Animal Crossing thread. Unfortunately this one is a huge disappointment. 6/10 at best

Animal Crossing thread. Unfortunately this one is a huge disappointment. 6/10 at best.

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I bet my left nut that you haven't even played it.

So what do I sell early on for maximum bell's, and what should I keep for crafting?

What is fortunately a small fulfilment? 10/6 at worst?

I remembered this game sucks if you don't have a gf or bf to play with but luckily they added skinner box nookbux so I can grind pointless tasks to pretend like I'm having fun

What time does the day reset when will the museum be finished?

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Takes 2 days for museum to finish

just happened for me.
needed more sticks for that fuckin axe so this is great

Tarantulas go for 8k each. Not baiting. Rare fish too like the sturgeon and red snapper

Is 17 new fish out of 38 caught good? And are sturgeons, football fish, or red snappers rare?
Also anyone else pick island B? I’ve stranded myself on 1/2 the island since I can’t get the museum to open yet.

>tfw my delivery's not coming through till 9pm tonight

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Neat, will look out for those since I'm southern hemisphere chad
Also, I bought stuff from nook terminal but I dont see it anywhere, is there a delivery time?

Island B? There’s like 40 different variations they just offer 4 random ones to you

>Got New Leaf at launch
>Finally caught the tarantula last month after 7+ years of playing and having to be time traveling scum
>Have already fucked up catching the tarantula
I guess the goal will be to simply catch it before the next new Animal Crossing comes out

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what do i do if i destroyed all the rocks on my island
do the big ones respawn? or am i fucked?

The game is based on progression, you can't rate it with only playing it for a day

Does anyone know how to get more than one island per system? Im sharing my switch with my brother and now Im stuck with living on his island

I need help naming my island please help :(

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>trying to force a TORtanic with Animal Crossing of all games
get a life

You didn't play the game.OP is a liar

Sticks aren't a finite ressource, just shake those trees.

GC animal crossing is still the best.

>Does anyone know how to get more than one island per system?
You can't.


Can the museum be moved after you place it?

>you got cucked

This they already told months ago, the game can only create one island per system and up to 8 different characters, but on the other hand you can play 4 characters at the same time if you have the controllers for it
My only doubt is if this game second character is as restricted as New Leaf. I also did share the same title with my brother but that one had the serious issue of the first player became the mayor and access to everything, but the second one was only a villager and could do basic stuff like Animal Crossing for GC

Not him but how does this affect the museum? I'm fine with sharing an island with my flatmate IF I can stock the museum myself

let's face it I'll share it anyway


pee pee island

I'm not sure, I assume both share the same museum but each one has their own cell phone with their own checklist of catch bugs and fishes, so if you want to complete you do have to get everything yourself either way

Is there only one potential new villager per day? I did two plane trips and the same villager was on both islands


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They respawn. You'd be screwed otherwise. IT takes a day.

if you have a switch and switch lite can you access the same island on both devices with your cloud save?

There's no cloud save for AC and that's not how cloud saves work anyway.

Is it really? So where should it go on Yas Forums's ranking of Switch exclusives? Mid or low tier?

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>life simulation game isn’t even out for 24 hours
>hurt durr it sucks because I’m a shut in with no friends fuck you nintendoooooo!!!!!

Stop posting this dreadful list.


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>Tent and area surrounding it has about 10 fish/insects
>Inventory also full of fish/insects, even with the first inventory expansion
>Blathers and house coming tomorrow (under an hour from now)
Pretty good first day; only problem is that one of my villagers is an ugly fucking elephant.

If you aren't a buyfag cuckold, you can use a save tool to backup your island and then just restore it when you want to switch. I've got one, my sister's got one, if you really wanted to go crazy you could have dozens of islands. Hell, if you don't get banned, you can just fill a town with money and let people come and take it all, and then restore the backup to double your money every time.

>regular tools break
>tutorial lasts for multiple days rather than the span of an hour
>hourly music doesn't kick in until the huge ass tutorial is over

anybody else getting 2154-0107 setting up nooklink or visiting an island?

Holy fuck is this one dull. Even duller than NL.

Haven't played it myself yet. What's boring about it?

You got unlucky. I did 3 islands so far, mouse chicken and Drago on last

>Low tier
Betting 1 millions bells the nigga who made this didn't play it and just saw the Metacritic rating.

The first days are long ass tutorials. I also genuinely don't like how part of the island is inaccessible when you first start. What if I wanted to put my tent near that comfy corner beyond the river? Well, I fucking can't.

You can move the tent.

>he isn't quarantined

Can you move your house?

I don't want to restart

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Its actually the best in the series teh nook miles turned it into an actual game.
>but muh isolation
You can still play like that if you want, but you wont, because its fucking boring and you cant bring yourself to admit that the GC game is shit with nothing to do other than the asshole villagers

What is it about the fruit? Why do people mostly want oranges?

Can you make more than one character? How do delete your first character?

When do I get the stick to jump rivers?
I'm getting cucked with building placement because I can only access like 1/6th of my island.

I'm bored of the game already

What am I meant to do?

Zoom zoom detected.
Animal crossing is supposed to be boring you faggot

Nothing. There's nothing TO do. You'll rush through the first few upgrades until they start requiring an investment that would make you burn out if you tried to farm it all in one day, and then you'll quit.

This is a game you play for an hour a day occasionally. Not something you rush through.

Little Saint James

Is there any way to get the jingle when I talk to villagers? I miss that from population growing. Was it removed in games after it? I havent played since GC

>didn't get blathers up or my house upgrade qued before 5AM because i slept
>now i have to wait another day
fuck this

How? This will be good info if I decide I want my house somewhere else.


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Where do I get some hard wood and iron nuggets?
I'm trying to make my own DIY workbench

Nevermind, just have to use a different account for more characters.

Hardwood: Axe trees
Iron: Shovel rocks.

Hardwood you get from chopping random trees with an axe.

Not sure about nuggets.

When you name your island will npc's call it "(name) island"? Or just (name)?

like when you start talking to someone in Population Growing. It plays the town jingle. do dooo do do dooo do do do do


It's actually pretty boring can't believe I bought a switch for this

You get a town tune once you upgrade from a tent plaza to a permanant plaza with isabelle.

how and when do tarantuals appear?
and why is it so hard?

haven't played AC in ages so can't remember sorry

They just call it call it (name).

Both of my villagers have unibrows

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You get the shovel recipe when Blathers comes along with the vault pole to cross rivers.

>It's actually pretty boring
>not even halfway through DAY ONE

The fucking state of zoomers.

Why would you start a 6/10 thread? Your next thread should be better!

Hazel is based tho

>how and when do tarantuals appear?
Randomly at night in new horizons, you usually see at least two of them.

>and why is it so hard?
If you missed the net swing, it attacks you.

Day 1 only has two hours of content, so yes it's boring.

They aren't rare this time.
I've already caught one and gotten bitten by two.

in that case I'm in the same situation as I didn't want to put blathers's tent down because I wanted to put it at the other side of the river. So I waited until the next day to see if they'd give me the vaulting pole

Caught a Tarantula at like 3-4 AM, so late night/dusk.
Gotta catch them like you would an angry bee swarm coming at you.