Where were you when Yas Forumsiggers got filtered hard by the most basic ammo management system?

Where were you when Yas Forumsiggers got filtered hard by the most basic ammo management system?

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>chainsaw cutscene
>ammo management
Yeah and i guess the people who don't like the constant glory kills are getting filtered by the melee combat system

They are. Fuckin' faggot.

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*blocks your path*

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>animation lasts less than one second
Why are there people on Yas Forums so completely bent on hating glorykills so much?

Wow, shoot it in the turret. So hard. Or get past the tutorial and just burst it with heavy weapons.

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>1 second animation every 15 seconds
And thats for the glory kills. The chainsaw kills are like 4-6 seconds long. It adds up and its annoying. 2016 wasnt nearly as bad since you could just shoot through the stun. In eternal you NEED to do the glory kills for health and chainsaw for ammo constantly.

>The chainsaw kills are like 4-6 seconds long
Why lie? It's not like you don't have a case to make an argument with otherwise.

Playing a different game because I don't feel like making a bethesdanet account

*enters arena*
*immediately rapes your health bar to zero before you even turn around*

is it me or are mancubi like 10x harder in this game than 2016

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Can't say I'm a big fan of constantly having to chainsaw to get ammo.
I'm not "filtered" as I don't run out of ammo because I use the mechanics, it's just not nearly as fun as the developers think it is. I prefer the old style where we had a decent supply and you had to collect from the map and occasionally from random enemies dropping them.

>based with a dash of red pilled my fellow 4channer, I to pretend to hate on every new game ever because I'm too scared of telling others I like a game and leaving myself open to be made fun of.

just consume, don't think

> Doomguy has a fortress???
> who the hell is that Khan?
> Who asked for that ghostking?!
> Whoever asked for story in a shoot em up game/hack an slash game


I know I need to get UP but I don't know how

They’re a lot spammier for sure, probably to incentivize breaking the cannons

>4 mancubi enter an arena and all start buttfucking you
>just hit the cannons lol
thanks id!

Use screw attack, or if you don't have it, learn to walljump.

the one with the pulverizers? stand on the green thing and shoot the green button to bring you up to the next gate

Honestly the people criticizing Doom are the ones not thinking. Serious fps fans not on Yas Forums are capable of explaining in detail why the game is good. Autistic contrarian zoomers on here just flat out make shit up to dislike in the game.

It's kinda bothering me that you constantly have to run around like a spastic fuck and you take damage even while moving and strafing, it feels like there is no way to avoid getting hit. You can't stop for even a second to try and aim for that spider demon's turrent with the sniper extension, because the AI detects immediately that you stopped so it spawns 3 other small monsters and triple speed them around your flank and hit your for 75% damage before you even realize what happened, or that the AI can even do that.

Not even multiplayer arena shooters feel this forced to constantly move around. It feels more like Quake 3 or Unreal Tournament than Doom, and I'm not entirely sure yet if this is a good thing or not.

>4-6 seconds
Are we playing the same game?

facing the green meaty breakable wall to the left is a pulverizer that goes up and down and it hides a path to the right where you can actually break that meaty wall
once you break it you just stand on the platform and shoot the green thing

I smirked

increase your IQ retard

I'd rather manage my ammo myself.

>It's bad because you have to move around!
>in a Doom game

I don't recall any of the Doom games being a series Tom and Jerry scenes between doomguy and 4-5 other demons all running around in a room at mach 2.5 speed, where you run out of ammo every second.

fuck off commie

Bugs Bunny was always fat in the old cartoons. They are just staying true to the source material. why are people getting so mad at Chungus Eternal?

Yas Forums and Yas Forums in general has always been contrarian

popular thing = bad
unpopular thing= good

What the fuck is happening to v, you fags loved the first new room game. What's wrong with this one? You fags literally created rip and tear. What the fuck is happening to 4channel?

Make that a thousand demons and it's every slaughtermap


Rip and Tear was a joke from like a decade ago. It's like if Warhammer made the Angry Marines canon.

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i'm sorry mr. zenimax shill, next time try making a better game

>What the fuck is happening to 4channel?
Stormfront shilling drove away everyone who wasn't a huge faggot way back in 2012

the chainsaw kill is 1-2 seconds long. why lie?

This is how Yas Forums has always been. Contrarian shitposting and general edginess.

>not liking generic casual western garbage fps for zoomers is edgy

Of course you are a chinkshitter who is assmad that the gooks he worships can't into fps

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running from enemies and shoot them with your gun is not interesting

Maybe uh, run around them, dash into them and melee them to stun them, use the grenades and the flamethrower and get that dough?

Reddit has taken control.
Also Zoomers and contrarian just for the sake of it.

