Have mods fixed this game yet? is it playable...

have mods fixed this game yet? is it playable? really want to play a fallout game but i've already beaten 3 and new vegas so many times. have yet to touch Fallout 4 though.

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if you enjoyed fallout 3, then just go to the city area and stare at the rubble. that should be fun for you


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It depends. Fallout 4 has mods that lean into the core game-play loop, adding more weapons, making combat better, making the wasteland more dangerous and interesting to explore, making survival actually important and fun, ect. Mods that, at your choice, can improve most of the major and minor aspect of the game.

Almost. No mod fixes the story, no mod fixes NPC interaction and the writing, and no mod makes your stats actually matter in any meaningful way.

The game was fine from the get-go, the main problem is the retarded story (or more specifically the characters that make up the various factions), but that's not terribly new for Fallout. The gameplay itself is better than ever, and if you like running around reading terminals there is plenty of that.

It's hot shit

this just reminded me when this shit came out. I was at a vape shop (My uncle owns one and I would go there after school and chill/smoke pot with the employees) and one of the guys there had gotten the game the day before because of australia vpn and I got to play a little and holy shit it ran at like 30fps on his laptop but it was so amazing going from New Vegas to this shit crazy its been nearly 5 years

you're shit

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what is this?


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Yikes, not a single NPC loaded. Are they still rendering 2 different stances of a village like Oblivion did?
Poor Morrowind engine.

>not a single NPC loaded.

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Too much ass, looks like a niggress painted as a white girl

modding fallout 4 is like polishing a turd

it can be fun

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I moded it and played as a crack whore but eventually I got tired of being raped

>eventually I got tired of being raped

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Yeah that's the instance you load when you enter the village. Outside must be blobs of lifeless landscape just like fucking Oblivion. You can't fool anyone at this point.

Happy otaku day

>have mods fixed this game yet?

The only correct answer is "No." as you can see here ():
>No mod fixes the story, no mod fixes NPC interaction and the writing, and no mod makes your stats actually matter in any meaningful way.

>is it playable?
That it has been since its release, it just sucks balls as a Fallout game, but that doesn't mean it's not playable.

had lots of fun with modded survival, better flaslight, better nights, actual resource management, etc

You get it on sale to? Skyrim is better with all kinds of mods, wondering the same with FO4.

Das a nice butt

>have mods fixed
No. Mods can never fix a shit game.

Don’t bother game is god fucking awful, really I tried to get into it around four times. The whole story is just boring as hell and none of the box’s are interesting in the least bit. Also your character quickly goes from nobody to OMG YOU WANNA BE THE LEADER OF THIS FACTION YOU ARE LIKE THE BEST PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE TAKE OVER!!!!! Just play New Vegas again and save yourself the disappointment.

how's the frame rate?

New Vegas is ugly tho, even with mods.

is Boston that small like in the game? Is it dull and ugly like in the game to?

it´s old, and like all bethesda based games it has outdated graphics, on release date

People still mod Bethesda games? I thought they all gave up after trying to make Morrowind playable

Yep. Unoptimized trash.

This, the game has never looked and played better. Yet every single other element has suffered for it, I had some fun with it but haven't been able to finish it. It just becomes a drudge.

>check to see if porn mods have my fetish
>They actually do
>Install mods
>Game becomes unplayable
>Have to backtrack though compatibility shit and ok it with a mod manager and set mod load orders
>Actually runs this time
>Still crashes 10 minutes into the game
>Start sequentially turning off mods and restarting the game to figure out which mod is breaking shit
>Give up a quarter of the way through the list

I had a boner around 10 but now its 3am and even my dick is saying fuck this shit go to bed.

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>No necro or rape mods like Skyrim

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id like to say they tried.. but Jesus cries when you lie

If only this mod was a complete overhaul instead of just a few NPCs

dude really? there is one, except that it makes everyone (everyone) female because the mod doesn't have male characters yet

How do people have the patience to do this in a single player game of the type that Fallout is? No other players will ever see your creation and interact with it. NPCs don't comment on the majority of what you've made. It doesn't really benefit you at all outside of being fun if you enjoy the meticulous placement of items. I ended up just placing prefabs and filling them with beds because there was no payoff for spending hours making something extravagant.

Depends on what you're trying to do. Story is a dumpster fire no matter what you do with it but with enough mods you can make a suitably passable experience.

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It’s amusing to me that the content mods I installed added 3 strip clubs. I think 2 from outcasts and 1 from fusion city

>How do people have the patience to do this in a single player game of the type that Fallout is?
>It doesn't really benefit you at all outside of being fun if you enjoy the meticulous placement of items.
You literally answered your own question, genius.

>Yeah that's the instance you load when you enter the village
You should stop speaking so confidently when you don't have any fucking idea what you're talking about. That's a player-created settlement that's entirely in the external world.

Make that 4, I forgot the institute gets converted into the sextitute or whatever

I think its fun to build autism forts

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I mean. I enjoy autistically decorating homes and towns in games that other players can visit or interact with but I could never get into it in FO4. To each their own I suppose. I kind of envy them.

>Gameplay loop

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i just add new quest mods and ignore the main quest after killing Kellog


it's called work, you're free to do it

Only if you don't do the main quest line, everything else can be fixed with mods.

>ywn play peak mgo3 again
>tfw you did, autismos gradually fell off cloak and dagger to bs death match, a mode that doesn't make sense in a stealth game
>watch the player base gradually shrink and now finding a lobby on ps4 and pc is impossible

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I'm considering reinstalling

What mods should I get if I want to go full sim settlers mode and ignore the story?
Just use the game as a sandbox for making settlements and fighting or being raiders

How are the loli mods?

I sometimes want to play this, but I don't want to get trapped in modders hell. Played it like 3 times and basically quit shortly after getting the power armor without fail.
So which mod will give my female character some very large absurd tiddies.

It's the only game where survival and scavenging is truly interesting and engaging (even moreso with mods).
But the quests suck ass, the writing sucks donkey ass, and the NPCs have about as much personality as a garbage bin.
So while I can play for a while to scavenge and survive, eventually I'll just be driven off by the shallowness of the game.
This is why Fallout 3 and New Vegas have me returning to them.

>No mod fixes the story
Who cares?
>inb4 some fake grog tries to tell me fallout was always about the story
No it wasn't

I just wish there was a gunplay overhaul mod that made the fps work like a 2020 shooter instead of a 2008 shooter. Feels fucking bad man.

i do this like once every few months, and its all for naught because then my computer will crash during an update and cause me to refresh the whole OS

not quite related but can i play this on a toaster? last time i tried it wouldn't start because i think my card doesn't support the right pixel shader

Maybe without mods it will work fine

>why do things if you cant get likes and upvotes from people online :(