding dubious "content", thats why we have endless amounts of early access shit on the market from every 2 bit dork modder who thinks they and their 4 gay buddies on discord constitute a gaming studio.

>game is boring and clunky but porn mods kept it around for a decade
Todd always wins, baby

skyrim isnt a bad video game, if you think it is you are a contrarian who dislikes popular things.

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It always amazes how Skyrim was considered shit for so long, however now there's always a thread praising it.

>inb4 a porn mod reply

Show us

You're trying too hard to 'sound' like you're older.
Sorry i struck a nerve with the age thing, but wildly gesticulating about the place screaming that everything in my post is 'false' is patently dishonest at best.

Give it a few years and you'll see similar things as you age a bit. Time really does change a lot.

skyrim is, being charitable, a mediocre game. Certainly not deserving of the cock sucking adulation it is given the "gaming community". Every core system is bad. It is bad gameplay hidden behind expensive AAA production values. Presumably, you're a millennial who cums his t-girl panties over games as interactive movies as opposed to actually good games. Just for comparison, in 2011 these rpgs were also released:
Dragons Dogma
Dark Souls
The Witcher 2
Deus Ex Human Revolution

All of these were better than skyrim in every single comparison worth making. Better RPGs, and better games period. Skyrim was bad in 2011 and it has aged like milk in near decade since.

pic unrelated? I think you meant to post Witcher 3


I play it regularly, and would never defend it.

>999 kill rat in lich dungeon random quests
>100 handmade quests

One of the issues I think people don't seem to get is that last gen was SO fucking bad because of the focus on graphics. Towards the middle of this one, graphics started to be perfected in a way - it became so braindead easy to make pretty games that it's just naturally expected for you to have a game that is good looking. The end result is that far, far better RPGs then Skyrim have been released in this gen, which is responsible for Bethesda's immense fall from grace - nobody's going to talk about how amazing Fallout 4's mechanics and systems were when The Outer Worlds did all of it better with better writing. When you have to compare against REAL competition, Bethesda massively falters in every way; it's why I think Starfield and TES6 are their make or break. If those games are bad, then Yas Forums and the more autistic gaming community's perception is going to hit the mainstream - that Bethesda was always dogshit, and they have been dumbing down since Morrowind.

Chin up though, at least other RPGs are improving massively. The only difference is that they aren't as easily moddable as Skyrim.

Developers of daggerfall are making a spiritual successor

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Who cares, have sex.

What do you mean? you and Yas Forums hate this game
its a fun game

What the absolute fuck lads. I can't believe this game is nearly 10 years old. It almost seems like yesterday when we were hyping the absolute fuck out of this game, watched an user LP an early release/pirated torrent file for Skyrim, and we were all hyping up for the upcoming SWTORtanic MMO in December.

What the fuck, time flies so fast that it's ridiculous.

Literal autism

>when The Outer Worlds did all of it better with better writing
Way to out yourself as an entirely uninteresting shitlib.

You are eternally a newfag.

Fucking yearlet.

I agree with him. Outer Worlds is better than Skyrim in most regards.
But either way, this is a shit vs a bit better shit situation.

can't believe people are getting pleb filtered by this game a decade after it was released.
I've played more "real" rpgs than you can count (planescape, arcana, baldurs, divinities, gothic, vampire, just to name a few) and skyrim is still my favorite game of all time.
Try playing it vanilla, and really try to understand its nuances rather than just looking at its surface, for skyrim is not a whore, that shows her everything to impress. It is a beautiful woman, and it is your mission to understand her.
I'll give a single hint to explain why you are viewing it wrong
>m-muh witcher has got more people
After my first play through I could name every single npc in whiterun, where they live, who their family is, who their enemies are, what they do for a living, and what their problems are. Can you say the same about any other game? Especially the fucking witcher?

Nigger skyrim is one of the easiest and simplest games out there.
This post is either a bait or you are a literal brainlet.

