I hate this fucker so much, I go out of my way to kill him In the final mission. Other characters you hate?
Really? I found him too boring for me to be able to muster up feelings of outright hate, that would require expending effort and emotions he doesn't deserve.
feel like this, but about every mass effect character
Except Garrus, he was great.
My hate came from the fact hes the only person to cheat on sheppard..
Garrus is based
Pay the toll
I hate Mordin, Legion and Tali, I let them be murdered for being overwhelming faggots. Jacob is based.
>I hate Mordin, Legion
Imagine having such shit taste
>hating best bro Legion
>hating best girl Tali
Hatting those three is a sin feggit
Mordin is fag. I hate that fucking sissy. Tali does not compare to Liara or even Kasumi. Fuck you degeneracy ridden niggers.
>best girl
>imagine shilling an actual robot
you should probably considering hanging yourself.
>Likes Liara
>talks about degeneracy
>is an Asari
>becomes the Shadow Broker
>is the most respected specialist in her field
>the most respected and lucrative race
>member race of the Council
>look like women
>likes an Arabic sounding slag with a gas mask on
yea, I wouldnt want to be alive with how much autism you've amassed.
You forgot
>is ugly as shit
>>is an Asari
So ultimate "my wife's daghter" race
>>becomes the Shadow Broker
>>is the most respected specialist in her field
>>didn't notice that one of your employee is a fucking cyborg send by Cerberus
>>didn't notice that someone decided to ventilate the labs with marsian dust
>>completely useless as prothean expert, since the said cyborg have all data
>>the most respected and lucrative race
You mean the race which was needed divine intervention to learn how to count and didn't starve to death?
>>likes an Arabic sounding slag with a gas mask on
[citation fucking needed]
I would defend The asari, but the fact they knew the reapers were real and Ignored it makes it hard...
>didn't tell us about Udina
>didn't know about Horizon
>didn't know about Kai Leng
>didn't know about Dr. Eva
>didn't know what Cerberus was up to
But hey, at least she can tell us about Tali's purchase history. T'soni is the worst Shadow Broker imaginable. You get zero good intel from her.
Even wrex gives her shit for being shitty at her job...
>had all the knowledge of the Prothean Empire
>fail to defeat the Rachini
>and the Krogan
>barely stall the new kid that only has 3% of their population into the military with bureaucracy
>when the citadel is attacked put the council on a 3 thousand years old cruiser not even a dreadnought
>hide from everyone the true number of Asari that have the mega STD
Its so hard to respect them after that...
And most important
>didn't extract cipher from Shepard's head
>didn't knew about prothean beacon on her homeland
>People like the worst characters
>People hate the best characters
>>People like the worst characters
>>People hate the best characters
Garrus, Wrex, Jack, Legion, Samara, Zaeed
the rest
actually Grunt is cool too he can take his ass to top tier
I hate him and fucking Tali. Something about her and her whole damn race just piss me off.
>cheats on me in ME3
>offer to suck his dick on the sly
>get rejected
>names his child after me
What the fuck is his problem?
>The state of femshep fags
>Garrus, Wrex, Jack, Legion, Samara, Zaeed
EDI and Javik were cool too
>Something about her and her whole damn race just piss me off.
Because literally all interactions with quarians are follow just two patters
>Shepard we need help
>- Hey Shepard guess what?
>- What?
>- We are going to screw you over and will get away with it because Tali approves it.
They created slaves and then tried to genocide them all when they started developing free will.
Also they look stupid with their dumb hazard suits.
pretty much just miranda. I found almost everyone likable in some way but her. Even the black dude was sort of a bro, even if he was maybe the most boring character besides julio "SPACE MARINE" chadington.
mine was getting mouthfuls of brown muff
Wanna know best part?
They were saved from dying out by protheans (at least twise), they were artificially uplifted by the protheans, they had beacon with all info about Reapers
gravity victim
Jack. I hated that tryhard emo cunt.
>t. Miranda
Jack was semi-based
He does that? In ME3 you mean?
>In ME3 you mean?
not only does he cheat on FemShep, he gets the other girl pregnant
>tryhard emo cunt
She was literally a labrat for most of her life.
I played as a femshep, for whatever reason the line reading is really awkward during there first talk on the ship, felt the game was ‘directing’ you toward this relationship.
Fuck off, Femshep was saving herself for the only one worthy of her... Garrus.
>Fuck off, Femshep was saving herself for the only one worthy of her... Garrus.
Imagine spelling Revan so wrong
>Femshep was saving herself for the only one worthy of her... Garrus.
I really didn't like Tali. In ME1 it was annoying that you are forced to drag this kid along with you for no real reason. Garrus and Wrex are optional, I have no idea why Tali isn't. In ME2 she was just an annoying brat. Utterly unlikable. I never played ME3. It's no surprise she is one of the least popular characters in the franchise or that her tiny fanbase is made up almost exclusively of psycho freaks.
i really felt like the rape planet backstory for his loyalty mission was unnecessary
>It's no surprise she is one of the least popular characters in the franchise
Leave your Yas Forumseddit hugbox.
>. Garrus and Wrex are optional, I have no idea why Tali isn't.
Because she have what you need?
I mean it's not a rocket science.
>Mulletman Darth Revan X Femshep
>cool sci-fi side-story
>unnecessary in sci-fi ARPG
Jacob is borring, but his loyalty mission is okay
you have a weird definition of cool
Dude looks like Kanye West.
The roid faggot
>weird definition of cool
rape planet, as established
I did not care for Thane
I mean story of crashed ship on hostile isolated planet where your main enemy isn't even animals, but fauna is pretty neat by sci-fi standarts
I can’t hate Jakob for that because it was pretty obvious they just didn’t want to bother making effort for his romanced scenes in 3. Him cheating on Shep like that was stupidly out of character.
>isn't even animals, but fauna
not him, but animals and fauna mean the same thing
Thane is best FemShep romance in ME2.
>not him, but animals and fauna mean the same thing
Fuck, should've gotta go and sleep, working week is shit in Russia.
I was meaning flora, of course.
Bioware released an infographic for the game showing Tali to be one of the least popular characters amongst all players. Nobody ever wrote a dissertation on what Ashley's sweat would taste like. Nobody but a small handful of freaks like Tali.
You already had what you needed from her. It was in return for saving her life. She insists on going along because of curiosity over the Geth. The game gives you the choice to say no but you are overruled and forced to take her with you. The notion the human military would insist the first human spectre drag a thieving alien child along on his mission with him, giving her access to a top secret state of the art military ship, is just nonsense. It was forcing the character on the player and they couldn't even write a decent reason for it.
Isn't that Vega? In any case Jack is clearly the best girl all you other fools are in denial. Jacob is the blandest character imaginable, to the point I forget he's in the game.
but what about the prize
>. The game gives you the choice to say no
>It was forcing the character on the player
Literally pick one
>and they couldn't even write a decent reason for it.
She already proved she can be useful against geth since she manage to extract some data from them
Damn I wish ME3 Vanguard had Sentinel melee animation
Thane was a bro
This infographic?
>>. The game gives you the choice to say no
>>It was forcing the character on the player
It's the illusion of choice. The player is giving a dialogue option but you don't actually have any choice, the outcome is exactly the same no matter what "choices" the player makes. You are going to take Tali no matter what and she going to be completely fucking useless no matter what. It's not even like there's a "Well, thank God we took Tali after all" point in the story. She never does anything. This is probably one of the worst instances of pointless and nonsensical forced party recruitment in an RPG I've come across. The only game I can think of that is worse in forced party recruitment is Neverwinter Nights 2 which is so ridiculous in this regard I don't know if it will ever be topped.