what went wrong?
What went wrong?
id spent so much time writing the worst story in a modern AAA game they forgot how to level design and instead just shoved some platforming in there
people were expecting more than a doom shooter
Not looking at the catalogue, like a tard.
Boomers can't keep up with the fast pace and MAXIMUM VIOLENCE!
I played like an hour of doom 2016, horrendously shit game dont know why anyone would think this could be better
Gotta get those shitposts in before everyone wakes up and you can't get a word in, OP?
It's not CoD Warzone.
>throwing the player into the middle of the story rather than explaining what happened at the end of Doom 2016
>Fortress of Coom
If I don't hear the name Samuel Hayden at least once during this game I'm gonna lose my mind.
Nothing. Stay mad.
Either incredibly based poster who hasnt touched a AAA game since the 90s, or incredibly retarded poster making an inflammatory hyperbole
they started to care more about the memes and forgot about gameplay
Its a hella epic game for dummies and teens.
Playing nudoom is the equivalent of watching mainstream news.
Its the feel of the game and everything surrounding it.
Its the Joe Biden of games.
It caters to this oblivious, hyped idiot type consumer who lives on buzzwords and inanities.
Its as if a bunch of has beens and marketers gathered in a room and tried to think about what the youngsters like and then just shove it into one game.
Yas Forums got filtered
It feels to videogamey
>It caters to this oblivious, hyped idiot type consumer
Yeah, just like the original. Stop pretending Doom was ever anything more than a silly power fantasy game
>throwing the player into the middle of the story rather than explaining what happened at the end of Doom 2016
You want everything spoonfed to you? Doom 2016 didn't exactly start seconds after Doom 64 either. It's all explained though, and Samuel Hayden is in game.
All secret walls have a giant fucking X on them. That should tell you everything you need to know.
The best part is that Doom eternal took every bit of what made doom 2016 a bad game and multiplied it :
-More open arenas
-x1000 platforming
-x1000 glory kills
-x1000 RPG gimmicks
-x1000 "switch your weapon every second"
Oh and more story and cinematic trash (forget the 1st person cinematic though, which was the only good point of doom 2016).
I didnt even particularly like the original doom but it was an appropriate cultural product of its time.
This is obviously a game composed out of marketing data and relying on nostalgia and brand recognition.
Most secret walls had different textures also in original.
The ones that block your path to the end of the level do, actual secrets dont have the green glow
>original doom was an appropriate cultural product of its time.
>doom was a shit game in 1993.
You shills got so btfo'd by the fact that nu doom is trash, that you are willing to shit on the OG doom in order of defending your piece of trash.
Do you expect me to go around punching every single foot of wall and every vent?
But platforming was already great in Doom 1 and 2. It's still great in eternal.
Weapon switching is good too. It's something that doom had always.
They realised that facehugging walls is no fun? Good for them
It’s a good game wtf are you on about? Are you racist against demons or something?
>ammo is scarce!
good, aimlets should get filtered
Game feels like a console arena shooter.
The fucking console font and style of the menus, the gun upgrades, the constant need to jump around and do acrobatics and the need to change weapons non stop.
The game feels and looks like an xbox kiddie just drank a can of monster.
I literally never said that.
Why does it look worse than 2016?
Why do they keep doing this?
D44M incentivized you to switch between weapons because it was more efficient. Eternal practically forces you to do it.
Yes console shooters are known for their movement and many button switches
>the constant need to jump around and do acrobatics and the need to change weapons non stop.
all the boomer shooters were like that
you people don't even know what you want, it's just NEW BAD
>low ammo
>low ammo
>red screen
>low ammo
>low ammo
No you moron, they werent.
Its the arena shooters that were like that.
Well, this is why you are limited to only having a few weapons on you at any given moment you dumb pizza faced console kiddie.
lmao you're completely wrong, i thought of blood and quake right as i read that. doom itself would be like that if you could jump
maybe you're just slow
This. What the fuck.
>D44M incentivized you to switch between weapons because it was more efficient
It absolutely did not, I played the game only using the gauss and super shotgun. Theres no reason to use early weapons after the second half
>Get a new upgrade
>Instead of letting you test it naturally in game, they teleport you to a small room with basic enemies just standing around and won't let you leave until you test your new upgrade
>Doom 1 and 2
>>throwing the player into the middle of the story
you faggots are unbelievable
Lmao @ u
>play on nightmare
>its a nightmare
how could this happen to me?
>a modern and fairly well made Serious Sam rather than a modern and fairly well made Doom
It's the same shit as Fallout 4 (though not nearly as bad). It's... alright, but still disappointing.
Yas Forums blunder culture TORtanic was a mistake
Your mom didn’t stop for a visit at Planned Parenthood
it's basically the Joe Biden video game version
They really did fuck up the ammo.
Use the chainsawEvery chance as it refills constantly
Get all ammo upgrades first
I didn't buy this to play a fucking MMO.
exploration focus will never be mainstream again for shooters
Literally everything wrong with nu-doom and brutaldoom and anything that takes the doom comic meme too seriously.
God I’ve been spending all night reviewbombing this trash with my discord. It really is the Joe Biden of video games
I'm not going to sit here and button mash until an ability comes off cooldown.
>Get a double jump and dash
>Multiple places that look like you can go there by jumping/dashing
>lmao no, all maps are full of invisible barriers
Cringe but based
>It really is the Joe Biden of video games
what does that even mean dude?
this thread is proof that no one should ever take advice from this board
This board is the Joe Biden of Yas Forums
>What ? Do you expect me to punch every centimeter of the map to reveal a secret ?
You faggots are Eternal. You don't know what you want.
Lots and lots of tiny and somewhat subjective things, like the way doomguy is handled, arena'ish level design, repetitive enemy usage, lots of guns feeling merely ok, executions, etc. Same happened with Doom 4, but the level design and core gameplay were so good I still enjoyed the game. Isn't that still the case with eternal?
Where's the language setting? I pirated it.