Play his game Yas Forums. It's the last thing he has after going insane from PTSD

Play his game Yas Forums. It's the last thing he has after going insane from PTSD

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What's it called and what's it about? Guy looks cute. Rpgmaker game?


Fuck off and take your cringe porn game with you.

Based Yas Forumsposter who is okay with all games except the porn ones

>He doesnt make every npc in his game into a futa with an enormous cock
Cringe and bluepilled desu

Magnitudes of Sordidity




Angles of Degeneracy.

Degrees of Lewidity
there I said it, ban me


Machines when?

>enormous cock
>no belly bulge
Why even bother?

Simulator of London.

All I want is to consensually get molested by the swim teacher, is that too much to ask?

What fetishes would you like to be added to the game? Extra points for anything obscure or very specific.

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Exploration of Cuckoldry

Call of Rapethulu.

Vanilla, Handholding, Happy Sex, Marriage.

>mountain of text with 10 pointless radiobuttons and one link "1) next"
>click 1
>mountain of exactly the same text with 3 different words and the same fucking radiobuttons all over again, and one link "1) next"
>click 1
>rinse repeat x 30

Every single fucking encounter. And being that you get 20 of those encounters a day, and it takes weeks to months make any progress in the actual game whether it's about making money or getting skills... what the fuck seriously? It's repetitive as shit, and boring as fuck too. I mean the good parts are ok but jesus you have to wade through like 99.999% shit to find that 00.001% good.

As gay shota harem leader, force Whitney into submission by commanding Kylar and Robin to bone, piss on, and otherwise degrade him. That and more consensual, long-term relationships.

Why the fuck doesn't it have belly bulge yet anyway considering how big you can make the cocks, author is a fucking dumbass.

>finally get home
>robin was sold into sex slavery
>i get kidnapped and sold into sex slavery

Fuck you Baily.

It already covers my most very specific fantasy of being a helpless and vulnerable girl in a miniskirt walking alone in a dark forest while being stalked by horny wolves. It's like this game was meant for my dick
Anyways I'd love it if you could be recruited to act in adult movies, like those young girls in JAV who get interviewed while sitting in a couch and wearing a micro bikini

hypnosis, but you are the one who get hypnotized into a dumb mindless slave

My nigger

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shills are not welcome

>Can't even get anyone gregnat
>The most retarded interactivity/action system ever

I think adding more would just "dilute the pool" so to speak.
My preference would be for more content to be distributed as it exists.
>There's an option to play as a trap, but no character who actively feminizes you.
>There's hypnosis fetish character, but last I played nothing quite "ties in" to it plot wise, and there's no "non-malicious" mind control
>Transformation is a thing, but again last I checked it's not a "fail-state" it doesn't add options, it's just a "thing in the game.
Fetishes shouldn't just be a checklist, they should be added as they serve the game/story, so that each fetish gets the time and attention to REALLY appeal to those who like it.


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Tell us more user. You get hypnotised into doing some very lewd/degrading stuff in the asylum, but it generally only lasts for a single encounter. Did you want the effects to last longer or be more intense?

But Whitney is 10x better if it's a her instead. Most of the NPCs are.

How the fuck do I escape the asylum through the tentacle world?
I've been there for fucking days now

Based, that would be so hot.

>casting couch interview content

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is this the next undertale/ddlc? if so i'll play it


Exactly this, but with some forced feminization mixed in.

Fuck which cartoon is that?

>Not preganté


the game force you to visit the hypnotist every saturday, after while you are forced steal underwears from your classmates and more embarrsing things in front of them

>tfw can't get pregananant

12 forever my dude

Whitney, Kylar, Doren and most of the unimportant characters (except for the doc and the nun) work way better as males, though. That's a fact.

I think the whole system needs a complete overhaul. The current gameplay is fucking abysmal. Replace the "every 'page' is 3 pages long, with a wall of text and 10 different radio button menus each with 5 choices, and then there's 30 of these pages every single encounter with barely anything different but being forced to reclick the radio buttons and scroll down to click next page every single mother fucking time" bullshit with something that remotely resembles usability.

As in, the text AND the functions should fit into a single page so you don't have to scroll at all. The several radiobutton menus should go, and replaced with a simple choice:
>"fight back / submit / enjoy", possibly "undress"
Whether they fuck you up the ass or cunt or mouth should be a random roll or down to separate preferences in options, not something you need to pick yourself every single fucking time, while manually excluding every single other option every single time too.
And the aside from some special rare scenes, the typical stranger / dog encounter fuck scenes should be just a few pages long, not fucking 30 pages of 10 multiple choice questionnaires each requiring scrolling.

This would also enable more variation to the encounters. For example swarms right now are just separate entities taking turn, they don't feel swarms at all.

As for fetishes, I've always had just one primary fetish: creature inside. Worms, maggots, snakes, slimes, slugs, insects or some weird cthulhu style alien creatures, crawling deep inside and not coming out, making you just cum over and over and over until they exit much much later.

How the fuck do I get pulled aside by daddy Doren? I want to hug him.

kill yout fuckign self

Get absolutely caked in semen and pray that sensei notices you. The boy's toilet is your friend.
As an alternative you can masturbate in class, but that's unreliable at best.

Gender Bender without queer shit.

Oh so the rest is fine but you draw the line a worms? Ok. Enjoy your autism brah.

Why can’t the mc be the dickgirl?
Also fisting

Thanks, I've tried masturbating in class like a million times but he never notices that way, I guess I'll try the cumcake method.

I just started playing this game, how long does it actually take to increase your stats? I did loads of school work and got molested like 20 times and my stats have barely changed. Am I in for JRPG levels of grinding?


The only time a developer stated they had PTSD was wollay

One of the tiles in there has an exit you can just take
Good luck finding it, I'm pretty sure it's randomized

>End product turned out to be dogshit
thanks depression

You know you can just press Enter during combat to automatically pick the same choices as the previous turn, right?

For seduction and skulduggery, yes. The rest you can max in minimal amounts of time.

Want people to piss inside me once they're done fucking me

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Dude I am a homosexual
Read about this event chain on the wiki, it’s cute as fuck. Hoping for a similar thing with Mason. He could be lifeguard at the beach and scold you for stripping naked before he reluctantly lets you be his buttslut.

I just want make Gregnant with big belly

They can, you just need to play for a few minutes so you can get the boob pills

>dude taking boob pills
That just makes you a tranny. At least have some self-respect and play as a trap.

I can't tell what level of irony you're operating on so I'll just call you a faggot

I want to marry Kylar. I want to indulge all of Kylar's wants and desires. I want to impregnate Kylar and start a family with her. I want to stain my body with Kylar's scent. I want to run my tongue all over Kylar. I love them.
Please god more Kylar content.


>option to turn all animals into monstergirls already exists
i'm good thanks

Would Kylar get a womb implant just so he could have my child. I want to claim all of him for me.