>is the best unit in both games he is in
How does he do it, bros?
>is the best unit in both games he is in
How does he do it, bros?
How do you define "best" in FE games?
>does the unit have a horse
>does the unit have big stats
if you say yes to both you've found the best unit in any FE game
Availability, combat, utility. Marcus excels in every category because horses and perfect weapon triangle coverage is overpowered, and his stats falling off later on isn’t as bad since he can still keep up decently unlike some other prepromotes in the series. Helps that you basically need him to beat 6 and 7 on hard mode.
Not the best prepromote in the series though, Seth outright breaks FE8.
Is it wrong if I use Marcus as only a Merlinus babysitter and rescue/drop guy? He seems pretty good so he doesn't need any xp.
I'd say availability is a something separate from unit quality, e.g. athos is a godly unit that's only available for one chapter.
I don't know how I'd define "best" myself, hence the question, but I imagine it would be something to do with how much easier a unit makes a chapter. I've seen some tier lists that base everything on the number of turns saved and I those tier lists end up looking super wonky because saving turns moving across empty maps is highly valued whereas making chapter clears reliable is not considered a big deal.
Not really. I usually use units like Marcus just to soften up weaker enemies (and save usage on silver weapons). I usually save bosses for him though, since that’s a full level even for Marcus and he is able to stay more than relevant even at later stages in the game.
Yeah Fire Emblem is honestly a fairly hard game to make tier lists for. The god and shit tier units are always easy to decide on, but it gets a lot trickier outside of that. Athos’ placing in a tier list is something widely disputed even today.
>Athos’ placing in a tier list is something widely disputed even today.
F or E honestly, he's only usable on the last 2 maps.
Play FE6 on hard mode and you will learn to appreciate Marcus. The best part is that he softens up enemies just enough for your other units to kill them, so he doesn't prevent you from leveling your team.
What is the criteria you use for your tier lists?
>What is the criteria you use for your tier lists?
How cute the character is.
What about my nigga Sain?
The fact Athos is a free deployment makes him way better for me, since it means he has zero competition.
But yeah the dude is awkward as fuck to try to rank due to how different he is from other units. At the absolute worst, Athos makes sure you can actually beat the game even if the rest of your army is mostly dead.
>Athos makes sure you can actually beat the game even if the rest of your army is mostly dead.
Why the fuck would the rest of the army be dead?
He is great, especially if we include Lyn’s Mode, all three cavaliers in FE7 are pretty good.
There are plenty of characters who work as incredibly late game stopgaps to actually let you theoretically beat the final boss if you happen to only have an army of shitters or the guys you raised can't cut it. Saias/Ced/Galzus, the laguz royals (though they kinda blow against ashnard), Athos, etc.
I wouldn't call him the "best" in 6. He's good, but there's a lot of characters who dominate larger portions of the game than he does, and he's one of like three Jagens in the series that actually falls off, and he does so pretty fast.
Miledy's definitely better, and Rutger and Percival have a case for it.
>tfw Milady gets a hard mode bonus for free
I've been looking at tier lists and stuff recently and I'm curious which format people prefer. This one is a list of arbitrary unit ratings, based on how good I feel they are in various playthroughs (highest weighting on SSS but also considering warpless, incomplete recruitment, super slow casual runs, and more):
And this one is a very roughly made estimate of how much a unit "contributes" to an SSS run in terms of saving expected turns. It factors in availability and such so I think it should be more in line with the FE community standard, but I personally think it's unintuitive and misleading.
>Finn and Dagda below Eyvel
>Leif down in C
what the fuck
Anyhow, rating systems can be odd for FE because of basically everything you said; are we trying to go fast? How much stock do we put into availability? In your list, for example, you've got Galzus, Ced, Saias and Eyvel near the top, but those characters aren't with you for very much of the game. How many points should they lose for that? Should Xavier be lowered on the list when he's actually a pretty decent unit, simply because recruiting him is a massive pain in the ass, or should the recruitment conditions not be counted because you need to get everyone for an SSS rank anyway?
Eyvel is easily the best unit in the early chapters and she's also better than fin and dagda in the final chapter, wouldn't it be misleading to put her below them?
Likewise Sety, Cyas, and Galzus are some of the best units on your team and should be deployed in every chapter you have the option. Rating them highly seems intuitive to me. I have a harder time figuring out where to put the units that aren't always good but have some short periods where they are very valuable.
Do you think Leaf is better than any of the units I listed in B?
I didn't account for the difficulty of recruiting units in that list, but the other one puts the B route units in the bottom tier because going B route is objectively worse in an SSS rank playthrough.
I know the game is made by asians but why do they have to all look the same?
You should post someone that's actually cute then.
