
>18 hour campaign
its dead jim

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Unironically, how is that bad?

holy shit, thats pretty dang long!

KYS faggot

Same board sucks the asshole of DMC games and the campaigns are like less than 10 hours long.

>$3.33 an hour
>how is that bad

You pay like $10-15 for 1.5-2 hours at a movie.

can you guess how I know you ""enjoy"" grindy rpg games?

Its a hella epic game for dummies and teens.
Playing nudoom is the equivalent of watching mainstream news.
Its the feel of the game and everything surrounding it.
Its the Joe Biden of games.
It caters to this oblivious, hyped idiot type consumer who lives on buzzwords and inanities.
Its as if a bunch of has beens gathered and tried to think about what the youngsters like and then just shove it into one game.

you didnt factor in all the deaths casual will take at the higher difficulties
So more like, 72 hours long.

now excuse me while i collect bugs in animal crossing

shitty comparison, when you buy a movie you go to a theater, when you buy a game you stay in your same room you masturbate in
buying movies is a scam too
>if you want your moneys worth for a game you play grindy RPGs

since you are going on a dollar per hour rpgs that takes hundreds of hours would be excellent for you, don't you think?

if its actually fun, sure

18 hours is great.

I don't, i pirate those too

That's insanely long for a FPS game, what the fuck are you on about?

18 hour campaign for an fps is very beefy

18 hours for a arcady FPS campaign? that seems kind of too long, actually

What the fuck are you talking about?
Length barely matters anyway but you are still insane for thinking that's somehow bad

>buy shit game
>get shit game

WHOA fucking science man.

Man you fucking hipsters sure have lowered your expectations.

>being a paypig

>bro just wait 5 months for a pirated version to come out and then get a virus when you download it

Wow Todd, you're real salty about this doing better than 76, aren't you?

keep malding console simp

Not every game needs to be a padded-out open world fetchquest simulator.

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Im glad i didnt have to pay, just finished it and want to say, it was aight. not shit.

>18 hours for the campaign is somehow too short for an fps that isn't some open-world shit with millions of worthless side-quests and activities
I know you retards don't actually play games but this is just ridiculous

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18 hours is fucking trash, samefag. just because cod and other multiplayer games give you a 6 hour campaign doesn't mean that 18 hours is good. you can beat that shit in a few days without coming close to nolifing it.

18 hours for an FPS sounds insane, that might even be too long.

18 hours is pretty normal for something that isn't filled with a shitload of filler.

I'd like you to point out any FPS games you consider to be amazing that have campaigns substantially longer than 18 hours.

So which is your favourite disgea and assassin's creed?

>18 hours is fucking trash
Again, for an FPS that isn't open world and filled to the brim with shitty "side content", 18 hours is not at all short, if anything that is long as fuck. Please name a good FPS similar to Doom Eternal that is substantially longer than it if you think it is bad though.


18 hours is long as fuck for an FPS campaign.

And keep in mind this is a linear game without any real sidequests or much depth beyond having to master the combat or a story anyone would give 2 shits about. I'd say 18 hours is going to tire a lot of people out.

There's barely any pure FPS games that come out these days with a campaign focus, but stalker cop and soc, any of the borderlands games, deus ex (modern ones too I think are longer than 20h), prey. I think the modern far cry games were all over 20h, even ignoring all the dumb collectable shit. there's probably more, and there definitely is if you stretch FPS a bit.
I don't think they're all amazing, but acting like 18h for singleplayer focused game is amazing value is retarded.

make the question more specific why don't you. should I also be sure it's made by the same dev? Maybe it needs to be beth published? value doesn't change when the genre slightly shifts, it's still the game basic type of game and the same money spent.

>Game designers genuinely think that I should be subjected to their "work" for 18 hours

Jesus H, I can't think of a book I've read that took that long. Where do these pretentious fucks get off?

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That's great. 60 dollars wouldn't buy me 18 hours of entertainment at the movies, maybe 9 hours.

>playing on ultra violence LUL

As a borderlands fag, I have to say that borderlands is one of those "open world" games with side quests.

Actually, all of those are. 18h for a linear single player campaign is impressive.

Thats pretty good considering the average length of a game's campaign is 8-10 hours

Ultraviolence is the quintessential Doom experience. Everything below is basically babbymode.

>stalker cop and soc, any of the borderlands games, deus ex (modern ones too I think are longer than 20h), prey. I think the modern far cry games were all over 20h

i hope you're pretending to be this dumb. Most, if not all, these games you mentioned are open world and not meant to be played in a linear way like the doom campaign is. the most off roading you do is looking around corners or punching the odd wall to see if there's a secret but that's it.

they should have focused on making proper mod tools instead of multiplayer

> nightmare
> a fucking breeze
> get to lvl 3
> shit gets so fucking real i died 25 times to one arena
> get past
> you are dropped to a fucking pit 20 meters in size cubic where you are supopsed to survive TWO fucking mancubus
kill me

I think he's mocking the OP for not playing on Nightmare user

That was considered short 20 years ago

that's a value of $3.33 per hour
not terrible by any stretch

It's alright, though I've heard that it's a fair bit shorter unless you're going for all the collectibles, so I think it's absolutely fine to include games with sidequests. 18hrs is better than most in the genre, but that's really not saying much when the vast majority of big releases in it are multiplayer focused with like 5h campaigns. 18h seems to be close to what they were claiming for finding all secrets and shit.

yeah bro actually this FPS doesn't count because they put content in in the wrong way. only linear games with a bunch of padding secrets and hallways shoved in count.

Titanfall 2 ruined FPS campaigns for me. Nothing is ever good enough anymore. Save us cyberpunk.

Titanfall 2 might be some of the most fun I've ever had playing fps games. Well, consistently.

As for tps games I've only played EAfront 2 and fuck you I like it.

>any of the borderlands games
Well, there's your opinion discarded

Yeah, sure it was buddy

I think the average gamer would have beat the original dooms in less time than that

read my post before you reply to me, brainlet.

That's twice as long as the original.

That's insane for an fps.

2016 was way shorter and still feels like moneys worth shut up

oh god this faggot from the other thread literally copy pasted his same retarded argument

2016 was legitimately just bad value. the campaign was like 10 hours long. it's worse value than fucking movie tickets, which are terrible value in the first place.