>GameStop, the American videogame retail company that also operates Micromania-Zing in Europe and EB Games in Canada, reportedly told all its stores to remain open, even in the event of a state or city lockdown due to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. Additionally, the company allegedly advised its employees to argue with the authorities that GameStop was "essential retail," like supermarkets or pharmacies, because it provides services that make the experience of working from home more enjoyable

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how many threads do we need on this?

Until the entire catalog is full. Everybody must know that gamers are as essential as healthcare workers

There's actually no evidence that they said any such thing, all the incriminating "announcements" come from the r/gamestop subreddit where a few disgruntled employees are trying to make gamestop look worse than they already are.

>noooo they're still paying me money to stand around all day and do nothing i fucking hate capitalism man

They should start a jewtoob channel like this one guy who got fired because he treated his employees like absolute shit. Shittier than the usual retail manager, really.
300K views and an outpouring of support in a video where he bitches about an employee reporting him to HR.

Cringe if they actually believe this, based if they're just trying to exploit the panic for profit

they can all go and die for all I care

Uhh. So? A shit ton of stores are still open. Hell, Cabelas (where I work at) is still considered "essential retail" and I have to go in every Mon thru Friday to help you retards find fishing poles and shit

Do you niggers not know how retail works?

Doesn't mean you should be open. A lot of places are closing down basically everything except for grocery stores and pharmacies.

don't forget the food supply chain
or else rioting would have already happened by now

Your turn

Well, yeah people are talking about retail stores, not manufacturing jobs.

They are LITERALLY disobeying the police order to close down you fucking retard. Police are coming into the stores telling the minimum wage workers have to close while corporate is telling them to stay open

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no, they've sent e-mails to employees. we had to print a hand out to give to cops if they come and tell us to shut down that say "Nuh huh" and call corporate.

games can be bought digitally without leaving the house
I don't think 3d printing has advanced enough to do fishing poles yet

Rent free, jealous europoor

They're going to get fined out of existence on top of already failing due to declining sales. What a time to be alive!

Cabelas at the very least I can see being a boarderline case for staying open, even if it is more of a luxury store.

Gamestop is bullshitting their way through it because they know they are fucked if they have to close with the limited cash they have right now.

So does this hold legally or can law enforcement push their shit in? Is there a hard definition for "essential retail"?

>games can be bought digitally without leaving the house
imagine wasting your hard earned money on a single-user revocable license to download and run proprietary entertainment software

you can also buy physical copies without leaving the house

>not using GOG

Video games are a human right.

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This isn't actually real. Some retard on Reddit printed it for upvotes.

>Gamestop will finally die within your lifetime
Feels so fucking good bros. I haven't set foot into a single gamestop in well over 10 years and will continue to never visit that cesspool of a garbage store. Not sure what the fuck Reggie is thinking of joining Gamestop but he really needs to reconsider

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they sent that out to GSO
we had to print the handout today

I have to imagine that regardless of how legal it is, only complete idiots are going to go for job brownie points versus pissing off the cops.
So basically, BLM is about to get a new hashtag.

Is the Law Enforcement Letter the same GSO message or is it much more elaborate and entertaining to read?

I don't think they get paid to care, also I doubt anyone would be arrested for doing their job.

Their wording is "we believe Gamestop is classified as essential"

"we believe" holds zero legality. Corporate is bullshitting, hoping the cops just go away.

>There's actually no evidence that they said any such thing, all the incriminating "announcements" come from the r/gamestop subreddit where a few disgruntled employees are trying to make gamestop look worse than they already are.

you dense nigger, the fact that my local gamestop, and many/most others, are still open is all the fucking evidence you need to know they are defying the shutdown order.

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>"we believe" holds zero legality
Who dictates necessity in the US in regards to that? I was under the assumption that it was voluntary.

its a print out message that basically says "thanks for making the place safe here's corporate's phone number.

I'd love to see how Pennsylvania and California law enforcement take it since they're going to be locking down shit real soon.

No employee in a store is willing to get cuffed for Gamestop.

they wanna pass hard drives, mouses and keyboards as essential even though pc accessories aren't in most stores and the hard drives are shitty externals ones from seagate you can buy off of newegg or amazon for a lot cheaper.

Why are you acting like gamestop is the ONLY non-essential business still operating in the US?

I mean they're not wrong
You can buy toys or games for people who are self quarantining, like kids

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>Uhh. So? A shit ton of stores are still open. Hell, Cabelas

cabelas sells survival equipment including means to gather your own food via hunting and fishing, its more essential than most stores, especially fucking gamesterp.

Amazon delayed my pre order for Animal Crossing that I placed back in December so I cancelled my order and will be picking it up in person tomorrow. Am I seriously risking infection for a game aimed at women and children?


Good, fuck all these faggots trying to shut down society because some boomers are dying.

they should use the website or buy it digitally and not risk infecting their kids

We're talking about gamestop because you're on Yas Forums and it's not like "look others are doing it" is ever a defense anyway.

>shutdown order
What one? In my state it's just restaurants, bars, and pretty much any event center where a lot of people gather (drive through and take out still fine, although I haven't seen anybody ordering chinese).

>Law Enforcement Letter
yeah sure that would work. Contact your state AG and have them shutdown for refusing to abide to state quarantine enforcement.

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You could go to Walmart, save yourself 10 dollars and pick up some food or some other essentials while you're out so you didn't risk yourself for just one vidya game. Also, I'm assuming you're young and healthy, so it's not like it's a huge risk for you.

