It's amazing how this game killed the series

It's amazing how this game killed the series.
>Went full retard zany
>Killed Johnny Gat
>Missions and activities mostly suck
>The story is all over the place, lacking focus, and feels unfinished.

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it revived it from being a shitty GTA clone

>>Killed Johnny Gat
Not much they could do, they only had the VA for a short while and they didn't want to replace him.

Saints Row 2 was fantastic you dumbass.

They went full meme-retard with Burt Reynolds cameo as well

i actually bought this game for my little brother for his bday because we both loved 2 and it didn't disappoint us, and yes i am a boomer

Didn't 2 have a porn star cameo?

They made Shaundi hot though

Porn star? I don't know about that. But I DO know the acclaimed author, philosopher, and voice actress, the lovely Sasha Grey, graced the game with a special cameo.

Saints row 2 was way better than gta 4 by a large margin. The series has absurdity and it definitely got more out of hand by the 2nd game but at least it wasn't so focused on being realistic that it forgot to be a game. Now though? It feels so empty, from the world design, the repetitive gameplay and the overly careful "humor". The free remaster of 2 can't come soon enough.

>That huge chunk of the game that's just a bunch of the side minigames poorly disguised as story missions

One of the characters your recruit is voiced by Sasha Grey.


Not liking Saint Rows 3 is NOT a personality trait.

You aren't cool for not liking it, you aren't WACKY ZANY INTELLIGENT. You're a fucking goof.

Don't be contrarian.

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I was actually hype for 3, sadly

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Based Faggot

3 was good. Just because it didn't live up to the perfection of 2 doesn't make it a bad game

This, SR2 was literally just a better GTASA, and that's not saying much. Fuck off already.

irony, read up on it

It was a bad game though. The weapons sucked, as did customization

>not liking gtasa
>not liking sr2
>not like sr3

Go play your barbie games :>

Literally one of the worst characters in fiction and would have been killed by Saints Row 2 Boss

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>>Missions and activities mostly suck
I was so fucking pissed about this. Every mission in SR2 was memorable and hella unique, the cutscenes at least. SR3 was literally just recontextualized side activities except for 3 or 4 set piece missions

SR3 has way more customization than SR2. You pretty much had to create your own fun in that game, since the campaign sucked ass.

l wish the re released saints row 2 without the dogshit controls

>dogshit controls
How so?

l remember the driving and the camera control was very unpleasant

>SR3 has way more customization than SR2
So you haven't played 2, gotcha

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I don't remember any real issue with them, but driving was always a mess for me so I probably wouldn't have noticed there.

actually based. get dabbed on saints row 3 haters

They all need to do is start another rise of new saint chapter boss in different city with multiple games on his rise.

I felt like it was a decent game, at least when not comparing it to the 2nd one. Is it confirmed there will be no more?

I hate it cause a lot of the missions are just fluffed activities.

I liked Genkai bowl a lot tho

They've been working on 5 for a while. There hasn't really been any news about it though.

Boss never killed people loyal to him/her.

He's talking about Tera Patrick, you mongs.

If they just toned down saints row 3 a little with the whacky shit it would have been better than 2.

I really hope they just let them fly in space to a Time Warp or something and kill their selves in an alternate dimension and take over that new city like old saints row. They went way too far with the whacky shit.

You forgot less content than 2, couldn't call every phone number you saw, no improvised melee melee weapons from damn near any object, no layered clothing, worse customization options.

It amazes me how 2 was perfect and they shat the bed. Being goofier than GTA was good. It gave it some character. They went and Flanderized the hell out of it though. If they brought back all that shit I mentioned, ignored SR 3 and 4, and made a proper content rich sequel, I'd buy it. They'd really have to prove it to me but I'd buy it if they did.

No it wouldn't.
Everything about 3 is terrible. The bland city, story cutscenes that feel disconnected from previous ones, instantly sidelining any interesting character.


Saint's Row 4 was a fucking blast. I always recommend it when people ask me about good super hero games

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it took me awhile to actually get into it, first impression felt incredibly gimmicky, but it really grew on me. They got it pretty on point even with the special edition collection.

You must be loyle to your capo


I'm probably one of the few people who like 4 more. It's a better Crackdown game than Crackdown 3.

With the exclusion of Carlos

I unironically loved that game, the enchantments were pretty good, 2 was superior but it was still a good game and i think 4 killed the series for real

I played it to the end and it has an incredibly band world design and interactability, and the story is definitely not for everyone.

I'm the only one who wants to fuck her?

You and Ralph Cifaretto apparently

>killed the series
Except Saints row 4, gat out of hell came out.
And Saints Row 5 is in development. So yeah, totally killed the series

...and annoying. Out of all people to larp as Johnny fag... it was her? Why? She had zero relationship with him in the second game. Even someone like Pierce had bigger connection with Johnny than her. Yet the game is trying to push her as biggest Johnny fag? The one that had no connection to him ever whatsoever? Get out of here.

Based retard, but still based

Yea. Shaundi's obsession with Gat was absolutely random. Random Saints goon had more agency to feel butthurt on Gat's behalf than her.

>how this game killed the series
they're making a fifth one. it maybe dead to you but not to others. just saiyan.

Nobody likes the series anymore, user. Sure, a few diehard fans still exist, but saints row was once an actual competitor to GTA. Now it's nothing more than a tiny niche, a parody of itself.

SR2 is overrated as fuck imo.
3 and 4, I enjoyed so much more.
Though I must admit, the gameplay quality drops by the end of the game, either when the STAG get involved in 3, or when you get all the major powers, especially flying, in 4.
Still, I would like to see a 2 remaster, especially if they made it super late 90s/early 00s -like. White kids with dreadlocks and rasta beanies, tribal tattoos, that would be a nostalgia trip

You are completely right, and everyone who disagrees with you is dumb

Reminder that sr2 source code was found and volition is fixing it for free

Reminder it's not Volition it's two SR2 modders who are doing it on their free time, and who the fuck knows when we'll ever see a finished product.

It's the best SR game what the fuck are you talking about? SR2 had SHIT(literally) humor and boring gang wars story. What actually killed it is VR shit.