Literally made for Oswin’s cock
Serra is SSS tier
I feel like you have to take availability into account to at least some extent in these games. In the same way that a character like Dalshin is incredibly helpful for a few chapters before getting benched forever, Gotoh-types like Galzus and Ced spend more than twenty chapters being about as useless as Shanam, because they don't exist, and it's wrong to say that character A is bad because he falls off after a bit while character B is good even though he spends so much of the game doing nothing.
But I don't penalize dalshin for warming the bench either
>Eyvel is easily the best unit in the early chapters and she's also better than fin
Eyvel having overkill combat doesn't actually mean she outclasses Dagdar in the earlygame when Dagdar is ridiculously overpowered himself for that part of the game and can capture while she mostly can't.
The actual point I was trying to make, I guess, is that Eyvel kills three bosses with a Fire Sword and then fucks off for 90% of the game before returning for the finale as a serviceable but replaceable filler unit. Meanwhile, someone like Leif, Finn or Dagda spends a much larger portion of the game killing things and getting shit done. Sure, nobody else was going to kill those three bosses in a timely manner, but does that alone really make a top tier character?
>Havan below Dalshin
what the fuck
Eyvel gets to bosses more quickly and is much better at killing them. You don't need a lot of money in thracia and there isn't much worth capturing early on so I don't weigh capturing very highly.
>A glass cannon is a better healer than Mrs. Healslut the prostipriestess
Serra's only redeemable quality is that she's a brat.
Havan's shit the entire game, Dalshin's shittier for most of the game but clutch during Manster. C Tier's a bit high, but I get it.
Oh, I understand now. In your eyes, a character's rating should be formed by adding up their value in every chapter. Whereas the way I listed them just looks at their peak state and doesn't account for all the time Eyvel is bad. That makes sense, and if the individual contributions add up to more than what Eyvel does then it might make sense to rate her below them. But I think if someone looks at character ratings and sees Leaf > Eyvel they'll be misled about how good Leaf is on any given chapter.
Halvan is better in the long run if you decide to train both but I rate Dalshin higher since he helps out when you really need him whereas Halvan is never particularly valuable.
- Somewhat helpful in chapters 1-3 as he can kill weak enemies and contribute to rescue chains.
- After being re-recruited he is a subpar combat unit that cannot kill strong enemies or deal reliable damage at 2-range. Nevertheless he can still kill mooks with the brave axe.
- If heavily trained (including odo scroll use for many levels, promotion, and 90 axe wexp) he will be able to use master axes effectively. This will keep him safe from enemy dark mages because his ambush (vantage) skill lets him ORKO before taking damage. He can also fight master weapon armors in the final chapter.
- Enemies with wrath will crit him even on the enemy phase.
- Very valuable as a combat unit in chapters 4, 4x, and 5 as long as you take the brave axe into Manster. His speed prevents him from quadrupling (unless he eats the speed ring) but even a single hit from the brave axe can deal heavy damage or even OHKO enemies. His defense is also quite nice as he can endure a lot of hits from armors and soldiers (if they even attack him). The support he receives from Leaf is important as his hit rate is quite low.
- If you don't take the brave axe into Manster his damage output suffers greatly.
- Typically left behind during the Manster escape as he weighs down mounted units and is not worth the trouble it takes to escape with him.
- Even if left behind in chapter 5 he can fill in as a master/brave axe user in the endgame. However he has low accuracy and needs some leveling/promotion/statboosters to quad with the master axe.
- Promotion and the elite sword bring his defense to 20 before even considering growths. He also gets more accurate 2-range attacks from E-rank bows. However he won't kill much unless given the wrath manual and can't accomplish anything that justifies the effort.
I miss when FE wasn't a waifu simulator
If the purpose of a tier list is to help a player pick characters for their team, then I'd say a grade system really just doesn't work. Instead, probably the tiers should just be named accordingly: "Useful from start to finish", "useful for some time", "useful with investment", and "never useful", and then ordering them within those tiers. It's easy enough to say that Sain is better than Kent, but it's a lot harder to compare either one of them to Athos, they function so differently.
That would probably be even more confusing since it wouldn't give you a sense of who to use when if the start-finish units aren't compared to the temporary units and the investment units could be well worth the investment.
Actually I was initially asking about which type of tier list is preferred. Aside from telling someone which units they should consider using, or counting the number of turns saved in a very specific setting, what options are there for making tier lists and which do you prefer?
I've been thinking of playing an older FE after 3H. Which should I play?
I've played 7, 8, 9, and Awakening onward. I've played 6 too but never beat it.
it obviously depends on which games you like most and what you like about them
FE4 if you want something focusing more on story and FE5 if you want something with good maps but will kick you in the balls.
I like fun maps and a balanced cast with decent writing and characters.
