Gamer submissiveness

Is anyone else tired of how all the games feature this "MVP / character to the front, everyone sees themselves as the leading figure in poster" ideology? Are there any other people in Yas Forums who want to be in the background. Not like "ooh I'm a mastermind I like to stay off the stage" but rather because you want to avoid the limelight because it makes you uncomfortable? You want to support others, or maybe do some utility tasks, crowd control etc, nonlethal in PvP or somesuch?

Me, I've never wanted attention, and I hate that as I improve in games, they force that on me. Being recognized for doing good job is well and fine, but I'd rather let the leaders and the KDR masters grab the attention than myself.

On that note, any good game recommendations where you can take a more submissive role? I love RPG's but in almost 2 decades of gaming I've yet to find a single one where you're allowed to be submissive. It's always some journey from a nobody to a nation-wide hero and even your dialogue options become just a typical dime in a dozen power trip.

What does Yas Forums think?

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haven't played it but I read that in the ghostbusters game you play some nobody who works for the heroes from the movie

Which one? Tried to search for a bit but I don't think I found it.

Btw Demonheart did this pretty well, it's on Steam. You can totally play a submissive character there. Too bad the second game in the series goes back to the typical power trip BS.

Ghostbusters: The Video Game
Ghostbusters: The Video Game Remastered

Kill yourself tranny

Eve Online is what you're looking for, give it a try.
And maybe Kenshi and Dark Souls


big cope

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>Uh I think us subbies need representation in the media too
Not a very sub thing to be asking for. Back to the closet bitchboi.

Me personally, I want a Sissy Submissive Black Bottom Boi character.

I am a black man and my penis is already small (blacks are actually smaller on average), but seeing WHITE WARRIOR GAMER MASTERS dominate so freely and easily in the culture wars against what looks to be a very powerful black former president Deep State shadow government (in reality sissy submissive slaves) makes my SBC shrivel into my smallest chastity cage possible.

Please enslave us again, WHITE WARRIOR MASTERS!

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Uhh, what?

How would Eve Online even work? It's just a typical trader / PvP game. And Dark Souls? Literally nothing about it enables submission other than just dying like a chump all the time.

Kingdom come kind of does this, even at the end your just dong what your told still because your a trustworthy guy who gets things done.

>Uh I think us subbies need representation in the media too
Not asking for representation. I'm asking for advice for what is already there, because I don't know.

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damn this really got to me on a profoundly core level. congratulations, you hit a nerve and produced the first successful leftist meme. incels btfo, white "men" btfo and drumpf in peach.

What about female protagonists? Kingdom Come is just a guy game right?

this would actually make a decent game concept with you playing an npc or some left hand guy to the MC working from the shadows

kys tranny

See I don't get this. Not a tranny myself but I mean, we live in an increasingly digital world. How does it even matter what someone's body looks like? In a digital world, everyone's the same. All that makes us different is our personalities, how we behave, and yes what we identify as. If you're never going to meet person X's real body anyway, only their personality, then how does it matter whether they're a hot stacy, a fat ghetto mom, a burly hairy guy, or a skinny crossdressing twink?

It doesn't. So your problem isn't with trannies. You're just rude, and there's nothing more complicated to it than that: Some people are assholes, others aren't.

>Not a tranny myself but
uh huh

Shameless bumping. Come on, games where you can be a submissive girl. Visual novels, romancing RPG's, anything goes really? This place is so filled with fetishes you'd think there was something.

BOOM. assumed self-loathing fallacy as always

>How does it even matter what someone's body looks like?
It doesn't, the problem is that your kind likes to bring their mountains' worth of mental problems into said digital world, somehow not realizing that nobody cares about some stranger half a world away.

>So your problem isn't with trannies
That's exactly the point: I don't have a problem with a hot stacy, or a fat ghetto mom, or a burly hairy guy, or a skinny crossdressing twink - but a shitton of trannies cause a shitton of unnecessary drama and I don't want that in my video games. I'm not here to make you feel good about yourself or be your unpaid shrink, ffs.
Actually, I probably have a problem with hot stacy for the same reason - most gaymers go fucking crazy with a hot stacy on vent which directly lessens my own enjoyment, so hot stacies can fuck right off, just as trannies should.

blah blah blah i dont give a shit

overwatch. there's a reason so much thots play it and main mercy. i haven't played it in a while though so it's community could have changed. also you shouldn't have bumped this shit thread

Healer's quest is a little satirical game where everyone in the party treats you like shit. It's the true healer experience.

dumb heal sluts should be succing and not heard

kys tranny

MMOs, the social dynamic means you can always be submissive there.

