His entire faction only makes sense because you, the player know what the Roman Empire is

His entire faction only makes sense because you, the player know what the Roman Empire is.
However the people of the wastes do not, so why did they join him in the first place?

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Good deals on delicious pizzas for the entire family

It's The Postman effect. The bad guy sold and serviced copiers before the apocalypse, but was into history so applied the lessons learned to amass an army and win battles.

>However the people of the wastes do not, so why did they join him in the first place?
They didn't join him because they liked the Romans, but because he actually knew what it takes to survive as a society in the brutal environment of a post-nuclear wasteland.

So do regular ass societies though, the NCR, House, and 90% of the towns in New Vegas know "how to survive as a society in the brutal enviornment", and surprise they ALL do it by not being retards who hang people.

Also if he knew so much about the Romans, he'd know they were retards near the end of their life and thats why they fell apart. They were unsustainable as an empire.

Because this LARPing Roman asshole has been capable enough to subjugate every other tribe in the territory. You wouldn't care what he was wearing or what he was preaching if it meant that you'll be btfo if you fight him regardless

>However the people of the wastes do not
Wrong, Rome is eternal.

Yeah, the NCR are just retards who shoot people, what a much better alternative

Romans are cool but The Legion is dumb. That edgelord in Nipton who preaches their school shooter tier manifesto at you was so over the top evil I couldn't take them serious at all.

the best way to treat vulpes inculta is to nod along politely at everything he says and then crack open a cold one as he and his goons walk into the boxload of prox mines you planted on their route out of nipton

He offers food for a low lllllooooooooooooowwwwwwwwwwwww price of 5 NCR dollars

Bwcause he invaded their tribes and killed everyone that resisted him

A shame that Little Caesar's tastes like shit compared to virtually any other pizza chain.

He's charismatic and better educated than 99% of the wasteland. He knows how to collect and weaponize the unwashed masses into an army capable of defeating smaller groups even if they have superior weapons. He is a classic warlord.

In the lore the NCR is super unstable, with large amounts of crime and corruption. In Legion lore it is super stable but as oppressive as the Roman Empire. The game does an awful job of showing both of these things because the only legion you get to see is their warcamp and Obsidian has the same boner for the NCR that Bethesda has for the Brotherhood.

>he didn't join the noid
caesarfags get out my board NOOOOOWWW

>joining the noid
Yeah if you wanna be held hostage trying to get your food.
Noid fags eternally btfo'd
the hut is the best faction anyways

At $5 a pizza though...

He had a nigh unstoppable lunatic with a giant sword as an enforcer.

>You arent paying $2.75 for 1 slice of pizza
Non tristaters gtfo

that guy was peanuts compared to church of the 1911 burn victim who actually built that army




Ghetto pizza

The only time I get little Caesar’s is for pretzel crust pizza. I would die for that shit but since they no longer have it, I’m content to never go there again

While it does make sense that the majority of wastelanders don't know about the Romans, I highly doubt that this knowledge is a secret or lost to the ages.
There are still pre-war books, computers, and even people (if you think ghouls are people) who would have this information.

It's funny because Casar's knowledge propped up their civilization but it would be his hoarding of said knowlege that also causes it to collapse after his death. In the end, his movement only serves to further set back humanity.

Is it bad I can eat 2 whole Pizzas?

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Ordering it without the tomato sauce is what makes it great. Try it out, user.

Nah, little caesars doesn't really fill you up that much for whatever reason

little caesars pizzas? nah dude the crust is like made out of paper. they're pretty small too

Caesar seeks to destroy those books and other recorded histories. Additionally, he strives to destroy things like the followers of the apocalypse for their knowledge.

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You know now that you put it that way.
Why the FUCK aren't Ghouls more utilized in the games/lore?
>Are a HUGE repository of old world knowledge
>Some ghouls might even know how to do shit, like scientist ghouls, welder ghouls, blacksmith ghouls, ect.
>Ghouls are immune to radiation completely and can soak up a fuckhuge amount (they can literally live inside of a nuked FEV bunker and be fine)
>Yet we never see Ghoul explorers, expeditions, traders, ect. despite the fact that it'd be insanely useful to have a ghoul in your scavenging/trading party

Man, fuck fallout for not doing this.

No, but actually eating them is


Doesn't Caesar let the followers all leave peacefully when he takes over Vegas?

You have to remember that Vegas is the first major city Caesar encountered, while the west coast had several huge urbanized areas for the NCR to assimilate. The average person Caesar conquered would resemble the tribals you see in Honest Hearts, superstitious, small groups, illiterate. So Caesar's Legion was actually a trade up for most people, and the ones that didn't feel that way were simply killed off.

Pre-War ghouls at least seemed somewhat rare in NV and 3, but there were tons of them in 4 so I dont see why your idea wouldn't be used, it makes no sense.

Most people probably shot ghouls on sight thinking they were zombies

Ghouls arent always pre-war and it's more likely that some dipshit wagie who doesn't know anything gets turned into one than someone with actual skills. There's also the fact that they tend to go crazy

>Go to Caesar
>Ask for a pineapple pizza
>They give me a ticket

>some dipshit wagie
well yeah but they'd still be a gigantic repository of the old world, something that'd probably be insanely useful to know/learn about so they don't repeat themselves like retards


Little Caesar's is amazing

little caesar's legion


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same way muhammed buult an army, promises of loot and pussy

I think you're overestimating what the average person knows

You're leveling up. Maybe some day you'll be at Papa's status

iirc they get to leave or die. basically just stay out of his way.

Ironically, Caesar acts more like the barbarians that sacked Rome than the actual Romans.

Papa Johns
Little Cesars
Pizza Hut

But user, that means the Legion is the best faction, which is false.

If you actually enjoy Little Caesar's, then yes, that's bad.

caesar himself notes this. he feels like he's leading a bunch of gauls instead of an actual legion. and this is the final damnation of caesar's idea, really. rome started as a city-state first and only THEN became an empire. caesar is trying to do it in reverse. he feels like he can build a city-state out of new vegas and bring some of the benefits of civilization to his tribal army, but the odds of him succeeding do not seem high to me. like caesar more or less justifies the legion's evil and shittiness with the belief that once they unify everything under one flag, commerce and trade and peace will make up for the upheaval of war and oppressive rule. but he never tests that theory in game to see if it's more than just hot air

>Not going the delissio's route

its better than papa murphys.

Why is this place still functioning? I thought little Ceasar killed everyone in there

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Little Caesars is pretty good when it's hot enough to burn your mouth, and turns into absolute undigestable garbage the second it cools off. It's the only pizza brand I can't eat cold.

I need to have my caesars luke warm before I indulge, 1 minute in the microwave, the sauce is so fucking disgusting, but the cheese is ungodly good

Pizza hut and Dominos are both worse in my town. I enjoy a hot and ready and it doesnt make me shit violently. But i have had good Pizza Hut before so I guess it just depends on the staff.

It my favorite out of all the pizza chains though.

Extra most is good though. Try their buffalo ranch sauce.

What the fuck are you talking about? In what game is Little Caesars a faction?

ave, true to little caesar

Pizza Hut is fine as long as they're next to a busy place. The buffet and ice cream machine is pretty good when you're taking a lunch break or coming around for supper

For me, it's hungry howies

Caesar's deep dish is literally the best pizza out there, and its fucking cheap

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They didn't 'join' him, you dipshit. He either absolutely eviscerated them and took the remainder or threatened to eviscerate them. In the case of tribes like the Khans they jad a connon enemy, and they dknt join them as equals, they are assimilated into the Legion and all traces of their 'culture' are destroyed.