Yas Forums jannies are autistic trash

He sits here for 8 hours wanting for "bad" people to post for zero dollars and zero cents and will never see a naked girl in real life.

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you haven't heard? the jannies are dead lad.


Don’t be so mean with them user, it’s not their fault their life is shit

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Based and antijanniespilled

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you just showed it a naked girl retard

That's pretty cute, OP.

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Little girls make my dick hard, to be honest.

I don’t see why Gerald and Siri doesn’t fuck. They live beyond the points where sex is anything but just bodily functions to them. They can’t even reproduce so there’s no harm nor foul with it. Once you’ve lived that long and has seen loved ones die, sex would just be another way for the body to release stress for you.

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Ciri can reproduce, Geralt cant

i fucking hate how the jannies immediately delete anime posts but let the holocaust denial thread stay up for like an hour

>spend hours encrypting my flash drive, installing tails, finding uncensored tor directories and working sites with the "content"
>finally find supposedly the biggest forum for this type of shit
>it's just a bunch of shit quality shit angle pictures and videos of ugly girls in awkward poses with cringe expressions and fat ugly men sticking their tiny dicks in them

I don't know what I expected. 2D wins again.

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Nice cataract Bernie


My point still stands.

that was my thread, hope you liked it

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too fat

There was also a tranny thread that was up for hours. Turns out that when you only hire people who will do it for free the labor pool is pretty shitty.

What kind of shithole does a person have to live in where burning a dog alive in the street doesn't warrant the slightest response of passersby?


Stop flooding our communities with drugs and other degeneracy, CIA man.

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imagine fucking cunny. how blissful it must be

Jannies cant delete threads only mods can.

Post Sherry

we cant afford to do that now thanks to Covid-19

Mainlanders are truly soulless fish people. They honestly think pain makes the flesh taste sweeter

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post dogs

post cp (captain picard)

More like it

This thread is sinful

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Read the application form again retard

Based. Fuck dogs.

i only like softcore content like secret stars or LS. I definitely fantasize about how much dick the models probably got from the photographers though.

god damn, to be that photographer...

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is that even a dog? looks like a monkey to me.

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Sister, I have sinnned.

Can anyone explain to me what's going on ITT?

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Thank you, Corona-chan for cleansing this world of the bugman.

Jannies clean it up

Provide the onion

At first it was good. Then it got better.

Legit feel bad for her

Damn I meant ban users.

>cute and funny freckles on a cute and funny chest

why? she wasn't abused.

I guess so, but you'd need lots and lots of foreplay.

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Cat goddess?

Fuck off, I know you're working from home rookie. Or are you "off the clock"?

Video games?

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The little kid asks when it’s going to be ready he is hungry


Sure buddy

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Fuck off.

>that time Yas Forums uploaded a "game" but in reality it was her getting railed in a vid
Oh my god it was too sick for me desu

cutest sm girl ever

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how the fuck am i gonna move hard drugs around if i cant leave my house retard? leave them on the door dash man? no fucker im stuck here like the rest of you.

Child Pornography is unhealthy for your soul, seek help

>the wiki lets you down
>the other chan sites lead to nothing
Life is pain

Well you better go catch it!

>0.00$ has been deposited to your account

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she was an entrepreneur and was performing as well as any adult prostitute in every one of her videos. Masha was simply a little slut.


good thing all she ever took was black dildos

no fun :^)

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/vr/ has the worse lot of faggot jannies.. I was literally warned for mentioning a game from 2004 20 minutes ago


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holy fucking shit user... as if the burning animals in this thread werent enough. a fucking child? really???


>Dating a J*w.

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Fuck off with this shit

No user, we aren't going to pretend your picture has cheese pizza and reply as if it were so that other anons are afraid to open it or stay in this thread

What the fuck dude

This is what we were all waiting for.

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this is now a Masha thread

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>this is an actual discussion happening right now
legit kill yourselves. faggots.

Rly? she looks like the girl in that video

She's wearing a key necklace, not a star of david

Cute pussy