Indie Dev Thread

You've been quarantined right user? then its the perfect time to work on your game! Let me know how its going

Attached: IndieDevThread.png (335x150, 4.78K)

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Thanks user. Been making a lot of progress lately. Hope to show it off soon

Got back into drawing so I can make the sketches for a 3DCG fag to make my models.
Got back into C# too.
Will write down some dialogs + structure all the ideas I've been writing down.

I'm kind of stuck in a tutorial hell but I'm seeing the end of it.

Currently working on making a game inspired by Punch-Out, the difference is that you are a Slime and would fight against other monsters making your way up to mini-boss monsters and boss monsters, still figuring out how to really take the punchout formula and improve on it though, its such a simplistic design that i'm having a little difficulty putting my own spin on it

Attached: SI_Wii_PunchOut_image1600w.png (1600x800, 2.33M)

My whole team is working from home now, right in the stretch to the finish line. Looking like we'll be working on the game from home possibly until launch. Hopefully we'll pull through, I'm personally putting in a lot of extra hours already, my workaholic-self will probably take over now though, since I'll just be at home all day.

How's everyone dealing with the lockdown?

Attached: 2020-02-07_16-09-02-2.webm (640x360, 2.85M)

Yeah I'm working on it, but I'm super stupid and make a lot of trials and errors for my first RPG Maker game.

Attached: Crazysister.png (177x326, 31.46K)

Please tell me how many people are in your team and how many are doing what?
When did you start and are you guys working full time?
Paid or not?

It's a small studio, about half of us are on this project. I worked on it alone for about 6-8 months, prototyping and making super tight gameplay controls. Total, it's been in development for almost two and a half years now. There's now me (lead engineer), another engineer, and four full time artists. For most of the project we only had one artist, but a recent contract we landed let us hire more. We're all paid (we do contract work too to keep the company afloat), but we're all pretty underpaid. Hoping the game takes off, to fix that. But honestly, I think most of us just really love the project.

Attached: wallride_dec2019.webm (1920x1080, 2.72M)

that looks pretty good
would pirate and delete after 30 minuts/10

how do you find people to work on it? how much are you paying them?

Can you tell me about the prototype part. Like as much as you can. What did you do for the prototype to be presentable to other people?
What should one focus on for a prototype of a 3d game?
What would you tell your past self about it (mistakes, things you should have done or not, time waisting/sparing things, etc...)

Sorry but I'm close on starting prototyping my game and would like to know the max of stuff before I finish my c# tutorial

Who knows how to work with wheel colliders?

Attached: 2020-03-18 22-51-41.webm (1920x1080, 2.89M)

We get applications all the time. Any without portfolios are ignored. One person came to the office personally, showed their portfolio on their phone and I hired them that day.

Thanks, my plan ((against)) piracy is to make the multiplayer fun.

Attached: stores.webm (960x540, 2.52M)

It started as a fluid sim. I just wanted to work on water physics really. I had some stuff thrown together so I tried making a racing thing. I added jumping and then it kind of turned into a volleyball thing, mostly inspired by rocket league. Eventually I added grinding and immediately it became obvious what I needed to pivot towards. Team was discussing themes and one thing let to another and we ended up with this animal world, but we've done a lot of cuddly games; so I tried putting in guns to edge it up and try something different. The combination of shooting while doing tricks was very hard to combine and keep fun, but I believe I find a nice fusion and kept going forward with that.

Attached: 2020-01-16_14-44-53_high.webm (640x360, 2.84M)

Attached: 2020-03-19 21-22-37.webm (640x360, 2.99M)

how can i stop feeling like everything i make is awful and abandon each project only weeks after i start them because of this?

Attached: 1562868318184.png (320x320, 54.47K)

made a golem

Attached: golemtestcut.gif (384x216, 3.38M)

I wish I knew, just know that you're not the only one



One I figure out how i'm going to offord to fucking live sure.


I'm trying to figure how to make a state so that if the character has the penetration state,the opponent character doing the penetration cannot get sucked.

fuck you user i'm working in source.

I'm building one in unity called 999 trillion about a guy who is in a normal fantasy world but on his stat sheet he has
>100 hp
>10 Intelect
>10 Speed
>10 Dextarity
>999,999,999,999,999 strength
>10 charisma
and so on
Really fun experimenting with AddExplosionForce physics and blowing away rigid bodies

I'm curious how you even begin to approach balancing fights around that. When the protag could flick the air and slice a continent in half.

>how can i stop feeling like everything i make is awful and abandon each project only weeks after i start them because of this?

Attached: Why yes, I do know that feel. How could you tell.jpg (563x691, 36.96K)

>I'm super stupid and make a lot of trials and errors for my first RPG Maker game.
you can say that again, biggest error is using RPG Maker.

I wish I knew how to get started.

use a template
implement features that you like
slowly replace assets with your own
by the time you're done you've made a game wowo good job

Thanks to corona-chan I just got access to 3 months of unity premium for free. Hopefully I can absorb everything there within 3 months

>Too lazy to start the undertaking of going from placeholder content to actual content

I almost have pong going, but the projection matrix puts the origin at the upper left corner and I can only think about the movement/ai clearly when it's in the lower left corner, so I'm trying to flip the projection matrix and fix the position logic. The left panel isn't showing because I'm trying to contain it on screen, but it's being pushed off-screen instead because the height bounds checking is broken and I can't fix it so I'm trying to flip the projection matrix instead.

