Anyone else find themselves slowly moving from PC to Console?

Lately ive just been playing things console only and just doing programming on pc. It kinda seems more convenient in a sense.

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Nope, my IQ has not decreased lately. Thanks for asking though.

This is your brain on anime.

How do you "slowly convert" to something that has a price tag so high? It's not like you're getting into a new genre, you're buying an entirely new system which you have no games for and then have to buy new games of which there is a limited selection. It's the same thing with every console and them finally adding backwards compat doesn't change the fact that there are still barely any fucking games on console compared to PC and if you even manage to find any you like they won't have mods, map tools (beyond stupid block-building crap for kids), or community-run dedi servers.

You should drink more fluoride and consume more MSG like OP, then you'll want a console in no time.

>Buying overpriced, irrelevant hardware is mark of iq
Pkuks will always be 3rd wheel of the

I might make the leap next gen on account of new PC hardware just being too expansive for me.

Always going to use my computer for older games and running newer games on lower settings, though. The backlog is practically infinite.

>Buying overpriced, irrelevant hardware
ikr who buys a console? lol

I use my PC for everything, I don't see the appeal of a console. If I need a controller I just plug one in and play on a couch.

Yeah. I've taken gaming less serious over time and consoles are just more convenient for me.

I'm a grown adult and barely have time to play video games as is. You think it's more convenient to turn on a console when my PC is right fucking there?

No, consoles just suck ass in too many ways,

I can literally play thousands of console games on PC. Why would I move from PC to console? Makes no sense. Are you retarded? Maybe check if you're not missing a chromosome or something.

Consoles are way less of a hassle, I find that configuring controllers and making them work on PC has always been annoying.
Its way easier to setup local multiplayer on a console compared to PC too.
PC is still great for kbm games and mods though.

Console costs $400 and last the whole gen, PC costs $3000 and you will need ugrade just to play latest games, and by games I mean delayed long forgotten, sloppy seconds.

I'm slowly moving away from video games in general

I'm not a child anymore so no, i don't have any interest in consoles.

Opposite for me. I've been slowly moving from console gaming to PC. Hell, I've even been using my phone more.

If you have the money, then no problem

>I find that configuring controllers and making them work on PC has always been annoying
consolekeks are so dumb that plugging a xbox controller to the usb port is "annoying"
truly the lowest common denominator of the video game industry

I built a PC because of the memes and I feel duped. Over $1,000 to go from a cheap laptop to a full battlestation just for PUBG to run nicer.

pc gaming is a meme

Always been a Nintendo/Sega/PC person.

But I've definitely been spending less time on "real games" on my PC the past decade. AAA and even AA has gone down the shitter big time. My PC is mostly for experimental stuff and indie games. Indie games I can't get on Switch.

The most AAA-ish thing I play is the occasional first party Nintendo game.

>want to try the new cod warzone
>dumb piece of shit is poorly optimized and crashes every ten seconds for no reason
>download it on ps4
>see asscreed odyssey free this weekend
>the official site fucked up and steam version is useless since it needs uplay
>download it on ps4

i mean, fuck...

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some people need excuses to invest time in things. buying a new console gives his brain an excuse to make good feels because he spent money on it and it's a whole new thing. his pc is old and for work. it's not for fun anymore. well, for now.

goddamn muh dick

Whats the point in consoles anymore, like everything they do the PC can do better.

Fuck no. Purchasing my Xbone was a mistake as its just a dust catcher.

Got the PS4 pro cheap and enjoyed very few exclusives. Anything that required aimming on a controller like Horizon 0 dawn felt awful so I dropped it.

CFW saved my Switch from being a paperweight to my most used console.

Only thing that I hate about mainly playing PC is delayed miltiplat launches.

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I just want to switch my brain off and play the new cod. I don't want to spend an hour configuring the settings. I don't want to spend $5000+ for a machine that can run it because of how unoptimized it is. Are these things so much to ask?
>Inb4 you don't need a $5000+ PC
It was an exaggeration but it's like when you're buying an iPhone; you don't buy the old one because that goes out of date faster and makes you look like an idiot. You have to get the latest one and that costs more

I didn't have to upgrade my PC through two entire generations
Radeon 7870 lasted me 8 years

I play my switch a lot, for sure. but that's because all the games I want to play are on Nintendo consoles. If PC had a serviceable smash clone, there'd be no question.

Why yes, I love installing games for hours like it's 1989.

