11 days bros....11 days...
What faction will you pick?
What kind of character will you be?
Will you use the dynasty system or just one character?
What mods are you looking forward to?
Mount & Blade 2: Bannerlord
Do you roaches get paid to shill this crap here?
lol ok newfag, people have been shitting themselves over bannerlord for more than 6 years now
>TFW you're going to die of Chinese bat-fever before Butterlord releases
does mom know you are on the computer unsupervised?
>southern empire
I will get my oyakodon
Can you become leader of an existing faction? I want to work with the south to reunite the empire then take control
i really hope its only 60 aus bucks and not 85
60? It better not be more than 30.
>11 days bros....11 days...
plus one (1) year
its gonna be 50 USD
I don't think so, it will probably be like og Mount and Blade where the closest you can get to leadership is being the Marshall.
Would a FF14 Bannerlord overhaul be based or cringe?
Who are you trying to fit in with?
not unless they account for wiping out the ruler's clan or letting you marry into the ruling family
Slightly off topic, but in Warband: is an army comprised of mercenaries adequate? (Caravan Guards won't be hired.)
Denars aren't an issue since I own dyework enterprises in all 22 cities.
What faction will you pick?
What kind of character will you be?
>Copying whatever my best army unit is.
Will you use the dynasty system or just one character?
What mods are you looking forward to?
>Anything immersive and lore-friendly.
If you can afford it, sure, it is "adequate"
Hey retard have you ever considered that we actually enjoy this series?
>army comprised of mercenaries
Not good. Mercs are too expensive and there are better soldiers in the different villager skill trees for literally everything.
good bait
I will be joining the Battanians.
I'm waiting few months for cool mods before buying
I was originally going to get it day 1 but the beta has sort of burned me out on it. I'm wary that the content available won't be the best.
It's literally the only good video game to come out in the last ten years. If you are not excited for it you are the cancer that ruins 4channel.org
>Waiting until the 30th to start coughing to get my paid sick leave
Im going to keep the Rhodoks/Swadians united under one banner and change history to create a thousand year empire and we're going to have ALL the butter feasts possible.
>If you can afford it, sure, it is "adequate"
That's good to know.
>Mercs are too expensive
I have so much Denars that I can spend recklessly.
>there are better soldiers in the different villager skill trees for literally everything
Yes, I'm aware of national troop specialties.
My initial plan was to grind out Nord Huscarls, Vaegir Marksmen, and Swadian Knights but if this process can be negated by a (realistic) limitless supply of Denars and an army and city defence force of mercenaries then I'll do what is quickest and easiest.
I don't care about maintaining the lives of mercenaries.
>anything related to final fantasy
huge fucking cringe bro get that weebtrash out of here
FF14 isn't "weebtrash," you fucking fool!
And if you even imply such I'll fart in your fucking urethra - so shut the fuck up, faggot.
I don't care about the FF aspect just the fantasy aesthetic. Is there another huge resource I could pull from? I can't think of anything.
Fuck off, weeb.
how's your last run in warband going?
>bannerlord finally releasing
>next half life game also releasing
>modern day plague just so happens to be the gimmick of 2020
>March 31st
>Game releases
>Government announces 14 day mandatory quarantine, no work, just stay at home.
>joining snowniggers
oh no no no no look at the state of you
I always stick with medieval knights. Holy fuck i love these armored dudes.
I purposely avoided any info about this game for TEN years. I hope it is actually worth the wait improvement over Warband.
I'm a bit apprehensive desu. Mount & Blade spent like five years in the back then equivalent of early access, being sold through Taleworld's forums, before Warband was released. This initial iteration might be shit.
It's seeming like it'll be warband+, rather than the 2.0 everyone's hoping for. I'm waiting a couple months.
desu i'd be willing to spend 50 dollars on warband with a bigger map, better graphics, and better mod support
Reminder that the initial release will be a barely playable mess and it won't become good until Bannerlord: Warband several years down the line.
Me too, but considering this is EA, I'm fully expecting content to just not exist, or for it to somehow be buggier than warband. So I'll give it a couple months for mod tools to come out and for the community to fix it.
>So I'll give it a couple months for mod tools to come out and for the community to fix it.
that's going to be a year minimum, they're not doing mod tools until after ea is over.
My only concern is: how tf do I download 60+GB of files when I only got 6GB maximum downloadable mobile data?
They said it was mostly feature complete, just missing a couple of things, i dont remember which, i know kingdom creation was one though
I think you mean March 31st 2021
What bothered you most about the beta?
King Yaroglek, gave Curaw, and get this, Sargoth to his friend. Even though I have support from lords
I'm willing to spend 50 bucks on warband with better sieges.
>10 years to release a beta
The despot in charge of the country is pretty much Cockroach Van der Linde
Milions of refugees squirm within the borders with rising international tensions and now all are getting peppered with Kung-flu.
Will we live to see it get out of beta or will it all fall apart before that faithful day?
i'm gonna travel into the deep desert and go all Muad'Dib on the rest of Cuckradia
battanians are rain niggers
>official screenshot
>spear clipping through horse's spinal cord
>almost a decade of development
For real though, it looks pretty.
is there a snow faction in bannerlord like vaegirs in warband? is there snow at all?
it's set before warband, user
snow hadn't been invented yet
I think they were willing to sacrifice collision for it looking like it came from 2015 instead of 1997 like warband.