Bloodborne > DS > Demon's Souls >DS3 > >>>>>> DS2

Bloodborne > DS > Demon's Souls >DS3 > >>>>>> DS2
About to start Sekiro.

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I hated 2, but I hated 3 so much more. I don't understand how anyone can list 2 below 3.
BB > DaS1 > DeS > Sekiro >>> DaS2 > DaS3

Sekiro > Bloodborne = DS2 > DS3 = DS = DeS

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based list.

Solid list. My ranking is DS1 > Bloodborne >= Sekiro > *powergap* > DS3 > DS2

I'm currently playing DeS and it's really good on some parts and kinda jank in others.

literally playing it right now and its so short lol.


Oh, is it? It's feel pretty massive. I'm currently around the second archstone of each area.

Well I got through 2 archstones in an hour, I still have like 2-3 to go i think. Maybe I am breezing through it because I have a strong weapon

Which areas?

Finally someone with sense and taste on this decaying shithole of a board.

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Valley of Defilement, and all of Boletaria I believe.

I'm hoping the rest of Valley of Defilement is short because I hated its first section and the first boss sucked. I want to steer clear of that shithole as much as possible.

You should go check the Tower of Latria, it's my #1 zone so far.

BB > DS3 > Sekiro > DS1 > DS > DS2

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I have literally the same taste as you, except I didn't play Sekiro yet, now I know how good it is.

Valley of Defilement was huge, then it really cuts short at the end, Also I will try that next since I am in the stonefang area.

Bloodborne > DS3 > Sekiro > DS > DeS > DS2.

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Another guy with the same taste, good to know some people appreciate DS3 here.

My hope, nay...My dream is to some day play Bloodborne utterly uninhibited on PC. It would be utterly magnificent. 1440p, 144hz. Smooth as glass.

But, it is still magnificent where it is now. Gameplay aside, will we ever get a game as artistically, aesthetically complete as Bloodborne?

I honestly don't get the disdain for it. The combat is fantastic and has a much better pacing than the others, not to mention the variety of skills, weapons and weapon arts.

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Hope you're ready to fight the same four bosses multiple times.



DS1 = BLOODBORNE > DEMON SOULS = DS2 > > > > > > > > TRASH> > > > > > > > > > > > > DS3

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Sekiro > BB > DS1 > DeS > DS3 >>>>>>>> DS2

DS was my first

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>Gameplay aside, will we ever get a game as artistically, aesthetically complete as Bloodborne?
It's called Blasphemous.

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This game has a lot of flaws though.

what I gather from this thread insofar is that Bloodborne is generally considered to be the best soulsborne game of the franchise
this is uplifting to know
Gehrman best boy

We're talking aesthetics first here, not gameplay.

>Pathetic bosses with health pools that can't keep up with what the player is capable of (they tried to rectify this by giving DLC bosses literally triple the amount of health an endgame boss should have)
>Shields are too good
>Items like Estus Flask and Homeward Bone are instantaneous and near impossible for an enemy to properly punish
>Poise Rework made 90% of regular enemies pathetic and too easily susceptible to R1 Spam
>Stamina is infinite for some reason
>World map is too linear
>Bonfires are too close together
>Added nothing new or particularly innovative to the formula outside of Weapon Arts which aren't as effective as R1 Spam outside of PVP

How does anyone rate Sekiro above any other souls game? I'd almost just say it isn't one at all. It's so much more limited than any of the other games. No builds, no options, it's about as much of an RPG as TLOU, and the enemy variety is non-existent.

Blasphemous is a total shit of a game but it is pretty fantastic artistically and lore wise. Doesn't really even compete in the same league as Bloodborne, though. I respect 2D art but at the end of the day a fully realized 3D world is infinitely more impressive than a fully realized 2D one. I would argue it therefore doesn't qualify as being as complete as Bloodborne in that field.

