Time for a leak

Time for a leak

Sega is releasing a remastered port of: Sonic Generations for PS4, XB1, Switch and PC

It will be announced at the upcoming Nintendo Direct.

It features 4k on PC/PS4 and 1080p on Switch at locked 60 fps, improved lightning and textures, improved sound quality and all DLC included

PC players who own the original one can upgrade for free.

Summer 2020

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>all DLC included
Yeah the pinball game, that's what the people wanted

>all DLC included

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Any new stages?

An excluse to replay it again on steam I guess. Decent if true

>Not Unleashed port
Thanks Sega

>all DLC included
I thought Generations' one dlc was already free?

>all DLC included

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I know this is just some fake weak post but even then.
why would anyone want a remaster of this dogshit game. it doesnt need it like, at all.

>all DLC included
so you mean
the pinball table

>this dogshit game
List this game's flaws, I want something interesting to read to pass the time.

Why? The game has aged like wine.

Classic gameplay is clunky as hell, physhics are non existant, stage design is dogshit, spin dash is legit broken as hell. Sonic is too small compared to the rest of the assets.
and even with classic sonic, Modern sonic STILL has 2d segments which are also pretty fucking bad and pace breaking. They shouldve been actual 3d segments like adventure but no.

Modern Sonic doesnt react to anything he is doing, like fighting chaos or shadow or silver, neither any of them have voice lines. even though they are big fan favorite moments.
Sonics friends dont ever appear past the first 3 stages.
There is no cameo of knuckles and tails in Seaside hill.
And character interaction is borderline non existant.
Bosses are also pretty lame and made a stage of their own instead of being part of a stage.

At least Eggman and Robotnik got some fun bits.

For fucks sake, just make a fucking remake of 06 with a revised story and engine already

Or, here's a better idea! LET THE FANS MAKE THE GAMES

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>remake of 06

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Fuck you, I like it

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if theres one game that could use an actual remake, its 06, even if the story is terrible.

>upcoming Nintendo Direct
why does this feel like the most desperate part about this whole thing

How sad.

>revised story

That would be hard as fuck to make happen. It's so incomprehensible.

Another proof that remasters are lowest point of the industry and anyone wanting them deserves to be erased from earth.

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>Sonic is too small compared to the rest of the assets.
I don't see this complaint enough
It's the most annoying thing to me though

>Sega is releasing a remastered port of: Sonic-
no, they're not

There's nothing wrong with wanting remasters of games that are stuck on older platforms, like JSRF.

But they already allow that by not C&D their asses to hell and back

Fucking why? It already runs fine on console and fantastic on PC, why do this instead of porting Unleashed which is stuck at fucking unplayable framerate? Exactly stupid enough to be true.

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Fix the engine for Sonic's stages. Cut everything else and sell it for $15.
Nothing else is worth salvaging

The "DLCs" is meant for scrapped levels, actual levels, one example is "Casino Night", didn't went far into development so it was changed into a pinball game instead because Sonic Team was more focused on the next maingame. There were 6 stages were scrapped but the pinball game DLC will only the free with the game as the rest of the scrapped stages will be in development. You will have to buy these.

New stages will only be included as DLCs. As mention above

6 will be brought back but they will add 2 of each era

Classic Era
>Scrap Brain
>Casino Night

Dreamcast Era
>Green Forest
>Final Fortress

Modern Era
>Tropical Resort

SEGA is in thought of more but I wouldn't count on it.

More info: Story is the same but will add more corny jokes of making fun of their "eras" and fourth wall
>Classic Tails would question his Modern self why does their new games starts with Green Hills
>Eggmens in limbo would show flashbacks of failure in a "funny" way
>Amy would confuse Classic with Modern Sonic
>Both Modern Sonic and Tails would make a joke about another Sonic and both get shivers (don't know if this reference for Dreamcast or Boom, I would think it would be a Boom seeing how its at the ending cutscene)
>"Why does Shadow have a gun?"
>Tails mentioning "Tails Doll"
>Sonic makes a reference "Let's a Go!" in a similar impression of an "Plumber" to his younger self, Classic didn't like it and facepalm himself

>Sonic generations for switch

You're trying too hard.

