So we’re not just memeing now, it’s ACTUALLY shit?

So we’re not just memeing now, it’s ACTUALLY shit?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Once the honeymoon phase is over people will realize how much of a step down it is from 2016


You sure about that?

guns are weak as hell
>fists dont even do damage anymore
>arcade aesthetic and hell atmosphere dont blend at all
>cutscenes feel horribly out of place
>movement is dumbed down to match the shitty platforming
>run out of ammo every 40 seconds
>enemies have a 1 hit kill gimmick now
>enemies lunge-slide/teleport constantly
>ai is awful and fights each other more than the slayer
>level design feels ripped out of an early 2000s cod game

Currently playing it. It's quite fun. Not sure what these faggots are going on about

It’s way better, not even joking 2016 was a shallow experience. This is way deeper

I played an hour of it and returned it. How did they fuck it up Yas Forumsros. I just don’t understand.

could you not tell from the trailers, retarded iPhone poster?

Have you tried not sucking? Also punching is reserved for the bloodpunch. Maybe stop playing the game on baby mode and git gud.

There is no honeymoon phase. Pretty much everyone agrees already that it's a step down form 2016.

>cutscenes feel horribly out of place
just watched a stream to get a taste of the game and this was my immediate reaction, what's with all the talking and shit? this isn't Doom, 2016 or otherwise

bad writing
forced shitty platforming
forced glory kills to appease the redditors and console crowd

Why are you lying on the internet?

Then skip them. Complaining about a problem that doesn't exist is moronic.

yeah its worse than OP favorite game by far.

waste of time and energy.

but then as someone thats played a bit of it. its challenging in a fair way, its right wing, it fucked every zoomers mom in high school and it should be supported on the latter along.

I did too, I honestly can’t justify the direction they took with the combat

2016 was never any good either

The whole swinging/grabbing walls like a monkey feels really forced. Also the guns feel weak and don't really have any weight behind the projectiles. My only complaints really.

fuck off, just press a button and skip the cutscenes. boofucking hoo. you fags cant just press a god damn button?

congrats on admitting you haven't touched it yet.
>bad writing
it's fucking DOOM

they played it for 2 minutes and went to bitch about it. never trust this board for video game discussion

Eat shit, I've been playing it 3 hours and I'm having fun with it.
The hellish ambiance is impressive. The game itself feels a bit too quick compared to 2016 however, but I feel like it's more satisfying.

adding redditors and console crowd to your post doesn't suddenly make it correct

Its fun

You will not be missed.

That's kind of the point asshole, as you progres you unlock mods, runs, and become a badass. it's this thing called progression.

>they played it

bethesda shilling on full blast just after release eh?
you'd think players who genuinely enjoyed the game would still be playing it so shortly after release

You caught me. I only played 49 minutes

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And none of you fucks ever explained why it's worse than 2016 except for
>muh colors
>muh arcade
The only retarded shit are tutorials. I know you can disable them, but now every housewife knows how to easily kill cacos

>55k players on pc only
yeah Yas Forums getting dabbed on

ive been here for 12 years, I know what these faggots are doing.

I love this retort. If I don't agree with you I'm somehow a shill, if I agree then I'm just a sheep. Ever try...I dunno, playing the fucking games you bitch about?

based TORtanicfag, the game isn't going to be a flop no matter how hard you pretend its shit on here for (You)s.

Not really talking about upgrades and shiet.. the guns just are all these huge intimidating guns and it feels like you're shooting nerf darts regardless of how fast the demons die.

It's ok, I guess. I don't know what it is, the atmosphere feels very wrong compared to the previous campaign. The Cacodemon making that *gulp* sound when it swallows the grenade is jarring.

It forces you to learn and employ its mechanics, if you hate that then you won't enjoy the game.

You didn't even finish the first fucking level?

>Ever try...
yep, shill
or reddit normalfag, take your pick

The idea that the doom slayer is too weak to even punch a zombie to death is retarded. This is what happens when you try too hard to autistically balance your game and just start throwing common sense out the window.

feels like a rated R movie turned pg 13

im too drunk to continue playing as it demands some motor skills. but the game wants me to tell zoomers to have another tide pod, suck my dick, suck my dick again, bitch about trivial shit because they know shit about complex things. then settle in for a nice long, suck on my cock again.

the only verdict that matters is in, its a winner but it wont lent you win, you gotta work for that shit. the pros that disagree are welcome to get fucked by a hippo cock.

why aren't you playing right now then? the answer not in your preapproved list of responses you shill?