Fanboys will hate you, but it's true

Youre singing to a choir, newfag. If youve been here for more than a week, you'd know Yas Forums has a love (because of mods) / hate (because of everything else) relationship with this game.


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>can’t even play a game without cooming
God you fags are fucking pathetic.

>After my first play through I could name every single npc in whiterun, where they live, who their family is, who their enemies are, what they do for a living, and what their problems are. Can you say the same about any other game? Especially the fucking witcher?
who gives a fuck about the backstory of copy/paste npcs? only you

it's Dorks who make posts like yours OP
Chads play what they want

But why do people seem to get so into Skyrim and Oblivion too? I played Oblivion a lot when I was younger; basically going from quest to quest and killing things with my sword. Exploring really similar dungeons and ruins without the context of a quest was not interesting to me in Oblivion. I haven't played Skyrim.

you cant get pleb filtered by a game made for plebs you fucking moron. Skyrim is prole feed. It is a casualized experience in absolutely every facet. If its your favorite game, its because youve got shit for brains
> nuances

Skyrim is fucking trash

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All the mods in the world won't make Bethesda competent at writing

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Skyrim isn't an rpg

>One of the issues I think people don't seem to get is that last gen was SO fucking bad because of the focus on graphics

That would be ironic, because skyrim was pretty fucking ugly even in 2011. People forget this because of extensive modding and because its had at least two official facelifts since then. Skyrim looking okay in 2011 was dependent on you not getting an uninterrupted sightline because then you'd see the shoddy draw distances and unloaded cells, which would ruin the illusion.

Anyway, dragons dogma and dark souls were released the same year. Both markedly better games, both have better graphics and both have aged just fine, unlike skyrim which has aged like milk.

I dont think it was to do with a graphics focus at all. Bethesda has never made good games. Ever. Morrowind only stands head and shoulders above the rest of TES because of its writing and setting. Otherwise, all the TES games have the same basic problems, and bethesda seems unwilling or unable to come up with solutions. Probably because they lack any real competitors whatsoever in the prole feed open world rpg sandbox genre

Outer Worlds wasn't great but it was better than Skyrim and WAAAAAY better than Fallout 4

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Oblivion was fine

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Been replaying it recently. Don't care for the story, the farthest I've ever gotten was the fight for Whiterun. Exploring the open world is what makes it fun for me, and I normally hate open world games. The OST is goat too.

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>making sure the skeletons
you only need this for porn mods. degenerate

Its shit, but you can make it into sexy shit

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>what is it that stops dorks from being able to admit this game is shit, has always been shit?

>The combat is awful, the character development is awful, the writing ranges from serviceable to garbage, the quests are all dull and uninteresting, the lore doesn't match up with the world (the biggest "city" in the game is about the size of a feudal village and has none of the infrastructure that would logically be necessary. Seriously, random hick villages in witcher 3 of no importance at all made more sense), there is absolutely no choice and consequence to speak of and the world reactivity is nearly nonexistent making all actions feel pretty meaningless anyway despite how the game tries to drum up epic themes. The rare joy to be found in this game is in actively avoiding anything to do with the story and just exploring the world and finding unique trinkets in caverns and dungeons, or stumbling across some intrigue or fuck off big monster, but that doesnt last very long due to how poor the core systems of gameplay are.

>> yeah...but.. mods!!
>People spend more time modding this fucking game then they do playing it, even the most itinerant fanboy will readily admit that, yet no one seems to want to admit its because the core issues are still present no matter how many mods you chuck in, and thats the other thing, it begs the question: if your game needs 500 fucking mods (not at all an exaggeration. Some mod guides are 800+) to be playable isnt it objectively a BAD game? Plenty of games have benefited from a rich modding scene, but all those other games are still good games without the mods. Thats without mentioning that almost zero mods that are frequently advocated for do sweet fuck all for the gameplay, such 500+ modlists mostly consisting of trying to replace every single texture and mesh in the game or turning the women into anime dolls.

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I just want an RPG that uses Mordhau's combat sytem