It's free on Xbox One when it became backwards compatible and you can buy it on Steam. Only version that has limited access to it is the PS3 release.
If there's any truth to this it's the most pointless remaster ever. Only worthwhile for PS4 cause there's no BC and Switch cause it never got the game. Might buy just to 100% it again for achievements and shit. Heroes or Colors are much better candidates for remasters.

I'd believe in Casino Night, but Scrap Brain instead of a Sonic 3 zone not from the second Knuckles half? Yeah right.

Trying way too hard, there buddy. no way in hell a sonic team game would reference guns again.

>Story is the same but will add more corny jokes
wait didn't Ken Pontac and Warren Graff left already

>Why does shadow have a gun
And you lost it.

Colors is the game that destroyed sonic for ever.

Fuck Generations, give me Sonic Adventure 1 and 2 on modern platforms and now we're talking.

>Sonic makes a reference "Let's a Go!" in a similar impression of an "Plumber" to his younger self, Classic didn't like it and facepalm himself
If this is "real", its going to be a trainwreck

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You got it bro
You want that remade or remastered?

>Colors is the game that destroyed sonic for ever.
Funny how zoomers retroactively treat Colors as the game that ruined the series just like people in the 2000s did with SA1 and 2.

>Le JRF meme
It was not that good, faggot. Disregarding your retardness JSF, if happens, won't be a remaster; it will be a port. Remastering games from previous gens with minimal change is stupid for saying the least.

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but its true
>introduced wisps
>introduced the shit current voice actor
>made sonic into a fag who takes nothing seriously
>2d platforming in a "3d" game
>boost shit

>No Sonic 3 levels

Fake, fuck you

Here's a short version of how I'd revise it: Silver is stuck in the future alone and Mephiles tricks him to kill Sonic. Remove Elise but keep the Flames of Disaster celebration bit the same.
Sonic's plot is a run of the mill "Stop Eggman and save the day" thing; harmless
Keep Shadow'a story the same; it was perfect
Silver's story is how he grows and realizes that his inner flame to save the world is so much bigger than Iblis will ever be, and seals him to the Sol Dimension (fuck the Rush games, they suck)
Final story happens but without Elise and Sonic is revived thru the Chaos Emeralds, he blows out the flames of disaster and only he and Silver remember the events

Give the story some Unleashed/A2 spunk and voila; Sonic 06 is fixed

I second this tech fix

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Colors was fine, you nitpicking memester. Even better if you were crying too much about the period 2006-2010 with the experimental Wii games.

You couldn't think of anything bad about it so you listed things that literally don't matter in relation to quality at all

>JSF, if happens, won't be a remaster; it will be a port
If it's ported with an increased resolution and better performance, then it's a remaster.
>Remastering games from previous gens with minimal change is stupid for saying the least.
And remastering games that are only available on platforms from older generations isn't.

You said something stupid on an anonymous website. Quit trying to save face.

>2d platforming in a "3d" game
>boost shit
Yeah, I'm not a big fan of Unleashed either.

>Give the story some Unleashed/A2 spunk and voila; Sonic 06 is fixed
>the game is fixed if the story is fixed
Where do idiots like you even come from.

>Sega is releasing a remastered port of: Sonic Generations for PS4, XB1, Switch and PC
>It will be announced at the upcoming Nintendo Direct.
why wouldn't they announce it tomorrow since we're guaranteed new sonic news? lmao

>If it's ported with an increased resolution and better performance, then it's a remaster.
Now, you're getting it.

>And remastering games that are only available on platforms from older generations isn't.
And you're back to square one.

Here's what you're too stupid to notice: A potential JSRF port will have an actual plus going for it, like new stages.

Why sonic fanbase are lying faggots?

>Amy would confuse Classic with Modern Sonic
she already does this
>"Why does Shadow have a gun?"
he doesn't in gens

Cool. I won't get it because Generations wasn't good.

