Trials of Mana

Charlotte is tewwibowe.

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yeah, Japanese voices it is

>Faerie in a Square game

She's evil.

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Guys I want to make sweet passionate love to Charlotte


wat a fweak

user the game is almost twenty five years old. We already know she's not evil.

Do they use gender neutral pronouns?

I just want to impwegnate her and take wesponisbiwity.

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Her baby speak isn't as bad as I thought it would be.

I hear her voice and all I think of is Blazing Saddles.

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Charlotte is for Kevin's huge beast dong.

it's fucking WORSE

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i never used charlotte in the snes version

what actually is charl's specialty? low defense/attack spellcaster like angela, right? comes with debuffs and summons if you go on the evil path (high mana cost single target damage spells), and heals/utility on the light path?

man, i just dont see what the niche is


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Why is Heath a woman now

So where's the slutty outfits for this hardlot?

Her speciality is spamming Black Curse

Duran and Riesz have better buffs
Angela has better spells
Potions are better heals

Charlotte is literally useless. Only betacucks use her in an already easy as fuck game.

r/ing charlottle lewds

>man, i just dont see what the niche is
Players that think with their dick

Show her perfect feet!!

I've been playing Legend of Mana lately and after reading some long autistic guides about pet raising it seems that when your pet's level goes up its stats increase by a small amount but if you put produce inside its feed box the stats increase a lot depending on what you use to feed him. There is a catch, though. Suppose you put food inside the feed box once and your pet levels up twice: in the first level up it'll eat everything and in the second it won't eat shit because the feed box is empty so its stats will be shit. Taking this into consideration, if you take your pet to fight with you in dungeons and it takes enough experience to level up twice it won't have proper stats so it's better to just leave it at home.
What is the point of raising a pet if you gotta leave it at home? fuck this

>actually has a demo on steam

>start demo
>barren, soulless gameplay
can't believe how fast i uninstalled

I took her my first time through because "healing is probably good" and she's nice to have around when you get to the latter half of the game when random enemies start doing fullscreen techs constantly. Doubly so because of how clunky and slow restocking items was from the storage. I happened to pick Kevin as my main character though so I wasn't missing much from not having another computer controlled offensive character regardless.

For some reason playing the demo is making me want a remake for Threads of Fate.

I'm just checking all females possible in this demo, this is Angela's mother legs, sadly they didn't modeled her butt.

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FFVII remake demo:
>slow, extremely padded-out pacing that ruins both the gameplay and the story
>"you can't have gameplay variety like in the original game, we gotta force waves of enemies on you to kill time"
>"the story can't progress yet, here is some idle chit-chat"
>the new soundtrack feels nothing like the original thanks to this metal/industrial sound that fucks up with the memorable melodies and harmonies
>the story got sanitized (Barret didn't really explode the reactor and kill innocents, it was an inside job)
>characters got censored (Tifa's tits got smaller)
>the pacing is so bad the game already got boring in the demo
>you can't jump

Trials of Mana remake demo:
>keeps the same perfect pacing as the original game
>the new soundtrack sounds just like the original but with real instruments, you can still select the old soundtrack if you want
>instead of getting censored the game actually has breast physics now
>surprisingly fun
>you can jump

Great taste, we need more platformer RPGs.

Of course!

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I love this aho.

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Lumina is super, thanks for asking!

Is it true how zey say zat you people are... gifted?
Oh. It's twue. It's twue. It's twue, it's twue!

Only cunnyssuers of the highest caliber choose Charlotte as their MC.

>6 figurine set

>free shipping

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She trivializes the end of her and Kevin's story with a spell that hits most enemies at the end of the game for 999.

Is the English VA for Lumina seriously Big Gay Al from South Park?

I don't know, but he sounds a lot like him.

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underage or memeing


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Manachads just keep winning.

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Anyone thinking the balance in the original is anything to go by in the remake is retarded, a lot changed.

she's just a great healer. That's it

She has the best debuff spell in the game if you go Necromancer.

thats the stuff

never tried that with her. Might just go that path in the remake. Can she still heal all party members? Or do I have to rely on Pakin chocolates my whole playthrough?

>Or do I have to rely on Pakin chocolates my whole playthrough?
Did you not buy a shitton of Potos Oil from the Black Market?

Oh yeah, mama poto oil. Forgot that was a thing. I did buy that, yes. Still nice to have some pakkun chocolate on the side

Mama's only cure status ailments, Its like a party Medicinal Herb. Poto's are healing.

just use the characters and classes you like for your first playthrough without thinking about builds

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Low budget aside can we all agree that the demo was pure kino and was better than the same parts in the original game?

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Models soon I hope.
Hell, MODS soon I hope.
Do we have a full text dump or anything we can use to adjust Charolette's dialogue?

God I would kill for a remake of that. Actually just finished another Mint playthrough the other day.

just got past the flowers and my team got woken up by Riesz. where do i go to now? I need to return to Jadd?

So hows the switch version?
Kinda want this to be portable but if it sucks I'll buy it for PS4.

This. Sadly, we have to put up with the text.

>mfw everyone thinks this dialect shit is awesome when Dragon Quest does it
>they throw a temper tantrum when Mana, Final Fantasy or literally any other series does it

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The demo is free just download it

>just use the characters and classes you like for your first playthrough without thinking about builds
Hopefully in this remake we can. In the Super Famicom original, you could really screw yourself doing that. Unless you chose Angela and just spammed magic all day, because of the menu delay exploit.

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Angela's Jump + strong attack has butt jiggle when she lands, confirmed, will try to do a gif or webm unless someone can do it sooner.

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Dude, you were specifically sent all the way out to Laurent to find the Wind Elemental. Help Riesz take back her capital. I admit finding it might take you a minute.

Can you set Japanese voices in this game? Otherwise have to turn off voices, English dub is awful

I want to bury my face in Angela's big bubble butt

Yeah, just switch it in the options.

Is there anything else the unlocker can do? Can't extract yet, right?

This game feels so fucking cheap, man, dub sucks too (both jap and engles)

I guess, I'm only doing that for science to upload it on YT.

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Just buy a gum or something

>characters got censored (Tifa's tits got smaller)
Tifa isn't even in the demo
>>you can't jump
I'll never understand jumpfags