Villain is evil because... he's evil

>villain is evil because... he's evil

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>developer thinks giving the villain a traumatic childhood introduces a moral grey area

More like
>villain is evil because... he's hate

Historical fairy tales enforced by thought crime laws prove it must be true. I mean, if it wasn't true why would faith in such a fairy tale be enforced by laws in conquered lands of occupied peoples?

Silly user, you're supposed to post a picture of Churchill
Although Churchill did have backstory

>holocaust denial is illegal therefore it didn't happen
Most countries with a history of genocide have laws against genocide denial, retard.

name one

Denying the Rwandan genocide is illegal in Rwanda

also, holocaust denial is illegal -because- the holocaust didn't happen, so in some sense you've got the causation backward
which tribe ended up on top in that? i don't even know because it was africa

he dindo nuffin he a good boy he go to church

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And it is stupid.

>ausgerotten (rendered by a hostile translator into exterminated)
>ausgerotten (rendered by a hostile translator into annihilation)
>ausgerotten (rendered by a hostile translator into annihilation)
every time :^)

>i know better than professional academic translators because i taught myself german

Germany doesn't even control their own press until 2099. Why do you think German media tells Germans their grandmothers and pigs and it's good that coronavirus is killing Germans? You're just an anti-white and probably a jew/zionist who wants to genocide Germans because you think they're Amalekites or w/e.

Someone post the info graphic with all the batshit crazy things the Nazis did. That’s always a good laugh.

He's evil because he killed more innocent people than any other person in history.

The Katyn forest massacre was mentioned non stop and blamed on Germany until they found soviet bullets in the bodies. Then nobody talked about it since. McCarthy was right about the communists. They kvetched about one person who wasn't found in the KGB files... until he was found and they never talked about it since. Same old play. Same as the fake hate crimes, parrot about them on end about how evil whites are, then when the truth is revealed they don't even correct the story or report on it.

Epic appeal to credentials
The more interesting tactic I've seen among Holocaust believers is to explain that "ausgerotten" is used to mean "exterminate" in modern German which is not actually true before the war; the word is cognate with "root out"

Unless you pin World War II as a whole on him, which an argument can be made for, you are incorrect

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>believing """documents""" forged by jews
Have you no sense at all?

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>You're just an anti-white and probably a jew/zionist who wants to genocide Germans
you are so adorably retarded

Are you sure about that?

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> Protagonist is wrongly framed as a villain by the true antagonist

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Oy vey, look at this anti-semite... oh wait he's a jew.... well he's a self-hating jew! like all those orthodox jews who protest zionism!

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Anyone got the gif someone mad depicting this?

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>what do you mean i cant work at this hospital just bcuz i didnt go to med school, stop appealing to authority you fucking jew

very progressive thread guys

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Professional academic translators that have a reason to push a certain agenda?

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>Holocaust denial thread #99034275938475

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>>villain is evil because
Scheming rat as much as an anglo or his own caricature of a jew
Filthy g*rman
Filthy g*rman supremacist

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Discovered this one the other day, fucking hilarious.

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>Why do you think German media tells Germans their grandmothers and pigs and it's good that coronavirus is killing Germans?
Because Germans are evil?

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i dont have an agenda to push, even though i'm a nazi sympathizer

You mean sympathetic?

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OP btfo

kek, that's new to me.

Attached: holo3 his vs pol.jpg (1898x3270, 896.17K)

>oy vey! look at all these forged numbers we're claiming!
>why won't you believe us on our word alone? ANTI-SEMITISM!!!!


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I'm so sad that Schmitt isn't on that chart. I like Schmitt and I bet he has some wacky trivia about him too
>several hundred
>from execution
hahaha holy fuck the audacity
Actually a revealing comparison, yes I agree that maintaining the Holocaust myth is as important to Jewish control of society as proper medical practice is to patients' recovery

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>villain is right all long

Patton was killed for finding out the truth, for the letters he wrote to his wife.

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>villians whose motives are hard to find fault in and arguable better than the hero's

>Hitler trying to wipe out Jews
All well and good.
>Hitler overextending his forces across all of Europe
Fucking stupid but ambitious.
>Hitler allying with Italty, Japan.
>letting Japan fuck up China to the point where we have their commie bullshit now because of it.
In hindsight he should've told them to just fucking leave China alone.

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Patton just wanted a fabulous gay world like Hitler

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Why didn't all the Jews just walk out of the gas chambers LMAO

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gay all along&

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>promoting white genocide by dehumanizing those under genocide
Mass migration and forced assimilation is called genocide when done in Tibet, but it's called "diversity" when done in white countries.

Asia for the Asians, Africa for the Africans, white countries for EVERYBODY?


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Why is this phenotype so obsessed with hitler/jews/etc?

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Those shower room wooden doors are real tough. It was a real lice holocaust. Think of all those poor lice killed by delousing agent Zyklon B.

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wow what a hot and original take. Copy paste that straight from Yas Forums

China was getting fucked by foreigners long before WWII, mate. It was always going to turn into a shithole.

America for Native Americans
Australia for Aborigines

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Nazis were stupid.

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>white countries for EVERYBODY?
Europe was never "white". White is some stupid American bullshit for mutts with no clear ethnicity.

>anti-whites pulling all the same old logical fallacy attacks
Odd how moderators will ban people for racism, but never all the anti-whites who openly brag about the brown future for white countries then turn around and deny whites are being genocided according to UN definitions.

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Attached: neckbeardtriggerzyklon.jpg (958x2177, 1.19M)

These sorts of things are hilarious
>hitler had one ball
>hitler was gay
>hitler was a crackhead
>hitler had AIDs
>hitler was a FtM Tranny
>hitler secretly was a jew himself
The projection of these jewish fetishes onto history is equal parts comedic and disgusting

>native americans
They migrated here and wiped out all the Scandinavians who made it here first.

>anti-white seethe

it's not genocide you can't have sex

Didn't that one nazi in Germany fuck up because they locked the wooden doors to a synagogue? So yeah I guess they were pretty tough

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I'd much rather have an "EVILLLLL" cartoon villain than a botched """sympathetic""" one. Why defy convention? Bob Page is just a garden variety megalomaniac and he serves every narrative purpose just fine.

>Europe was never "white"
Do you really think there's a single person who falls for such retarded drivel? Apply yourself, kike.

Im actually referring to the KMT fighting with the commies and having a chance to win before they were forced to team up against Japan. And then the commies driving them off and leaving China in its current state.

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That’s the one.

got any proofs it's fake?

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simple solutions to complex problems are very alluring.
lost your job? the jews did it
can't save money? the jews did it
movies aren't good? da jooos
why is everything coming from china? jews

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>appealing to the same organization that disagrees with you on literally everything, including your interpretation of its own words

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Now for some true history which isn't even taught in schools.

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where are the bodies?

White is some stupid shit Americans started identifying as in the mid 20th century to distance themselves from Anglos. It's a completely new race.

Europe for whites
Australia for abbos
Asia for asians

user that is the image that the image you responded to is responding to
I get that on some level you get paid by the post but please have some pride in your work

Latest japs documents show that they don't expect to have chance against the US and expect the german to carry them throughout the war.

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>upset whites don't go to stupid meetups
Seethe more fed poster.

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the niggers you so much defend are the biggest hypocrites and pieces of shit in the world

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>proof he wasn't gay
>aims to eradicate faggotry
>married his crush before his death
Anywah, proof he was? Nobody has to prove a negative. Its possible to have a close friend without also riding his dick, Chaim.