Sonic 06's biggest problem is the story

Even if the gameplay was bug free and polished to perfection, it would still get panned due to the story

I came from your mother's spasm chasm last night

>PC players who own the original one can upgrade for free.
Nice LARP faglord

>And you're back to square one.
How? Again, there's nothing wrong with wanting remasters of older titles that that are stuck on a particular older platforms. TimeSplitters is another series that could benefit from remasters.
>Here's what you're too stupid to notice: A potential JSRF port will have an actual plus going for it, like new stages.
Here's what you're too stupid to notice: What you're asking for is completely unrealistic, while I just want the game to have wider accessibility instead of just being stuck on the Xbox.

i know it was your first sonic, but you have to know when something killed a franchise.

Honestly, everything after Adventure 2 (besides maybe Heroes) should be wiped from canon with a genesis wave.
Characters after Adventure 2 should get reintroduced in ways that don't add unnecessary convolution to the world as it stands.

Fire the current writers, bring back the ones from the Adventure series, and hire competent translators.
Sonic and co. should share their world with stylized humans, not be from a separate one.
Classic and Modern shouldn't be separate dimensions, that's pointless convolution. Just make it past/present.
Blaze and Silver should both be from the same world. No time travel fuckery.
Shadow should actually die or at least be out of action after Adventure 2, make the one in Heroes an actual cyborg that takes his place.
Knuckles should not be added to games without the Master Emerald being in the plot.
Wisps should not be around when not relevant to the plot, and they aren't cute enough to be mascots like they're being pushed as.
The world should be fully established and follow the rules of the games prior to it, and not changing to suit the writers convenience.

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>Here's what you're too stupid to notice: What you're asking for is completely unrealistic, while I just want the game to have wider accessibility instead of just being stuck on the Xbox.
JSRF is a meme game. It's the biggest proof of exclusivity blinding people, it's highly debatable if it's better than the OG JSR.

I like where this is going

>Sonic 06's biggest problem is the story
06's biggest problems includes the loading times, the bugs, the pointless empty hubs, and the fact that game itself feels like shit to play.
Almost every 3D Sonic has shit writing, so it's not like 06's plot would cause major grievances among players when it's already expected to be bad. That's like claiming a Resident Evil game needs to have good writing otherwise it would be panned.

>For fucks sake, just make a fucking remake of 06
squeenix already did it.

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>Sonic 06's biggest problem is the story
and you are the biggest retard in history if you think thats the main problem of sonic 06
im glad you are nowhere near game development.

Fuck off larper double nigger

>JSRF is a meme game. It's the biggest proof of exclusivity blinding people, it's highly debatable if it's better than the OG JSR.
And? It should still be accessible to as many people as possible.
I appreciate your concession on the topic of remasters, though.

>Final Fortress
I fucking wish, fuck off

If 06 was the game it was meant to be (minus the story) it'd probably be considered a top 5 Sonic game.

You could say that about any 3D Sonic game since they're all scaled back or were rushed in some fashion.

>Gets caught in a lie
>Double downs and exaggerates the lie even further
I hate these threads

>"Why does Shadow have a gun?"
>Tails mentioning "Tails Doll"
Kill yourself.

What's unrealistic about that?

As long as they keep it unbelievably long to filter the casuals HARD again I'm all for it.
>Eggman finally builds Eggman land his life's ambition
>It's a huge gauntlet and a true test of skill
>People get mad that it's insanely long when this is Eggman's Magnum Opus and life's work finally being accomplished and it's not a walk in the park like most other stages.
Plebs the lot of them. When I first played that stage and found it took almost half an hour I was amazed and impressed. Faggots that hate Eggmanland got what they deserved with Forces.

I agree with this fully. 06 is literally Sonic Adventure 3. Only difference is that instead of being a bit rough around the edges like SA1 and SA2, it's straight up unfinished.

>And? It should still be accessible to as many people as possible.
The "we want a wider audience" is always bad. If you just drop the pretentiousness and being stubborn, if you're really want being realistic about stuff (which doesn't seem to be the case by reading the posts several times), instead of using excuses as disguise you just can simply get and Xbox or just emulate.

>I appreciate your concession on the topic of remasters, though.
Is this the new meme slang? Because I haven't conceded anything personally.