DODO code 26BSY
bring 4 wood 4 hardwood and 4 softwood to my island and I'll make you a ladder
bring 5 softwood for a vaulting pole
fruit tips welcome but not expected ;)
Animal Crossing: New Horizons ladders
Other urls found in this thread:
mommy told me not to accept free ladders from strangers
that's not free then is it nigger
it's the raw cost of the materials
free in the sense that it costs only exactly what it would make and there's no service charge
>June 11th
I fucking hate fucks like you die in a fire seriously
>join a time traveling dumb niggers island for a ladder
I'm good.
are the animals you start the island with random or map bound? because i got 2 ugly piece of shits
and will there be new animals
Kek, fucking based.
are you south american?
>bring 4 wood 4 hardwood and 4 softwood to my island and I'll make you a ladder
Do you retard even know what "free" means?
learn to read, american
didn't time travel, I got an early copy because I'm a chat you dumb faggooooot
>June 11th
Literally room temperature IQ
it says june 11th on the screen tho
sorry cavemen can't hear you from over here in 2036
it's the first image on google you discord trannies
>being this much of a new fag
That screenshot is from the e3 treehouse coverage faggots.
the screenshot is from e3, you know the one that didn't get cancelled
Don't play with time traveling niggers.
Who's the cutie in the background?
how would you unlock ladders normally?
I just came back from the island guys. OP fucked me then took all my iron nuggets. I shouldn't have trusted a time traveler.
i dont think you know how to properly barter a service, esl
Nah, I'm just going to play a few hours at a time.
literally have nothing to gain from doing it, just helping bros out
fuck off to /vg/ discord tranny
XD this is such epic trolling bro!
what the fuck do i do on this tiny 1/5th starting area
am i just supposed to constantly give this dick butterflies and shit
>stung by bees 20 min ago
>can't get another honeycomb for 1h
By the time I'll be able to travel I'll also be able to build vaulting poles, so what's the point exactly?
this is not me (OP)
>DODO code 26BSY
>bring 4 wood 4 hardwood and 4 softwood to my island and I'll make you a ladder
>bring 5 softwood for a vaulting pole
>fruit tips welcome but not expected ;)
Fucking time traveling loser.
how do i change my name?
why you gotta be like this
You can't. You're stuck with both your island name, and character name.
apply for a name change at your nearest state court
>You can't change this! This can be seen by others during local/online play, so pick an appropriate name.
when do I get a diy recipe for the mirror?
also is there any reason I shouldn't be selling everything like weeds and fruit?
>muffy gives me a medicine recipe
>mac calls me ugly
Fuck you Mac.
are the animals you start the island with random or map bound? because i got 2 ugly piece of shits
and will there be new animals
> are the animals you start the island with random or map bound? because i got 2 ugly piece of shits
and will there be new animals
are the animals you start the island with random or map bound? because i got 2 ugly piece of shits
and will there be new animals
> are the animals you start the island with random or map bound? because i got 2 ugly piece of shits
and will there be new animals
are the animals you start the island with random or map bound? because i got 2 ugly piece of shits
and will there be new animals
> are the animals you start the island with random or map bound? because i got 2 ugly piece of shits
and will there be new animals
where do you get new hairstyles and colors
Play the game more
Random every time
lol absolute bs
should be more of a prompt warning
is there a progression guide
just shaking trees for 30min isn't fun, starting area too small due to the river
>also is there any reason I shouldn't be selling everything like weeds and fruit?
I think you need to have eaten some fruit in order to be able to break stones with your axe. Aside from that the only reason you wouldn't want to do that is that after you've paid your debt you'll be given a set of quests that get constantly replaced as you complete them and some of them involve selling weeds, so you might want to hold onto some of them if you need to make more Miles.
After you've paid off your debt for the trip (5000 Miles or 49k+ bells) you'll be able to buy stuff with Miles, such as hairstyles.
I got a matching fish.
I got a DIY recipe from a message in a bottle washed up on shore.
there’s something so comfy about sleeping in a tent surround by glasse cases of fish
Catch bugs and fish and talk to Nook
You'll get the axe to chop for wood materials
You guys are so lucky to get killed by tarantulas, I have yet to see a single one.
Is it good?
how about you learn to read nigger?
why is my tent so small
Northern or southern hemisphere?
if you don't do where you live you get opposite seasons which is kinda lame
some animals are seasonal also
I honestly dont know what answer you want.
pick your real area.
Tarantulas are available at night during summer (or in July/August I believe), so either they're time travelling or it's some sort of southern hemisphere shenanigan.
Day 1:
Get 5000 [s]social credit[/s] Nook Miles, give 5 unique fish/insects to Nook, place Blather's tent, ask to buy a home.
Optionally farm more Nook Miles to get the upgraded tool recipes, tool belt, pro design maker, island tour ticket and upgraded inventory but you'll most likely only get enough for 2-4 of those 5 things unless you go full autismo.
Day 2:
Get the pole vault, get access to island tours, get access to multiplayer and go nuts.
Goo goo gaga
did I fuck up naming my island something Japanese
it sounds silly when it's actually said it game
Op closed their island, damn.
of course you did you weeb.
what did everyone name their character, I called xir Stupei
how do i make my cot stop being urban camo
Help me choose between the top two, anons, I'm too indecisive