Attached: pong.png (710x534, 5.6K)

I think RPGMaker is supposed to be retard-free engine but I guess I'm an exception.

looks good user.
>killed npc

It's art, it's all about practice and you can't expect to make something amazing when you're first starting out. Just take what you already have, get it good enough to ship (make a start screen, final level, whatever), put it on itch, and share it with somone (agdg is fine).

That way you get the dopamine hit of actually having accomplished something, which makes you more motivated to do it again but better. Someone who makes something that isn't that great is more respectable than someone who KNOWS they could make something truly great if they just stopped giving up.

Also, it's practice for actually finishing a game, which is a whole other beast to just starting prototypes, and will give you insight into what kind of scope you're capable of, how to structure projects so they're easier to work on later in development, etc.

oh shit I think someone else was talking about this game in that v3/e3 thread. is that still going on or what?

Staring at the Unity interface for several hours with a blank face quietly questioning where the fuck I even begin because I don't even know what I don't know.

what do you want your end result to be? what is your goal?

Still on the writting fase, no character designs yet and names are placeholders at best.

Going through a mental block where all the ideas end up fitting on another type of game.

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Just take what you do know and bang shit together to try to get what you want. If you run into issues just google it, look it up in the docs, or ask agdg.

just like make game

Going pretty good, just uploaded a new version.

Attached: BE Witches clip 01.webm (1280x720, 1.81M)

i didn't see any tamagotchi desktop game, i'm looking for it, if no one making it then i will try make one
the game will be an always on top gadget at corner like music player, so you can taking care your pet while gaming/browsing/working on pc

I'm a writer with 3 published books. PM me an maybe we can brainstorm.

A 3D action platformer focused on using a variety of elemental weapons/tools to explore and collect items for progression.
Basically yet another homage to the late 90s/early 00s platformer genre.
I have no skills.

What's the fastest way to get a proof of concept going? Programming wise. Not art or music. Just mechanically get it running with block graphics.
I'm not looking for polish. I just want to see if my idea is fun.

Attached: vlcsnap-2016-12-16-22h38m41s193.png (1280x688, 915.9K)

how much have you made on amazon so far?

what engine are you using? there's a bunch of tutorials for Unity on Youtube, they might not be exactly what you are looking for but they might have a few aspects of what you are trying to do and you'll be able to use them as a base while you learn more and more

>I have no skills.
good, fuck 3D platformers

there's existing templates on literally any mainstream engine for a reason
it also thoroughly depends on what it is you're trying to prototyping

way past kewl

develop it into it most base for, if you're trying to figure out if a mechanic is fun to do develop it in the context of what it'd normally be (e.i. if its a special attack setup a battle or something). the most important thing is to figure out if its something the player will likely do over and over again and then do it over and over again, you'll learn quickly if the mechanic interrupts gameplay too much or if its a fun addition to the game

you mean fuck 2d platformers because they're way more saturated

On paid vacation since next week so I'm planning to release a demo on with the first level

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shame to say that i'm a newfag, how do you PM?

do you guys have partime jobs on the side or do make money off these games?

>make money off these games

Attached: Screenshot_142[1].jpg (644x644, 66.56K)

show code

Don't go into an art field to make money

The fastest way would be to stop asking retarded questions on Yas Forums.

Waiting for Godot 4.0 to come out before tackling anotuer 3d project in it, in the meantime I'm gonna make a 2d physics game about flying rockets. Now I have to relearn high school physics

>art field

Attached: 8745654.png (441x411, 75.72K)

Make a board or card game to represent the concept.

Not even meme'ing.

Did you apply a pink filter or something?
It looks a little bit much no?


Don't go into a field that works like an art field in every imaginable way, including profit potential, but isn't art because user said so, to make money.

do you even


Post more of your game. I'm interested.

honestly cute idea but you clearly have even less Int than your protag

just say entertainment media
art isn't real

>Let me know how its going
Since there is a flood of 2D pixel shit games I decided if I make a game it'll be 3D.

The problem is every time I watch a Blender tutorial I wanna fucking off myself after 15min max.

When I was younger I played around in software like blender for hours without a tutorial and didnt get tired of it.
Now I look at the 1000 options get overwhelmed and quit.

That's fixed, the origin is at the lower left. Now I'm trying to figure out why the left panel is jumping up and getting stuck at the top of the screen when it gets too close to the edge. The panel won't move back down.

Attached: limits.png (616x235, 23.68K)

>Gonna make my point & click game hand draw to flex on the pixel devs.
>best i can draw is this image of moca i made for a quick shitpost video.

one of this days i'm gonna die from sheer stupidity .

Attached: mocc.png (974x615, 17.83K)

Yo if anyone wants to make something or give prototyping/concepting a go I am down to try something just as an amateur fun thing

Fixed, doing ball collision now.

You won't believe it but you are better at drawing than me.
That's why I hope I can make decent 3D models.
If I'm too shit I'll try low poly models, not sure if that is easier.