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Bloodborne has plenty of highs with few real lows. It's not a perfect game, and there's something at which any of the other games are respectively better at, but it's overall the best package. Sekiro probably comes second when it comes to being best in general.

that's because Sekiro isn't an RPG, and, is in fact, a character action game

>Blasphemous is a total shit of a game
I thought it was decent. Nothing outstanding, and a little bit too on the easy side, but the game was never really janky and it never got all that old. It's pretty clear they didn't set out to reinvent the wheel gameplay wise and their focus was elsewhere. I'd rather have devs focus on what they're best at, so long as the rest doesn't suffer, than waste time trying to do what they can't.

>I would argue it therefore doesn't qualify as being as complete as Bloodborne in that field.
That depends on what you mean by "complete" here.

Ds3 is insulting. Shallow combat that tries to be Bloodborne and Souls with the weaknesses of both and the strengths of neither, garbage exploration with linear world design and level design filled with open spaces making interesting enemy encounters a thing of the past, bland visual design with repetitive elements and colour, enemy design that isnt built around the recovery and wind up of the players attacks, bonfires around every corner, a lack of new ideas for worldbuilding. I could go on and on. Ds2 builds from Ds1 and while it fails on a technical level and sometimes the ideas end up being implemented poorly, it's still more engaging than Ds3.

This thread screams alot of DS3 zoomies coping. Their shit game will always be that downie son of DS x BB

For me?
It's DS > Sekiro > DeS > BB > DS2 > DS3

>Pathetic bosses with health pools that can't keep up with what the player is capable of
Have you played the other games dude? Because in terms of bosses, DS3 is the hardest on the franchise.

>Shields are too good
This I can answer, because I barely use shields. It's better to have op shields than op magic that make the game a joke like in DeS and DS1

>Items like Estus Flask and Homeward Bone are instantaneous and near impossible for an enemy to properly punish
Enemies are much faster to compensate.

>Stamina is infinite for some reason
It isn't.

>World map is too linear
The only other game that can claim being more open-ended is DS1, the rest are basically just as linear.

>Bonfires are too close together
Rather being too close than too far away.

>Added nothing new or particularly innovative to the formula outside of Weapon Arts which aren't as effective as R1 Spam outside of PVP
So what?

>Have dream about playing Sekiro
>Have not played Sekiro or watched many videos on it
>Dream fills in the gaps with random bullshit from bloodborne and other games
>Kill boss
>Backtrack to room prior before proceeding to next area
>Place starts shaking with small debris falling
>Another boss' health bar appears
>Run back before it's too late
>"Intermittent Ogre" replaces whatever was there
>He looks just like that fat fuck from the recent FFXIV expansion
>Doing really good even though my character suddenly started trying to do stabbing animations for no reason
>Get one-shotted
>Go back to room before boss again
>Screen starts shaking again with small debris falling
>Go to water that wasn't there before and camp out
>Health bar with nonsensical name appears
>Sea shanties start playing
>Pic related teleports right behind me in the water and one-shots me within half a second as he casually swims past me
>Character floats dead with shocked anime face (pupils shrank, mouth open)

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You sound like a seething retard alright.

Builds in Dark Souls are a joke anyways unless people are memeing double zweis, which admittedly makes me laugh out loud every time.

You do magic if youre fuckin lazy. And every other build is just a variation on melee with or without a shield. Most weapons don't get used. Its fine to argue to have the choice, but we also have to recognize that almost none of these weapons are used unless its for a memerun.

And Im not sure its valid to say Sekiro is more "limited" than the Souls games condiering its combat certainly feels less stilted and limiting since its action-oriented. Similar to Bloodborne but Bloodborne is obviously somewhere between to two on the scale.

They are two different types of games. They are rated in the series because of the similar mechanics that bind all Souls-like games, some of which are also stripped out of BB. If you can't recognize that, youre a brainlet.

Keep deluding yourself you zoomer cuck.

Iframes are too forgiving, stamina is too abundant, enemies stagger too easily. The whole game pushes you to play in a spammy way. Spamming rolls over applying positioning and spacing due to forgiving Iframes and cancelling recovery.
Spamming attacks instead of timing them in response to your enemy due to low stamina cost, complete lack of passive poise and recovery cancelling.

