This game is 10/10 AND it's on sale

$25 for the $100 Ultimate edition on steam. It comes with Assasins Creed 3. I recommend you play THAT piece of shit so you can appreciate how awesome Odyssey is.

Games I like:
Shadow of Mordor
Splinter Cell
Black Flag

Games I hate:
Witcher 3
Assassins Creed 3

If you have similiar tastes, get this game.

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>Games I hate:
>Witcher 3

Shit taste and odysseus confirmed as shit game.

Ubisoft is a trash company that makes trash games and anybody who plays their trash is a dick sucking faggot.

Not buying any post-AC2 AC game without a complete edition. I don't care how cheap it is.

>for the $100 Ultimate edition
Shit like this is why I'll never EVER give money to Ubijew. Pirate forever. I don't even pirate their games anymore though.

Post yfw Denuvo removal added around 10 fps to Orgins. Fuck these kikes.

Odyssey is a worse witcher 3, why wouldn't you like both?

Fuck off shill

>p-please buy my game

Playing it right now cuz its free weekend.
Honestly its better than I expected it to be, but I can see this setting get boring really fast.
Not to mention the plot is mediocre, and sidequests so far are shallow. Its just go there, kill enemies, or/and bring items back.
Definitely not a 10/10 game. More like a 7/10.

I own the base game on steam. If I install, will it be added to my uplay? I have 10 euros credit for buying anno 1800. Are the dlc for odyssey good? Might spend it on those.

its soulless trash

>This game is 10/10

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Kassandra a cute

>games i like:

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The sidequests are not your typical sidequests where you get this super ultra rare item and or ability like in most games but in odyssey they're there literally just for xp and to pad your time and maybe some lore, that's about it.

Onions fanboy. Witcher 3 is bandwagon trash
Ok. Kys
What do you mean complete edition?
Yeah, I watched the reviews before I bought it. They are real scum, but the game is so good... I'm really sucked in and it's only been a few hours.
>they think i work for ubisoft
Get a fucking grip
My only complaint is it's too easy because the AI is dumb. I'm playing on Nightmate difficulty and just assassinate a base 1 guy at a time. Maybe 10 is too high, but 9/10 for me because I am definitely going to waste 50+ hours on it.
Sorry user, I have no idea. I just started it last night.
Wtf The voiceacting is terrible, but it's an open world, attack-the-base-however you want, RPG set in ancient Greece. I really like it.
What trash are you playing?
I'm playing the dude. Never liked playing as women in any game.

It's not a 10/10 game. It's good, very good, but the map is way too fucking huge, and the only difficulty it knows is bullet sponge, so far from a 10/10.

>overly long and below average story
>bland characters
>grindy gameplay that's just a copy of AC Origins
>setting is wasted as everything is repetitive
>even the OST is just meh

just buy AC Origins guys

lol, no it's not, ubishill

Aw the little shill is upset no one likes his boring grind fest lmao seethe harder faggot

Do not listen to this shill. The game is trash. Pirate it and see for yourself

This game is literally Witcher 3 with an AC skin. How can you hate Witcher 3 but like this garbage.

Oddesey is really trash. They should remove the level scaling if they want the grind to fucking matter.

The optimization is shoddy, animations leave a lot to be desired. I wouldn't buy it at its current price.

It's too damn big for its own good but playing as Alexios is a rollicking good time.

Are you...too good for Skyrim?
Ok 10/10 is too much. I had my expectations ultra low because I played AC3 right before this. AC3 is a 0/10 game.
I'm only a few hours in, and I dont intend to rush through. This is a perfect quarantine game.

>another pseudo-rpg
>ruins the lore even harder than origins did
yeah no. as far as i'm concerned, this series ended with ac4

Is it better than Origins which was pretty fun even if it was bland and lacked a good story and was just a basic rpg?

>This game is 10/10
if hiroshikike didn't ban me from uploading to shill his 4shit pass you would drown in smug anime bitches

Odyssey is trash.
Last good Assassins Creed game was Black Flag.

Witcher 3 was never that great

This board is fucking dead.

>Games I like:
>Games I hate:
>Witcher 3
>If you have similar tastes, get this game
I'll save money then

How annoying is the uplay shit because I don't recall my uplay acct details.

