Favourite game by these lads?

Favourite game by these lads?

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Nioh 1 and 2

Armored Core: Last Raven


Armored Core Formula Front

Sekiro and Armored Core 3

Is Evergrace any good?

Echo Night II, King's Field III, Kuon, and Shadow Tower Abyss are the only correct answers.


Bloodborne like all chads

The last truly great AC game

That'd be 4A.
LR and 4A are the top 2 ACs, with Nexus 3 and SL a little behind them

>That'd be 4A.


It's a literal "Demon's Soul version pre-Alpha" and it's shitty as hell. Forever Kingdom (it's prequel), it's slightly better, but...it's a prequel of a garbage game, so...

Thanks for agreeing with me.


In this order out of all the games I've played by them.

1. Dark Souls
2. Demon Souls
3. Bloodborne
4. Dark Souls 2
5. Dark Souls 3
6. Sekiro

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Ninja Blade

shit taste, soulspleb

Suck my dick, bitch.

I tried playing King's Field IV but Jesus Christ, how did they make 4 games with that gameplay? It takes forever to turn around, it's like you are a robot on wheels.

IV is the best, but yeah it can be kind of ass

Darksoul 2

Echo Night has the same problem. I've played a lot of shitty horror walking sims where the player character moves at a snail's pace to pad the game out but none of them compare to how infuriatingly slow movement is in Echo Night. It's literally a snail's pace.

Bitch I've 100%'d entirety of Echo Night and King's Field (all four of them PLUS the PC-exclusive remake of the first one) when you haven't even been born yet. ESAD.


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Based but what the fuck is this meme of "before you were even born" as if it adds to the discussion?

What is the best Souls clone?


Nioh 2.

>loves pleb AC game
>calls others pleb

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you niggas are just saying non-Souls games to look cool. Armored Core has nothing on modern FromSoft titles.

>that gameplay? It takes forever to turn around, it's like you are a robot
>King's Field IV

You're a truly s-o-ygargling zoom-zoom of a NEWFAG if you think KF IV, which had MASSIVE quality of life improvements by the end of the series (and KF III had MASSIVE improvements over II, and II was a major leap over I), is any same as the very first game. You are the very definition of the word S-O-Y.

Yes, this is why you're worse than a pleb. Accept the fact that you have drone tastes and move on.

It means you've been born just recently and you don't jack shit because you're a zoom-zooming s-o-ygargling hipster of a toddler.

I just wanted to talk about my favourite developer what the fuck is this nonsense

Lords of the fallen.


Based Souls 2

In term of what? The good AC games like Nexus/LR/4/4FA hold up much better than Demons/Dark Soul today. My favorite from their Souls era is Sekiro but it's far from perfect and I didn't think it was that good.
Besides mechas >>> Tolkien fantasy

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DeS, DS3, BB and DS in that order.

Tenchu: Wrath of Heaven

King's Field IV is like a dungeon crawler but honestly King's Field IV has better map/level layout than any Souls game.

>mechas >>> tolkien fantasy
I'd call you based but facts so obvious need not be said

Dark Souls, it's the only game I'll ever need.

Lost kingdoms 2

fite me

t. soulspleb who hasn't played a single Armored Core game

You know I'm right, though.

are you honestly trying to imply the Souls games are Tolkien Fantasy

Contrarian opinion: Otogi
Honest opinion: DaS

hey guys xD check out my totally hipster ironic opinion lole

Nah that's the countless DOOM FLOPPED threads

Why would I? It is literally the correct answer. Multiplayer is super fun too.

>how dare you be a long-time from soft fan
Fuck off


You're a literal zoomer.


Armored Core and anything before Dark Souls is irrelevant

t. falseflagger

Those are old ass games, nobody gives a shit about their old franchises except a few contrarian boomers

Otogi 2

Dark souls 1