It's entry level casualized souls game and BB lite at best

>I'd almost just say it isn't one at all.
"Souls" is a very loose group of games. Bloodborne barely resembles previous Souls games. DS2 isn't even on the same engine they've been using since DeS and Miyazaki had no relation to it.

Sekiro is pretty evidently built on "Souls" games and adresses many of the previous gameplay ideas and problems they'd had. If not Elden Ring you can expect the game after that one to show heavy Sekiro influence.

>the enemy variety is non-existent.
The enemy variety is fine though. Basically every area has different enemies.

Okay, so tell me a boss in another base Souls game as hard as Nameless King, I'll wait faggot.

>That depends on what you mean by "complete" here.
I basically explained that in the preceding sentence. Given the choice if I can have a well-made 3D game or a well-made 2D game I will always pick 3D, assuming (as much as we can) everything else is equal. I remember being very excited to see the Risk of Rain devs moving forward with their gameplay and their art rather than simply sitting back and continuing in the 2D space.

It requires more effort, its more difficult, I typically enjoy playing in a 3D space more than a 2D one. So for me, a 3D game provides a more complete experience. Even from a raw lore and just art style perspective I think Blasphemous lags well and truly behind Bloodborne and Im sure if I thought about it I could come up with some other games I like more. But, that would be personal preference.

Nameless is extremely fair and has very lenient telegraphs. In comparison Gascoigne is quite hard for what he's meant to be, and Logarius can assrape you if you don't know what you're doing. Arguably there's also O&S and Gwyn if you don't know to parry him. And all human-sized bosses in Sekiro require more than Nameless.

The only people that don't like bloodborne are people that haven't played it. This is just a fact

not him but i dont consider myself good at the souls games and nameless king wasnt that bad.

i had a harder time with some of the bosses in sekiro. cant think of any souls specific bosses, souls games are a lot easier than their more action oriented counterparts.

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you bastard, made me spit my drink

demon's souls > soi soils

>Even from a raw lore and just art style perspective I think Blasphemous lags well and truly behind Bloodborne and Im sure if I thought about it I could come up with some other games I like more.
I'll have to disagree here. Bloodborne is quite good, but I find it to be quite uneven and incosistent in places. By far the best moments in the game are in the DLC, and it's kind of on a different level to the rest of the game.

>invent the best healing system in soulsborne on their second try
>refuse to use it again ever
What the fuck is From's problem? Why could they never just adequately tweak 1's healing?

Blood Vials came close but the dynamic they gave to exploring wasn't worth having to farm them.

The first thing they should've done for 1's sequels was just knock down the max number of estus you can get through kindling, and make humanity (or whatever would take its place) a little more precious than humanity was in 1. Boom done, perfect healing system.

Don't know which came first, From's decision to ditch 1's smart world design or their decision to give estus shards out to you in pieces one at a time. 2 was just throwing shit at the wall to see what stuck.

I just beat Owl Father.
It only took me about 60 tries.
He can eat my shit.

do it again but harder, now

>This thread screams alot of DS3 zoomies coping.
Nigger you're talking about fucking Dark Souls, you don't get to call other people zoomers.

Will corona-chan delay the release of Bloodborne Kart?

Don't forget it doesn't count unless you did it without the charm and with the demon bell.

user, I'm afraid to tell you that there is no Bloodborne Kart.

My last run, I only blocked two hits without deflecting and didn't use a rez. I was so numb to his bullshit by then and for some reason, my blocks weren't blocking 70% of his attacks. I felt like DSP and Alucard at the same time.
>one of the best OSTs on the series
>completely forgotten because it's for a shit boss
>said boss got shit canned and went from being the second coming of Tower Knight and a near God to a push-over miscarriage
Look how they massacred my boy.

Bloodborne would be the best if it they made more proper levels instead of half-assed roguelite wannabe chalice dungeon shit.

Would Bloodborne have benefited from starting you in Hemwick instead of Central Yharnam? From a narrative standpoint, I'd imagine it would make more sense to gradually work your way up to the source of the game's conflict, but placing you right in the heart of the action is also not a bad choice.