>to argue with the authorities that GameStop was "essential retail," like supermarkets or pharmacie
They just want free (read: stolen from tax payers) government money that the airlines and casinos are already demanding.

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Are you in an area that has a shutdown order?

The only state that has enforced a quarantine is California, and that was literally now.

yes, they're lying about the stores getting cleaning supplies. they can't get hand sanizter and lots of the materials have been backordered for awhile BEFORE the pandemic started.
buy it off the e-shop so you don't have to go outside

>become a boot licking nark because only big daddy government can save you from a virus that isn't as lethal as abortion or common car crashes
Please kill yourself, commie.

>apocalypse happens
>cannibals and raiders abound
>towns are deserted and ransacked
>looking for food, water, anything
>see a light on
>follow it to a lit up door
>open it, cautiously enter

I've already stockpiled and Gamestop is giving me a poster and a 10 dollar voucher for picking it up. It's comparable, but I'm still pissed at Amazon because I placed this fucking pre order months ago.

I never thought Gamestop employees essential.
They're rude, and unspeakably plain.

>Why are you acting like gamestop is the ONLY non-essential business still operating in the US?
as this guy said:
>We're talking about gamestop because you're on Yas Forums and it's not like "look others are doing it" is ever a defense anyway.
WE'RE ON Yas Forums YOU DENSE MOTHER FUCKER. and in my town most non-essentials are shut down. the fact that a store selling funko pops and overpriced used shovelware games, that typically preys on children bugging their parents to buy them garbage, is staying open, is probably the most ridiculous example of a company defying the shutdown order. i literally cannot think of a LESS ESSENTIAL store. granted i think the whole corona virus hysteria is over blown and there shouldn't even be a shutdown at all but the fact that gamestop of all places is the corporation defying it is retardo-diculous. there is nothing anyone can get at gamestop that they cant get at a place like walmart, which makes sense to keep open.

hell. even if there wasnt a virus hysteria going on i believe all gameshop's should be shut down. its a fucking shitty store that has long since outlived any value to the world. fuck gamestop, fuck niggers, and fuck you!

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Wouldn't rudeness override the plainness?

just went to gamestop and traded in KH3. They gave me 5 bucks, IN STORE CREDIT.

I don't intend to touch anything or anyone outside of opening the door and getting the game. I'm going to be hyper aware the entire time so I don't subconsciously touch my face before I get home to shower.

Depends on the individual. The guy at the one near me is a total bro. Chatted with him for a moment about Mystery Dungeon when I was placing a pre order for it, told me he played Charmander the first time through and told him I picked Mudkip. Just beat Rayquaza a couple days ago.

can free games from them all the time tho
Bogo online, return the ones you paid for in store, keep the other half

Not gonna be able to keep collecting on their dime now :c

Hope your parents get it nigger.

>I'm still pissed
yeah amazon should apologize for being swamped while a modern day plague sweeps the planet

if you must go, use the Buy Online Pick up in store option
so you don't have to touch anything but the game. just bring a driver's license to prove you are you. pay online, get your shit asap

all of them

And wash your hands and stay at least 6 feet away from anyone else.

Is getting coronavirus really worth playing animal crossing the day of release?
just buy that shit online and have it mailed to your house jesus fuck

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>Are you in an area that has a shutdown order?
yes. everything is shut down except grocery stores, pharmacies, gas stations, hardware stores, banks, gun stores, and big box stores like target and walmart. all restaurants are either closed or only doing take out/delivery, with many completely closed even if they could do delivery/take out. the bars are closed. the strip clubs are closed. the salons are closed. most of the government buildings like the dmv, water department, etc are closed. the goodwill + salvation army are closed. the rando strip mall stores like shoe stores, vape stores, the "massage parlors", the hobby shops, etc are all closed and many non customer serving businesses are closed. the schools are all closed. all sporting events are cancelled. but the gamstop is open. top kek.

Shut the fuck up. I put this in months ahead of time.

That is the plan.

Nah, they just want to be open when doom and animal crossing comes out.

>be young and healthy
>get coronavirus
>have diahreaa for a few days
>you are now immune
>you now get to go anywhere you want because all the crowds are hiding in their basements with their toilet paper and hand sanitizer

Fuck you, you can be plain rude or you can be a rude plain, but you CANNOT be RUDE and PLAIN at the same time.

What about liquor stores? They're apparently essential where I am and my bf that works at one has told me it's been busier than the holidays by far. People are drinking like the world is ending. They're also out of everclear because people want to use it to sanitize stuff.

>be young and healthy
>get corona
>suffer from reduced lung function for the rest of your life
>hey at least I played animal crossing day one that was totally worth hit *wheeeze wheeze woah that was a lot of words wheeze*

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You dumbass, getting infected once only increases your chances of getting it again.

>What about liquor stores?

they closed.

You're right. The actual lyric is crude, not rude.

Reggie can't save them

to be fair, the hospitals do not need a bunch of folks going into alcohol withdrawal right now and it's probably worth keeping them open just to keep people calmer.

I'm a cunt hair's breadth away from just giving up talking to people
I get idiots in my store that just want to browse
I got dozens of phone calls "what about muh animal crossing?!" today
I get hillbillies that want to trade in the stockpile of dusty scratched up 360 games that won't event get $15
kids walk in and buy vbucks after touching everything in the store.
the website even has a fucking 72 hour flash sale going on.
they want to be open period, they'll probably go under if they shut down.

>live in Orlando
>thousands being laid off

Disney is simply firing people because they don't know how long they'll be closed.
I'm grateful I can still work.
I keep my distance, clean, wash my hands and wear gloves.