Doesn't own Quake 2, 4 or Doom 3

>doesn't own Quake 2, 4 or Doom 3

Solid taste Doom Slayer

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Oh My God, Are Those References? YAAAAAAAAAAAAAASSSSSSSS!!!

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He also owns a book why you should respect minorities and LGBt people.


Quake 2 was good


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Yas Forums is so easily triggered, I swear to god.

>”wow this is gay”

>dork norkem

Multiplayer was fun tho

>this level of cope



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excellent shitpost dear sir

God this game is absolute kino and the more it causes seethe the more you know it's true

I wonder if he also bought one of these.
Even the Doom Slayer could fall for Todd's lies

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>von braun

nice system shock 2 reference


>Mesa Science Monthly
>Predicting Unforeseen Consequences
I wonder who wrote this.

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You can`t be serious.


Holy fucking shit.

this is so poorly made its actually embarrassing
seeth more and dilate

>being this autistic
once again Yas Forumscucks show their low intelligence
if anything its making fun of the extreme lgbt people

Todd is a demon, it's the only explanation for how he keeps getting away with it

Doom Zoomer is Todd's property

Speaking of that, you DID buy my latest game. Right?

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So what's the password on the computer? I tried rip and tear but it didn't work

>dopefish is actually hidden in the cultist base level
>he doesn't live because you blow him up for an extra life

Why are you though?

Quake 4 has the best multiplayer id ever made.

those games are extras not masterpieces.

Y-yes sir.. b-but it was just the standard edition.

You WHAT?!?

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A BOMB Defusal Manual

There's another dopefish on a hook close to the beginning of that area.

The nod to Devil Daggers is nice.

>Ken Levine representation

i really like quake 2

Grogan Froman?

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Those people could make an amazing horror game.

>doesnt own masters of doom

>no Masters of Doom

No. I didn’t even pirate them

This is freaking cool

does "daisy" work?

i think this is peak cringe (having a "mancave" is pathetic to begin with), but if the shooting is good and the useless filler content an be easily ignored, i won't care

what was the problem with that rum exactly?

Okay, did we ask?

they advertised it as being the same bottle as the game but as you can see its just a crap plastic cover for a normal bottle

did I ask?

The shooting is good but the useless filler content certainly can't be ignored. Like half the levels are platforming and the best fights I've played this far are the optional arenas.

the bottle design also fucking sucks, really hard to pour it without the liquid falling on the table.

It might, although it doesn't fit the length, rip and tear with the red asterik as spaces fit perfectly

Doom 3 wasnt developed by ID.

fuck off fucking dick head cunt, i'll break your fucking jaw.

>2 prey or not 2 prey

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>doesn't fit the length

oh and I guess add two underscores after the letters and numbers

There are also some gags on movie titles but they aren't as funny as the game title gags

Normally I dislike shoe-in references like this but these are all based games
>System Shock 2
>Deus Ex
>fucking Devil Daggers