Would Yas Forums support Gaben if he ran for president?
Would Yas Forums support Gaben if he ran for president?
Anyone who gets in the oval office is a stooge of the bankers.
I wonder what party Gaben would run under? Because right now it seems all the meme candidates Post-Bush are trying to run as Republicans of some kind.
Arnold Schwarzenegger
That one shitposter who wore a gasmask in congress
And a few others I probably forgot to name off the top of my head
>Because right now it seems all the meme candidates Post-Bush are trying to run as Republicans of some kind.
>just got done with the biggest joke primary in history, all Democrats
>The year is 2024
>The Governor of Washington has been in office for 3 terms
>People are itching for a change
>Enter Gaben who pitches himself as a moderate republican, pro-environment and weed all the other hippie bullshit Washingtonians like but also pro-small business citing his own experience growing Valve
>He wins in a landslide by outspending everyone and putting ads for himself on Steam
>Washington enters a new golden age where schools are enhanced by Valve Indexes in every classroom and small business can list their products on steam
>The year is 2027
>The incumbent democratic president is weak
>Operatives are knocking on Gaben's door in Olympia begging him to run
>Will the emperor leave his throne and welcome us to a new age?
Gaben has made several donations to the democratic party over the years.
Memes aside this doesn't actually sound that crazy.
Of course, because then world war 3 would never happen.
He'd resign after 2 years
>keeps things stable
>keeps things profitable
>doesn't actually do much else
sounds pretty damned good to me
>Trump Net Worth
How is there any proof given he hasn't released his all taxes?
This holy fuck
>An old man with dementia being elder abused by the DNC because he's the only one who can win black voters
>An old socialist getting fucked for a second time by the DNC
>A techbro giving out NEETbux
>A Hindu fascist cult member anti-imperialist former soldier
>Gay Obama
>Midwestern Wine mom
>A comic-book villain
>A billionaire that seems strangely fond of Bernie
>Crystal-healer orb mommy
>Beto O'Rourke
Like how do you top that
The literal meme candidate switched from republicans to democrats
No. No more meme candidates.
Did you see the Republican's line up in 2016? Trump only won because of how incompetent the Dems were and Russia.
I just want my third game already
Galen becoming president will not fix this
Maybe they'll alternate. In 2024 the Republicans will nominate Gaben and win, and then in 2028 between all the socialists and establishment dems somehow @dril from twitter sneaks up and wins.
>>A comic-book villain
Sure why not
"I'll make the world behave!"
Has a very authoritarian vibe, Lex Luthor vibes
>Trump won because of Russia
Oh God, please turn off MSNBC for a while.
Nice try Ivan.
no more retarded fat people for prez, pleeeeeaase
That's a good description, just totally forgot he not only ran, but was considered a front runner.
>and Russia
>GabeN starts a nuclear war on his third year in power.
>mfw he calls it World War 2 episode 2
It was worth the weight.
I still don't understand how the fuck Chrisky Cream ever thought he'd have won the presidency.
This faggot is fucking despised in Pennsylvania, New York, Delaware and New Jersey. A swing state and 2 minor states all switching to blue would have hurt him, and the Democrats could have used so much slander against him it's not even funny
>>A billionaire that seems strangely fond of Bernie
He was the 'tell it like it is' candidate, even though he got a guy murdered in a political retribution hit job.
Trump won because of his charisma and shock factor. Gaben doesn’t have that kind of stage presence. He’s a pretty awkward dude.
Tim would be better. He had like 7kkk.
Tom Steyer, who spent every debate talking about how good Bernie's polices are.
also I realized I forgot Warren, the native-american former hardcore conservative.
now post tim steamcel
Gabe is too smart to run for any political position.
Easiest billion dollars in life
gaben is a retarded degenerate liberal
>literally empty box that you can just fill in with insane range of random estimates
lmao just post your taxes bro
lmao just 4 more years bro
Not when Donald's Depression just started.
The corps of Biden can beat him.
fuck off with your propaganda bullshit you utter faggots fuck this board
>becomes president
>will do literally NOTHING for 4 years
Hm interesting question, would it actually be better to have 4 years of a country just running on maintenance mode?
Out out, little libtard
>Did you see the Republican's line up in 2016?
Most of them were just generic starch shirts. Which is why Trump quickly overtook them. And say what you will about the Republicans, but they didn't rig their primary. They clearly were pushing for Jeb Bush to be the nominee. But voters picked Trump and they accepted the results.
The Democrats wanted a half senile old white man to be their nominee and changed literally every rule in their system to make sure he got it. Debate rules, state voting rules, eligibility rules, funding rules. You name it, they changed it. And it doesn't even make sense, since he's one gaff away from the grave.
only if he ran as a Democrat
fuck r*publicans
>The Democrats wanted a half senile old white man to be their nominee and changed literally every rule in their system to make sure he got it. Debate rules, state voting rules, eligibility rules, funding rules. You name it, they changed it.
None of this is true
>Starch shirts
Only Jeb, the rest were fucking nuts from a tea bagger woman, a guy who plagerized sim city nd pokmon, to a right wing christian who had a gay sex act named after him.
The Republican primary was much more funny because everyone got their turn to be the front runner before burning out.
For the Dems it was just Obama pulling to strings to fuck over Bernie.
Wouldn't Gaben be just a lolbertarian seeing how he manages his company?
hes already infected bro hes got days left
That does actually remind me. I'm a registered member of my state Social Democratic Party and my county recently changed the Democrat Primary voting rules so I couldn't go into the Democratic Primaries despite me being able to vote in the primaries during the 2016 election
dilate tranny
4 years and liberals are still seething
it's his turn user
seethe boomer
rent free
I don't think Obama needs to pull strings since boomers hate commies so hard that they even vote with the threat of Wu flu.
>Mad you can't win an election legitimately.
It was, just look at what he did before Super Tuesday.
We won and we literally cannot stop winning. Seethe.
>Can't stop winning
>Early returns in 2020
LOL, enjoy getting BTFO because of Donald's Depression
Yeah, i hate the left and the right is greedy so you can put anything in the big chair and it wont make a difference, might as well put the funny fat vidya meme guy in.
He couldn't do any worse of a job than the orange clown. That son of a bitch literally called the virus a hoax. What a fucking sack of shit. Fuck him and his stupid supporters.
How does the man who deals with real estate globally and have his name all over products everywhere have less money than video game salesman?
Nice evidence refuting his points. Wait...
The media tried to make out over half the democrats were leading at some time. Beto, Harris, Warren, Biden and Bernie all had endless polls and media coverage claiming they were the "front runner." I don't remember anyone in the 2016 Republican side getting this except Jeb (for all of five seconds) and Cruz. After just a few primary results, Trump pretty much dominated both the polls and the media from then on. And the Republicans also didn't start campaigning two years early like the Democrats did this time.
>putting ads for himself on Steam