Doom Eternal cracked day 1 by the toddster himself

Doom Eternal cracked day 1 by the toddster himself
>left the unprotected exe in the game's files.

Attached: rsz16te1ern41.jpg (648x1275, 116.11K)

buy the game, poor arse pirate cuck

Why? I wasn't even gonna pirate it, but this is hilarious so I'll give it a level or three before I delete it.

At this point, it has to be on purpose. Its like the 3rd or 4th time this happened

How is Bethesda going to fuck up next?

>buy Denuvo
>don't use it

Attached: 1581932052046.jpg (720x463, 18.15K)

This is what crunch time does. It's much easier to leave the drm free exe on that filepath I do that shit at work all the time so I understand but kek wat a fuckup they did it again and will do it again desu

Gonna pirate it just to seed it
I don't give a fuck

Do you still need the bnet token?

Stop pirating music and tv/movies poorfag.

Stop supporting pedophiles

isn't it broken and you must register bethesda account?

No thanks I am going to finally play it without making an account.

If you already bought the game can you still do this to remove denuvo? I don't want the performance hit.


Fuck off shill

Nope, you can completely skip it by modifying the exe

Attached: file.png (330x141, 4.71K)

Anyone got the magnet link?

>Spend millions of dollars making your own special platform players need to register accounts with to play your games via server authentification
>You can just tell the program "Hey you know that sign-in? Yeah skip that." and it's fine

Honestly kind of based.

where do you work at user


Attached: 1581782485026.png (801x724, 706.95K)

>$100 for the game
>$45 for day 1 DLC
Fuck off

The best part is that the .exe even tells you you can do it

Attached: 1565457561529.png (715x333, 23.59K)

Where's the .exe?

>requires log in
they'll ban all your accounts and your IP you retards

>buy the game, poor arse pirate cuck

Attached: 1560913822541.jpg (1080x1012, 82.18K)

I would have done so if it didn't have denuvo. With denuvo I wouldn't install the game even if I got it for free.



Fuck off Todd I'm not buying your game.

>Give you free money and games
Any other complaints?

Attached: E9D03605-FC94-44C9-A9BF-18D0B03D3BFD.jpg (724x724, 306.79K)

Alright, torrent where?

I am sure this is great for the people who want to play it, but i don't. The games i am waiting for are Cyberpunk 2077 and Baldur's Gate 3. I've lost faith in Bethesda and i've lost the desire to play their games a long time ago.

Apparently it crashes on mission 3 right now because of a conflict with the Bethesda launcher exe and the steam rip of the game. I'd give it a day or so.

read the OP image, it's included in the download

>bethesda included the non denuvo EXE in the original download

i dont usually support pirates but go ahead they deserve this just how incompetent can you be?

ok is this "free money" thing confirmed cause some of us gotta pay rent with that

Reddit says it doesn't work, did u even try it yourself?

as someone who bought it this is still helpful to me cause i REALLY didn't want to put up with that bullshit

Again? Jesus Christ.

>a level or three


Can't wait for the performance comparisons to come out and the shills to once again try to damage control why the denuvo version runs worse.

I literally would if they didn't use Denuvo

That comment has aged extremely well.

Todd has nothing to do with Doom Eternal

> modifying the exe
It's called a shortcut.

we are on Yas Forums its the planet of morons

And here I was thinking that Ol' Tim was based for giving us free Vidya. Thanks Todd, good luck with your future scene releases

>damage control why the denuvo version runs worse.
>Not a single game comparison showing the Denuvo version running worse
>Despite thousands upon thousands of videos, there's only ONE channel that somehow finds "lots" of "evidence"

Only thing worse then "Denuvo shills" are you faggots who claim it ruins performance.
Find me ONE video comparing the versions that IS NOT by Overlord Gaming.

No i will pirate twice so that your and someone elses bought copy gets removed.

>a level or three

Attached: 1576563140989.jpg (696x535, 65.04K)

>be Bethesda
>be so confident that you made the shooter of the decade already
>release it so pirate bros can also play it, enjoy it and buy it once its cheaper.

>>Not a single game comparison showing the Denuvo version running worse
Except for literally every case of a game that has Denuvo where we have a non-Denuvo version to compare to, you mean.

Waiting for eventual GoG release

It doesn't if you sign in and create a new account.

Can you niggers stop fucking leeching the doom eternal torrent?


is that better?

this doesn't work at all

Next time don't undermine your point by using a racial slur and I might consider it

pls help I'm a poorfag

Just started the torrent because of your salt. Stay mad wagie. I'm going to rip and tear for free.

lol I'm not gonna buy a single player fps


Attached: literally cant play.png (1517x857, 1.07M)

Attached: Todd.jpg (1150x1413, 348.8K)

Is multiplayer any good, paycucks?

Create account with a throwaway mail