Too much platforming

Too much platforming.

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Too many arenas.

Too many buttons holy fuck I just want to shoot, why the fuck do I need to swap weapons for every enemy

Too much shooting

the seething for goty has already begun

Too much doom

Too many weapons. I don't have daddy longlegs retard hands. I can't reach across my whole keyboard with 1 hand.

dumb fucking shadow warrior dashing.
Retarded Cortana wannabe in your ear constantly.
What a shit game.

Not enough focus on climate change in the story

should I buy or wait. FOMO has kicked in

not enough platforming

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too many glory kills
too many chainsaws
not enough ammo
not enough shooting

Doom 2016 but worse.

too many demons

So its continuing the tradition of Doom 2 then.

>the chasm

music not loud enough

not enough focus on politics
murdering monsters just gets tiresome if there is no reason to murder them

Why do the guns sound like shit?

Too many demons

Too much seething

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The game's already been cracked. Try before you buy.

Where can I download it

Just admit it’s too difficult for you to handle you fucking children

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I don't get all the hype for these games. I got bored of Doom 2016 after an hour.

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Its a hella epic game for dummies and teens

anyone else feels like its borderlands gameplay done right?

Playing nudoom is the equivalent of watching mainstream news

Game is fun but what the fuck man the text size is making me squint.

I liked the starcraftesque soundtrack on that sentinel mountain planet level.


same tbfh

Doom eternal is the Joe Biden of videogames

>anyone who likes what i dont like is retarded

too much killing


Doom doesnt have level design or interesting enemy ai. Just basic squsre rooms or hallways while mindless bulletsponges run at you directly. Everything is red or orange.

But don't dare criticize these pc boomers nostalgia candy, or theyll get angry just like they did at op

People tend to get angry when you say things that are blatant lies yeah.

Its ok, people watch mainstream news, many of them.
Its the feel of the game and everything surrounding it.
It caters to this oblivious hyped idiot type consumer who lives on buzzwords and inanities.

Weapon ammo capacity is a joke
You run out of ammo every 30 seconds and it's fucking annoying to rely contantly on glory kills to replenish it. I'm not having fun with this game.

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Fuck yourself, faggot. Not spoonfeeding you.

Its a hella epic game for dummies and teens.
Playing nudoom is the equivalent of watching mainstream news.
Its the feel of the game and everything surrounding it.
Its the Joe Biden of games.
It caters to this oblivious, hyped idiot type consumer who lives on buzzwords and inanities.
Its as if a bunch of has beens and marketers gathered in a room and tried to think about what the youngsters like and then just shove it all into one game.

man you really are just gonna post this in every single thread huh? i guess i at least admire the persistence

He is the doomseether, his rage will never end

I am cause i fucking hate this fucking shilling.
If you're gonna shill, at least shill something good.

Something about this game gives me a headache.

don't lie, you aren't doing anything to prevent shilling, you're literally going into every single fucking thread about this game whether the OP paints it in a bad or good light and posting this. you have no way to differentiate between someone shilling or someone just liking a game, although im sure youll call me a shill for this reply to you anyways. This thread literally started with "Too much platforming" and you still posted it in here.

you expect a single thread to contain his endless seething?

Wait, you think people who shill a game for free are not shills? ah you naive little idiot.
There are two types of shills, paid shills and unpaid shills.
It doesnt matter what the op says as long as different people read the thread.

ah so you really ARE saying that just liking a game makes you a shill, alright cool glad to know you're a retard and to ignore your posts from here on.

An unpaid shill isn't a shill, being paid is what makes a shill. It's like saying dry water.

The unpaid shills are even worse.
They are the best possible astroturf.
A proper way to talk about games is from a critical stand point, not propogate marketing efforts.

see my reply you bunch of nitwit zoomers.
yes making hype threads for a game just cause you like it IS shilling.

ah so you're only allowed to talk about things you hate on Yas Forums then, got it.

nonsense, they're just getting us primed for the main event aka Commander Keen 3D

Well no

Shills get paid, and are disgusting. Fanboys do it for free, and are just obnoxious.

I think this is something they'll end up patching, it seems pretty obvious the limitations are overdone. Maybe it gets better later in the game though.

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>knowing what words mean is for zoomers

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They don't

Can you eventually melee things to death? I'm in the first level and can punch a zombie/imp 10 times before they kill me because nothing staggers when hit.

Chainsaw replenishes. There are upgrades. Keep going before you whine on the internet

meanings of word changes based on need.
I call fanboys shills to make a point.

the only point you're making is that you were dropped on your head as a child

Did you buy two copies of [insert FOTM "triple A" garbage game] yet?

does this game have better multiplayer than DOOM16? I liked it but it was kinda dead and the customization options left a lot to be desired.

also i know they added that "theres a demon coming to getchya!" MP mode but im not interested in that. does it have regular TDM/CTF/etc modes?

it was free you literal mongoloid holy shit the cope

>dude it gets better after you finish it and replay
nope, shit game.