I like it so far but having to stop every 10-20 seconds and use the chainsaw is annoying. Not a game ruiner, but still definitely annoying.

reddit loves zoom eternal, try again

Me and my friend are long time buds, but he is a giant idiot in this game. He chooses ultra violence for his first difficulty and whines that the game is too hard. No matter how much I tell him to just switch to hurt me plenty until he learns the mechanics more, he just won't have it. Stop getting angry at the game for being difficult if you choose the difficulty.

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Glory kills leave you open for attacks and the health gained is not worth it when playing on very high difficulty levels where 2 attacks in succession kill you, best way to play is to kill the demons purely with your guns and only ever use chainsaw for ammo. You still get health from monsters even if you don't do glory kills.

I'm out of ammo here let me pop that ammo pinata all right back into action

Haha imagine if I had worry about ammo conservation big guns go brrrrrr

Whereas I hate the ammo piñata system, I think it's overall better for the game to not give you huge ammo pools on each gun, forcing you to cycle between your entire arsenal.
In original dooms, you'd have so much ammo on your weapons, you could clear entire maps with just using one gun.
They could just give you random ammo drops when you kill demons similar to health and have bit more ammo sprinkled around zones, instead of this chainsaw bullshit, have the chainsaw function as it did in the originals.

There also should be a game mode where there's no glory kills, I despise this "shoot enemy until it glows and gets stunned for 5 seconds and then press a button near it", I don't want the enemies to fucking glow and get stunned, I want them to die instead.

It’s not so bad to play. I am enjoying playing it. It’s not as good as 2016 but it’s definitely still fun.

But the vibe is totally wrong. That’s what kills me. The looney-toons GULP when the Caco eats your grenade and then the champagne-cork POP when his eye comes out, it’s all so fucking stupid. Fucking rainbow colored ammo drops everywhere, I hate the weird “floating asteroid space base” too.

Taken in isolation the gameplay isn’t bad but unless it really REALLY opens up, I don’t really see me playing it again once I’ve beaten it. I’ll just go back and re-re-replay 2016 if the mood strikes me.

>There also should be a game mode where there's no glory kills

there is a cheat that removes ammo/health/armor dropped by enemies

cant believe how many people got filtered by this game. it's surprising, really. flame belch and chainsaw to gain resources is such a simple concept yet people can't figure it out. I've tuned in and out of twitch streams and people just complain how there is not enough armor/ammo. what the fuck is wrong with people lol. once you learn the meat hook/flame belch/chainsaw combo you basically become unstoppable

I don’t think that’s his point.

Where's the fuck is the KAR EN TUK soundtrack


yes, the famine cheat, but it doesn't stop the enemies from getting stunned for solid 5 seconds and glowing orange

everyone loves doom eternal user

I think it's just alright so far. I really hate being forced to break the flow of combat with the chainsaw every 10 seconds but I assume it gets better as you upgrade. I'll hold my final judgement til midgame.

>muh nazi
>muh pol
Yas Forums was swastika posting in habbo hotel and calling people niggers back in 2007

>implying you were even born
you read that in encyclopedia dramatica

switch weapons more and combo flame belch + chainsaw. You will also be able to carry more ammo/more ammo types later on.

>being out of ammo
This I don’t understand. I mean, yes, I have to rely on chainsaw from time to time, and it’s not an ideal state of affairs, but after the first ammo upgrade you just don’t go through ammo fast enough for it to be a nuisance.

I mean 18 sticky grenades is a lot of sticky grenades.

ammocucks keep seething

I really think that some of the crystal upgrades should have been swapped with the runes. Having faster glory kills shouldn’t be a rune slot, same with better air mobility.

You know that can be turned off in the fucking settings, you retard?

The +com_skipSignInManager 1 thing to skip the login doesn't seem to work with the IGG version.
Has anybody made it?

After Yas Forums absolutely hated Witcher 3, I realised that their opinions are worth shit
every time Yas Forums says a game is shit i know its 10/10


The glow can be, not the 5 second stagger.

How about just “when a demon hits glory kill stagger, it just dies and drops ammo” without the canned animation?

The combat system ruined Witcher 3 for me.
It just becomes boring very quickly.

>swing sword in Dark Souls
>can't move during or cancel it
wooooooow it's like watching another cutscene

So is Sekiro and DMCV both shit games?

Yas Forums also said Gone Home and Anthem were shit, I guess those are both masterpieces

I don’t have the Ballista yet; someone who’s there, is its Siege Mode as satisfying and OP as 2016’s?

So far I’m only using combat shotgun grenades to kill everything, and in 2016 all I used was that and Siege blasts. I’m wondering if my style will still hold.

Painfully average game for painfully average gaymers...also betheshit...NEXT.

it has two siege modes now
one charges a regualr shot that also explodes later
the other one charges longer and unleashes a big horizontal wave