You can be the support character in some co-op games, Outward comes to mind, if you have someone to play it with.

Just don't play good

In FFX, it’s a fish out of water scenario where you become a bodyguard for the chosen one.

>your kind
Already said I'm not a tranny... but in the interests of standing up to what I said about not caring who or what a digital person is like, never you mind. Call me whatever you like.

>unnecessary drama and I don't want that in my video games. I'm not here to make you feel good about yourself or be your unpaid shrink, ffs.
I understand and agree completely. People like that are just assholes of another kind. Let others be what they are, don't intrude and don't make your problems into their problems. To me people who attack others because of their body or sexuality are no different from people who use their bodies or sexualities as an excuse to, well, attack others. Both are just assholes using different excuses to justify their assholeness.

>I’ve never wanted attention

pic is good at showing why powerful people in media use this trope, it shows they're so powerful even the slightest touch is enough to motivate/encourage/dictate a persons actions regardless of status

it was curious as fuck learning as a kid about this but i cast it off as something i didnt want to learn because it felt "dark"
but fuck man its used everywhere

your boss says this guy who you've never heard if is a dickhead, hes a dickhead who makes bad decisions
hes a crafty bloke who is good with words and a smart buisinessman in your boss's eyes? well i think most people will form their own opinion but outwardly you'll not show much defense in their stead

man fuck people who put their shit on a pedestal too
your wine is just wine cunt, it was outstanding 30 years ago now its just part and parcel you gotta listen to your son dude understands the modern crowd and internet sales are huge now

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OP's pic*

Oh god shut the fuck up

shut the fuck up

what the fuck are you on about mate

make me, short stuff

Jesus christ, the projection on this one is off the charts.

play squad. it will fulfill that desire to be supportive without unnecessary approval

I like the idea of masterminding events while a figurehead or surrogate claims glory and notoriety. I think the issue is that the stereotypical hero trope has stagnated to such a ludicrous degree. The pattern continues because it appeals to a very juvenile but large demographic of people and as a result remains a safe and profitable option when content is funded for mainstream release.

So you want a game where your choices don't matter?

>swastika isn't fucked up

what a weird topic to proach

play support in some MOBA

Whether this was deliberate or not, i still want to die.

"fuck you tranny" is a pretty good comeback desu

>thinking juvenile people don't often fantasize as the mastermind who is literally secretly smarter and better than everyone

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It disgusts me on a deep level.

yer 2nd to dutch whos the main 'chosen one; character in rdr2.

Yep definitely a tranny

We need the removal of all tranny characters.

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I agree that we need more games with femdom themes

I hate knowing that im speaking with a godless abomination.

Play Team Fortress 2, play Medic or engineer.

Everyone willl want to dominate you, no one will thank you.

there is nothing wrong about being a trans

Also play battle medic to make your enemies seethe over a medic dominating them by just killing them


I love schizo posting

kid are you autistic

People shitposting to this thread, I guess this is some kind of copypasta meme shit or something. Sorry but I don't play with kids on reddit all day so I wouldn't know. "Haha Yas Forums don't like to talk about video games" joke is funny and all but anyone unironically kinda want more games where you play a nameless knight or a simple unit of many? Hell that was Battlefront (the good one) main selling point for me. Morrowind guilds (at least early on) treated you like a shit stain and literally just have you run errands. Sure fetch quests is boring but it make the progression feel more real when you finally get to do better shit. Literally no one I know of actually like Skyrim's magic guild of "oh you came here, be our head wizard just because" bullshit. It not rewarding at that point, it is a fucking insult.

It a shame people shitposting on here instead of actually discussing such video games because I would be interested in some like that. I don't know, it kinda a simple form of progression that people love so much, isn't it? Katamari's small ball to big ball, Sim City's village to city, Survival game's barely scraping by to being a god of the world, etc. People like the feeling of progress. When you are the hero just by existing then you kinda are already done before even getting started.