I've my craptop linked up and hooked to the TV for anything with a controller. Less distractions that way, I'm liable to check in here every 30 minutes elsewise.

nope, I like to program and game in shifts and it's easier to switch

Yeah man, waiting 3 minutes just for the PS4 just to boot is definitely convenient. Slogging through the terribly designed, sluggish menu is SUPER convenient. Paying for online and paying nearly twice the price for games is UNBELIEVABLY convenient. Swapping discs and playing censored games is so convenient I almost can't believe it! Using a controller for games that are better played with a mouse and keyboard is the most convenient thing I've ever done. GOD consoles are SO DAMN convenient

I like my PC for my PC games, and my console for console games. However, I bought a PS2 from a yard sale not too long ago and installed FreeMcboot. Now I've got too many games I want to play on console.

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It's nobody's fault but your own that you have shit taste in games

What about recording, editing, working from home, quick online access to everything, mods.
Most people I know are still playing latest releases without upgrading for the past 6 years.

God you're dumb.

No, and your weird falseflagging or whatever this is should really stop. Die, please.

playing what

quite the opposite with no good games on consoles anymore. what's the point if I can play most of them on PC except for nutendo shit and the last of us?

so many adults complain about being adults, just seems fucking miserable

>unironically playing cod
why do i still come here

i dont understand the fighting between gaming platforms do people only buy one or something?
consoles exist to be an expensive monitor stand that i watch exclusives on when they're interesting enough such as ghosts of suckshima
99% of my gaming time is PC though, there's no contest no matter how much cope consolefags try to post


You don't own a PC in the first place.

>Anyone else find themselves slowly moving from PC to Console?

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Until physical copies dies, I will always prefer Consoles. Simple as that. Trust me if it does die I will research about PC parts and play PC. There would be no point in a console anymore. That tangible ownership keeps me.

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PC literally cannot compete with the PS5 on storage

It needs a custom IO controller with dedicated 12 channel interface so your pcie4.0 nvme SSD doesn't get bottlenecked by the CPU

It's over for PCs honestly

Being an adult is pretty miserable. Except for money.

Aside from exclusives and portable consoles which are the real reasons to have any console at all, the only surface benefit to playing on console vs PC is the ability to play lying down, which can still be done with a PC if you jigger everything a bit.

Consoles aren't more convenient than a PC, and the console wars they bring forth from their existence are pure shite.

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user what the fuck do you play? PUBG? Jesus

Why buy a ps4 when it has no games?
Why buy a sexbox when PC and xbros are soon going to be fusing into a more powerful being?

>PC literally cannot compete with the PS5 on storage
the PS5 is using datacenter components instead of consumer components
PC will have these datacenter components, and that which goes beyond the PS5, in a trivial amount of time, as always happens

if sony developed the fastest storage solution ever, they'd be selling that because it would be worth a lot more outside of MUH VIDEOGAMES
the fact of the matter is, they didn't develop something newer or stronger than what already exists, and that's why they're able to buy fabbed parts for it in the first place


It's the opposite for me. I was gonna get a ps4 because I gave my brother mine when I moved but then I realized all the games I wanna play I can play on pc. So I'm sticking with it.

This man is correct.

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I'm not a massive fucking tool, so the answer is no, unfortunately.

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I've been moving from consoles to pc
Pc is just better and more convenient

Just like Cell is supposed to be better than any Intel CPU even tho IBM almost went bankrupt producing it, selling it's fabs.

What are you smoking dude? Data centers run on profit, not throughput to produce experimental features. Nothing in the PC market, data center or consumer, has what the PS5 has.

>PC and xbros are soon going to be fusing into a more powerful being?
If by more powerful being you mean PC remaining the same and Xbox vanishing from existence, then yes.

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Why people on this board, hell most of the internet in general, act as if you can't have both is just mind boggling. You can use your PC all you want for all the games you want. But you can also own a console, or all consoles, so you can also play what you want there.

The only reason PCfags exist is because they love to jerk off over having 20x anti-ailising, textures set to omega-high so every fiber of grass is textured like in real life, and have shadows set so high they're better than real life, and so on. It's just fucking annoying, no one gives a shit.

Just play whatever you want where you want, is that so fucking hard?

Were you trying to invoke the NPC meme with this post?

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Hello? Based Department?

No, I have not recently sustained any head injuries, thanks for your concern.


poverty cope

No argument shitter. Love it. I work with GCP, AWS, and azure doing ML model experiments. None of the cloud vendors offer anything like the PS5 storage solution.

you deluded retards fall for this marketing buzzword bullshit every gen it’s frankly pathetic

A GDC presentation by Cerny is not marketing you brainlet

it’s all marketing, everything made public is marketing
also that presentation was them talking about features that have been available for PC for almost a decade


Yes pcie4.0 has been available for almost a decade, among other things