How would you know that if you haven't even upgraded anything?

You ain't winning this you fucking zoomer. Go shitpost in a waifu thread or something.

They turned it into super mario with demons

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>2016 or otherwise
loling out loud
*holds r* to skip while you're stuck watching Tilda Swinton waddle along slowly

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It’s so cringe

ah, I see they have bethesda's India branch shilling here as well

>super mario with demons
Pretty based ngl

I don't get you manchildren
First you bitch about the 2016 glory kills are too easy.
So they stopped letting it be easy.
Now you're bitching you can't just punch anything?
Make up your fucking minds.

Because I've been playing for 3 hours and taking a break user. Hurr durr.

I didn't know id had time to shill on Yas Forums

It's not as good as the pre-order paypigs are playing it up as. It's more casualized than 2016 adn while I've only been playing for 3 hours the soundtrack doesn't do anything new so far. It's ID software's flirting with the concept of a walking simulator. Level design is inferior, feels like something EA would make honestly.

I'm wondering if people just forgot that Doom 2016 was never as great as reviewers said. The constant repetitive execution animations ruined the flow

I did and started the second and then returned it. Something’s not right about it. You can still like it user, I’m just disappointed.

>movement is dumbed down to match the shitty platforming
It feels exactly the same as 2016 to me but faster

That analogy makes zero sense. You can't jump onto any demon heads user.

>shitty pseudo rpg elements in fps
Ebanui retard

Sounds awesome

> watch AdmiralBahroo play through the full game
> there's actually a flashback cutscene where Doomguy growls "rip and tear" and about how the demons have "huge guts"

That shit's going to age like milk, I know it. Made me kek though.

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>nobody ever explained
you can't be fucking serious, even the superficial complaints like that have merit but its the huge gaping flaws of the games design

>>enemies have a 1 hit kill gimmick now
What are you talking about? Enemies had instagib charge attacks in 2016 too

Are you talking about enemy weak points? They dont kill the enemy user they just disable certain attacks. Play the fucking game before you bitch

Play it or don't, I could care a less kid. Fuck off to another thread then and let the people who were not poor actually discuss the game.

Now you know how your family feels.

I'm not talking about glory kills you flipper baby, I'm talking about basic punching, you know the thing that has literally been in every doom game ever.

I'll let you know after the backlog is done. AC is just a Daily Game.

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watch this

>dude what if we added cartoony aesthetics so kids can play it
>dude what if we added nintendo style platforming
>dude what if we added loads of bad cutscenes just like in halo

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>but its the huge gaping flaws of the games design
Such as?

yeah, and they changed it into the blood punch which is even better. You'd know that if you kept playing past the tutorial, you gigantic faggot.


Yes you can, they just have to be stunned first. I jumped onto an arachnotron's head and stabbed it in the brain after staggering it from a raised position. Dumb ass.

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>60 euros for a 10 hour game

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>дyдe иф ви пocт шмapинy
Пoшeл нaхyй

I'm tabbing back to this to see what other pointless complaints you pussies have.

Your gonna have more fun in KoTOR and Wild Hunt

>That's kind of the point asshole, as you progres you unlock mods, runs, and become a badass. it's this thing called progression.

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I'd rather be able to punch things for damage without glory kills at all, not double down on them

no, you glory killed it from above. Not the samething asshole.

>mfw shills work overtime on Yas Forums to convince me to pirate something

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They call you europoors for a reason

Except it isn't because you have to do a load of fucking glory kills before you can use it. Why can't I have both a normal punch and blood punch same as how DOOM had normal punches and berserk power ups?

rude bydlo

The game is really fun.
I get the criticisms on the look/atmosphere of the game, but I enjoy the arcade-y UI, and little shit like the *gulp* the Cacodemon does when you toss a nade in him.
But from what I gathered over the last hour or so, is that the people who don't like it (unironic contrarion or otherwise) just want Old-DOOM back, and are just really bad at the game.

...Which is what the blood punch is for.

>omg metal music along with casual arcade gameplay

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>bad writing

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>step down form
based ESLfag sucks at being a contrarian too.

, sorry I made you mad bro it’s gonna be ok

Nice buzzword. Define fun

Good girl, suck that cock

>it's this thing called progression
At this point Halo 3 is closer to being Doom than Eternal

> it wasn't an aerial kill because it used a pre-rendered animation

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>a load of glory kills
two user, can you count that high? is that a lot to you sweet heart?

you must have responded at least a dozen times in this thread, clearly you care quite a lot shill lol

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