6 rubbed me the wrong way with the giant maps that weak Roy had to walk or be carried through, as well as most of the units being mediocre in a way that I felt restricted to a specific cast.
It's hard to say since 6 is one of the better games terms of map design, the writing isn't as offensively awful as in other games, and there are a lot of viable characters. I have a feeling you would like Path of Radiance even though I think a lot of the maps are boring slogs, since it's very accommodating for people who don't actually want to play FE and would rather just throw overpowered units at the enemy.
1 - 3 : Tellius
4 - 6 : Jugdral
7 - 9 : Archanea
0 : Replay GBA games
I went back and read some of the old message boards I used to be part of and one guy rated Sleuf below Marty.
>Sety, Saias and Galzus that high
Do you not know what availability means? Not even gonna bother to look at the rest of your retarded list.
Maybe I just had absurdly bad luck when I played 6, but none of my characters could deal with bosses. I think for most of the game, the only characters who could do any real damage to bosses were the pre-promotes, Rutger, and Deke. Roy in particular died in 2 hits to everything and wasn't strong or fast enough to fight on his own. I ended up stopping after the mission with all the houses being attacked, so I don't know how things look from there.
Call me a casual, and I'm definitely not a strong FE player, but cycling out the majority of my characters just to keep up wasn't how I liked playing. It felt like everyone fell off quicker than they should have.
>the klein map
Jeez I'd forgotten all about that one. Pain in the ass for sure if your cavs/fliers got RNG screwed
>FE thread about older games
>lots of serious discussion
>FE thread about nu-FE
>99% waifu faggotry
What went wrong with this franchise? Why are we such scholars compared to those Fateshomos?
You act as if the older games didn't have waifufaggotry
>cycling out the majority of my characters just to keep up wasn't how I liked playing
Oh, were you were trying to level up every single unit you recruited equally? Typically you do cycle out some units you don't focus on but the ones you do choose to train should hold up well.
How is Othin not in S tier? He has a guaranteed crit/kill at 1-2 range on every fucking counter attack. Unit is busted beyond belief. And you can easily repair and replace his weapon throughout the game and he starts in your party from literal turn 1. I'm not seeing any downsides.
Also, wtf is this whole list.
>Galzus and Eyvel in A when they have next to no playable chapters
>Homeros A tier
>Salem high B tier
>Mareeta, Shiva, Carrion D tier
>Trewd on the same tier as Mareeta and Shiva
Explain this shit.
What's the point of rating units in a single player non competitive video game? I genuinely don't see a reason to do it, specially when it comes to shit like this game because you fags can never decide how to go about rating the fucking characters
I see even less of a point to do it because to beat these games you don't even need a particularly good team and to a good player wouldn't need to see a tier list to beat them in the harder difficulties
Play 4
Then you can understand why Sigurd is the best lord. Also, big maps, interesting story and characters, cool animations, etc
I don't entirely get it either but I made my own list since everyone else it seems like the thing to do in the fire emblem community. Good news is that it gets people talking about the game.
I think Othin is pretty good but he's mainly just good at killing mooks. He's not an ideal bosskiller because thrones are crazy and he doesn't have as much durability as Dagda until you get to the point where it no longer matters. Your other physical combat units have more mobility in some situations and/or attack with magic so you won't really miss Othin if you don't use him.
Do you think the units you listed are too high are too low? I don't care about the number of playable chapters a unit has, Homer is the ultimate combat unit from chapter 14-23, Salem has staves + some combat + enough durability to take a hit, Mareeta starts weak but her sword gives awareness so she can kill certain enemies if trained, Trude fills the same role but is slightly worse at it, Shiva is a decent filler unit that can use fire swords and other weapons to kill mooks, carrion is quite a bit worse since he starts out weak but it doesn't take much to get him to the point where he becomes a decent filler unit.
>Ronan has a 15% Strength growth
>But he also has 3 movement stars, Adept and 55% mag
Thracia units are a hoot. I decided to try out some different units for my second playthrough, he and Ilios are making me glad I did.
Ronan's strength growth isn't such a big deal since the brave bow is OP. The problem is that he's worthless before he gets to B bows and is super fragile. His low PCC also holds him back. But with crusader scrolls and some favoritism, you can make just about anyone into a decent unit.
>But with crusader scrolls and some favoritism, you can make just about anyone into a decent unit.
I like that a lot about Thracia. Also it reminded me of pic related which makes me laugh
Typically in fe games you want to focus on a core team of 12-15 units or so. In the older games in particular the casts are so large that training too many people will lead to you being under leveled
>emulating FE4 on old phone
>too lazy to start a new one
Gimme some motivation to restart Genealogy. I think I was around chapter where you rescue Lachesis