Nice water for a switch game

nice water for a switch game

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beautiful water



somebody post it

goddamn that's some good looking water

awesome water


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yeah but look at how nice the water looks now

The bottom looks better but I'm honestly more drawn to the aesthetics at the top. Don't know if it's nostalgia but it's just how I feel.

put me in the screencap

i made this exact same thread fuck you


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amazing water

thought it was all one guy who was gonna slowly save Yas Forums spamming one water thread at a time, now i'm disappointed

by the way have you seen how good the water looks in the new animal crossing

maybe it was just obviously good water

you're right it is very good water

Me when water

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guys...I miss him

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You know the top looks better but you want to say the bottom looks better because it has higher resolution textures and more polygons to models.

based and bluepilled

Why am I relating towards the fascination for in-game water? There's just something about how the ripples animate, or how the water looks good enough to drink... I simply understand. I just understand, but I don't know WHY or HOW I understand.

Someone help me make sense of it all.

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I want him to rate water in every games

>removing this much of the stylization
>adding tons of smaller realistic looking objects
>heavy character customization
>minan' and craftan' gaems

I know it's always been an anti-stress busywork simulator, but it's getting redonkulous with the OCD and escapism/wishfulfillment elements.

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It's because it's more saturated.

I wonder which individual paremeters he'd rate it by.

I bet it would look really nice with some pokemon creatures in it!

>nice water
>literally doesn't have a reflection
>not even a simple image proxy billboard
literally not even 2006 level graphics

Reflectivity isn't all there is to water, user.

no specular lighting or vibrancy either.
it looks like shit.

alright who dumped gatorade in the river

he just loves or doesn't comment. these 5 games were the only ones worth it

>>removing this much of the stylization
>>adding tons of smaller realistic looking objects
the smaller realistic objects IS stylization you nigger

at least make the lighting match the fuckign waterfall nintendo. fuck.

Attached: Water shader.png (960x1080, 1.81M)


stale water
delicious fresh water

cool shaders cost peanuts these days (it's all about technique + right angles, rather than computational capabilities limitations these days)

>make the lighting match the fuckign waterfall
it's another "couch X-professional" post of the day

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it reflects the cloudless sky, you blind nigger - look closely!

the waterfall has smooth specular. the rest of the water does not.

I'm a game dev but whatever.

what do you mean "smooth"? You mean "glossy" (as in more reflective)?
Two factors: water is more matte, has less reflections and generally darker looking, because it receives less photons in this scene (that is, the sun is not in zenith, but rather angled at rather similar angle as player's camera (as you can see by the tree shadows directions)
Making the water brighter (also adding incorrectly sized and angled light specks) would not only be incorrect, but also hinder the shadow-mid-highlight balance of the image.
Besides, the water is usually much more calm after waterfall because of the pit buffer (created the millions of years of waterfall hitting and polishing the rocks underneath it; incidentally, that also adds to the water darkness, on top of obtuse sunlight angle) that lets all the kinetic energy cancel itself out and let the river flow peacefully (the wider the channel, the calmer the flow)

and i'm an artist - doesn't protect either opinion from criticism (i'm a politician means i can make no wrong policies).

>water* is more matte, has less reflections and generally darker looking, because it receives less photons in this scene
*water at the bottom, compared to waterfall water

Old waters with HD textures annihilates the new one IMO.

Wait till I post City Folk's.

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Old style is just stronger, I think.

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those are just different art styles - comparing flat, cartoony shaders to shader-powered plastic/toy-like/plasticine rendering is apples and oranges.

>talking about real life water nonsense instead of artstyle.

never played any entry from the series, but personally I like the volumetric looks of the latest installment, compared to flatter looking, probably nostalgia tripping, render of the previous ones)

Attached: nostalgia goggles mk3.png (560x482, 182.84K)

BoTW had better water

Attached: bruh.png (717x586, 170.4K)

>no arguments

even if you're brainlet, i'll spoonfed you on the fact that even good art style is based on coherent rules, usually adopted from existing physics; even moreso when your choice of art style is volumetric plastic doll house that provides an excellent opportunity to manufacture 1:1 real-life copies in form of toys and merch for gullible kids to waste their allowance on

Just for the record, I didn't star with the GC game, but IMO the "realistic"(?) water clashes a bit with the artstyle and the creeping in of more semi-realistic shading and objects is slowly deteroraiting said artstyle.

well that's the thing - the water in the picture looks simplified (with minimal noise in texture) and plastic'y enough to be part of the plasticine world.

Fast-moving falling water look shiny because lots of air bubbles (from it being fast-moving) scatter light.
Still river water NOT 90s anime water because sun at 60 degree angle and it'd make absolutely no fucking sense otherwise.

Hmm, guess I'd better play it and judge for myself when I get it tomorrow. I been avoiding a lot of the trailers and have only seen a screenshot here and there. You're probably right though, user. Thanks for staying civil.

have a good one - i too enjoy occasional constructive discussion in this wonderful sludge

Pure Wa-ah

Anybody wanna be pals

Post your dodo code and you'll have some.

>NOOOOOO you can’t compare things, they’re all good in their own way!!!!

>"they’re all good in their own way!!!!"
>implying they aren't

if anything, it's the flat one that has aged like fine milk, because it tried to overcompensate in severely stylized texture details where it lacked in object volume (even though the main character still looks 3D) and turned resulting image into a white noise only a mental case autismo / tranny would ever find appealing.

>would ever*
would *still

>they’re both good
>except the old one which is shit
hypocrizy hoo!