Confirmed biggest disappointment of 2020?
Confirmed biggest disappointment of 2020?
>fail a jump
>resets you where you were before, just takes away 25hp
ZOOM Eternal indeed
Why don't you go block, block, dodge-roll, attack somewhere else, bucko.
>Why don't you go block, block, dodge-roll, attack somewhere else, bucko.
It's okay. In terms of raw quality Doom 2016 was much better but it's still fun regardless.
Its 50HP on nightmare
It's more difficult, more engaging, and more everything than Doom 2016, the only thing Doom 2016 has going for it over Doom Eternal is its more grounded art style which Doom Eternal hopped full-fledged onto the wacky-train.
You're a cuck if you think it's a disappointment.
Wow, a real gamechanger
>left game open
>3 hours
ah fuck steam isn't gonna refund me aren't they
I got my refund at 3 hours. Steam seems to be refunding this game more leniently for some reason
Overreliance on kill animations and overdesigned UI are annoying, but the rest is fine
Why'd you refund it
It enhanced everything about doom 2016, the good and the bad. Unforunately having gorillions of enemies spawning out of my asshole and spending half the fight looking at chainsaw and glorykill animations aren't very fun for me.
The cycle of Yas Forums:
>new game from big company announced
>Yas Forums hypes it up to an extreme extent
>it releases
>only a 9/10 instead of (3.87x10^8)/10
>Yas Forums claims the game was huge disappointment
wow so the map design is even worse? that's crazy
>>only a 9/10
the game is a 6/10 at best
I’m loving it so far, I don’t get the hate
Good: new shotgun is awesome. Fully auto is great.
Shit: atmosphere is completely gone. Platforming sections have rotating flames, floating platforms and big glowing mid air pickups, while in doom 2016 the platforming as about running around fallen antennae or other ruined structures (except in hell where they ran out of ideas). Everything is glowing with neon pink, orange, green, purple to the point where it ruins any sense of doom. This game is not a metal album cover, it's K-Pop.
More shit: gameplay is repetitive rock paper scissors because of the special kills you can execute on most enemies. If you aren't sniping the jetpacks off of revenenants you are doing it wrong. If you arne't grenading a cacodemon in the mouth you are doing ti wrong. It is limiting.
The aesthetics of both the world, demons, and UI are a pretty substantial downgrade, but holy shit the worst part of the game is by far the story. There's laying it on too thick, and then there's this vs Doom 2016.
Gameplay's tight tho so eh. I think I still greatly prefer 2016 as a complete package.
it's not like original doom doesn't let you often teleport from the hole or something
I wish the "faster glory kills" ability would just make it a generic, very fast skull punch or something else that kills them instantly, instead of just speeding up the drawn out kills into slapstick pace. But that's an incredibly minor problem.
Yes that too. Also there is a shitload of extremely gimmicky platforming segments. I'm gonna finish the 3rd level and then decide if I should just refund.
Because everyone with above room temperature IQ realized that this game is shit.
It's shit.
I agree
Its a hella epic game for dummies and teens.
Playing nudoom is the equivalent of watching mainstream news.
Its the feel of the game and everything surrounding it.
Its the Joe Biden of games.
It caters to this oblivious, hyped idiot type consumer who lives on buzzwords and inanities.
Its as if a bunch of has beens gathered and tried to think about what the youngsters like and then just shove it into one game.
>fists do no damage
What the fuck?
Why do you zoombrains fail to understand their refund policy? 2hr window is no questions asked, you automatically get a refund, past that you just need to justify it
For some reason they reserved the fists for some dumb ability you have to charge with glorykills that you get in the second level. THANKS ID I REALLY wanted to have more mechanics centered around that shit system.
Quick rundown? I'm not buying it until 75% off.
They literally threw you into the story where the demons have already invaded earth and Doomguy just has a space fortress for fuck knows why
Lost all credibility there for story, yet ID liked the idea of placing unnecessary cutscenes
neon joe biden
FUCKING THIS I have to waste a fairly limited ammo pool on little shitsters instead of just letting me punch then glory kill like in 2016
Pretty good, a few things are fucky, like an 8/10 overall with the things bringing it down are the story and kind of fucked atmosphere
I legitimately thought I skipped something crucial, but no, game just starts like that off of 2016's cliffhanger. Completely stupid.
It's like 2016's D44M but worse in every single way.
I dont really like this one. Maybe try with out the Joe Biden part?
get good fag
get good games? yes I will, with the money I got back from refunding this piece of shit
>vibrant colour doesn't belong in Doom
Uh oh, retard alert.
Old games.
>reload from checkpoint
>walk a few rooms
>lose health
Also if you weren't underage retard you'd knew that exploration in FPS involves quite a lot of leaps of faith to check suspicious looking areas for secrets, resources and shortcuts.
What are you going to buy faggot?
I'm always running out of ammo because the melee attack does nothing unless you shoot them first. Even the basic zombies.
butterlord, new ballisticng dlc which I believe won't be free
>Doom 2016
>game starts off in a coffin on Mars and you are naked, later explains why
>nobody complains
>Doom Eternal: game starts off why you are in a space ship/castle and Demons have reached Earth, later explains why
>Everyone loses their fucking minds
Why do people try to hard to shit on this
Is this the Joe Biden of bideo game ??
That's not what user said at all.
>positive reviews are just parroting some phrase for upvotes
>negative reviews actually have more than one sentence of text
is the multiplayer out yet? How is it, if so?
Thank fucking god you can at least change the color of the HUD back to 2016 colors
The hell were they thinking with this dumb green shit?
No lmao. Only Yas Forums hates this game.
>source: trust me bro
Which track on the ost has the metal choir in it?
How do I change language? I pirated it so no steam.
>tfw enjoying the fuck out of it
If you haven't even made it past the tutorial then yeah, your options are limited. If you get to level 3 then surprise surprise, you get more ways of doing things.
Oh shit you weren't kidding.
I too hate how fanservicey "rip and tear" has become. It felt like a nod in 2016 while now it's being shoved right up your ass.
Review is made by a Yas Forumsermin I guarantee it.
I hate the weirdly generic fantasy shit, looks like they hired a designer for a korean MMO or something