>If you like the game YOU WORK FOR UBISOFT.
Holy shit faggots, take your fucking pills. Idgaf if you pirate it.
I had really high expectations for Witcher 3 based on the reviews. That game made me fucking HATE angryjoe for being such a onions. I was expecting Skyrim but with vampires and stuff. Instead I got extremely boring missions and the worst combat in any game ever. I should add that I never played Witcher 1 or 2.
Well worth $25 to me.
I havent even zoomed out in the map yet. I want to be suprised.


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> paying

It's origins with 50x the bloat, worse gameplay and a terrible story

>This game is 10/10 AND it's on sale

fucking cancer game and a faggot shill op

Can I complete this game in under 4 hours? I don’t want to waste my time if it sucks.

>Idgaf if you pirate it.

It has better combat but everything else is a downgrade. Worse main character, the world is three times as big but with more stuff copy pasted, tombs are all copy paste mazes unlike the variety you had with tombs in Origins, none of the choices they give you matter outside of like three in the main story to the point that there's quests to permanently side with Athens/Sparta that allow you to immediately betray them without them caring, the Cult of Kosmos are 99% throwaway characters who have no backstory outside of a blurb on their menu essentially making them glorified mercenaries, they split combat into Hunter/Warrior/Assassin which means bows are useless for a majority of the game and you have to specifically build into a crit build if you want to kill anything higher than a low level mook, the Adrestia is the weakest ship in the series rivaling the Experto Crede, and it's simply bloated.

It looks pretty though.

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>Single player "AAA" game
Uh-huh, continue.

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Thanks. Guess I’ll pirate it just to take a peak myself.

>there are anons here that think a multi-million dollar company is hiring me to shill their $25 game 18 months after the release date
Alright, I'm gonna stop opening this thread before one of these psychos posts spoilers. I don't work for Steam or Ubisoft. I made a thread a few days ago asking if I should get this or Far Cry 5, because they're both over 50% off. Just updating with my opinion. Cya

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Assassins Creed game that's not even a true Assassins Creed 10/10?

lol naaaaah.

>Games I like:

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It's fun but it's just so samey. I've played the game for like 50 hours over a few months and it feels like nothing has changed in terms of what I'm doing. Even something like the Witcher has different enemies and environments to mix things up, but I'm fighting the exact same generic soldiers in tbe exact same generic camps that I was when the game started. Also 3 is unironically better than this one.

Why Greeks look like arabs in this game?

Thanks fren. Looks just as bad as I thought. I’ll still pirate just to look at shiny graphics.

Uuh can't I just pirate it?

shut uuuuuuuup

i love the setting

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cassies body was such a fucking disappointment, ubishit couldnt be arsed to make a different model for her so they just reused the frame from alexios

You really should have gotten Far Cry 5.

Don’t buy this game it’s literally the worst in the franchise. If you thought assassins creed was already generic or boring years ago it takes everything bad about the franchise and dials it up to 10 while shitting on the lore, characters, modern day story, and gameplay, which is this hodgepodge of an rpg Witcher 3 knock off thing with bad animations. AC Unity literally had better animations.

look how mad this faggot is

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The only good AC games are 1 and 2, everything after that is just a schizos wet dream.
>Animus gives you time travel powers
>Templar’s invade your country
>You are an assassin and defend your country
>Famous religious object set in a religious war
>Said object is very powerful and you have to safeguard it at all costs
Ok pretty good
AC2 is where it starts getting schizo
>Earth will be destroyed
>It’s not about the religious object anymore but rather about some sort of crazy gods that can create anything
Yeah ok. The games after that are even worse so I didn’t play too many of them.

Fishing is so comfy in this game, the soundtrack is annoying tho

AC Odyssey is the first AC which didn't suck since Blackflag, it is def. worth playing, but Witcher 3 is great.

(still me) the main character does seem lifeless since the lines has to work for both the male and female character. (why didn't they get 2 seperate lines?). But the combat system is fun, the leveling system is good and the world is fun to explore. cultist hunting is cool and getting hunted by mercs makes stuff interesting.

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>Likes ass creed, shadow of Mordor, Skyrim
>Hates Witcher 3
So you hate video games

The quality gap between Far Cry 5 and AC is insane. Far Cry is so much better it's not even funny.