B-but Zoom Eternal isn't canon :(

>b-but Zoom Eternal isn't canon :(

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remember that dude that kept making threads about how he wasn't doomguy?

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"Doom Slayer" is a reincarnated, alternative reality Doomguy. Their reality will converge in the next game and Doom 7 is gonna be co-op centered.

There's a canon to this?

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Why do people care so much about the canon in Doom in the first place?

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right and 343 halo is canon too


Literally who the fuck are you quoting, retard?

Finished watching the cutscenes and I have to say Eternal may have quite literally the worst writing ever put into a AAA game

Doomguy would feel right at home in made in abyss given how fucked up shit gets.

the 2016 doom slayer is literally the doomguy from the OG games
there are several flashbacks that make it pretty obvious
go watch a cutscene comp on youtube

>Finished watching the cutscenes and I have to say Eternal may have quite literally the worst writing ever put into a AAA game
Wasn't John Carmack the dude who said video games shouldn't have writing cuz it was like saying "porn should have story"?
Man, that quote aged like utter shit.

DMC exists tho

All iterations of Doomguy are canon. Even fan ones.

>may have quite literally the worst writing ever put into a AAA game
Pick any Bioshock game
Any AAA anime game
Any FROM game
Any (other) Bethesda game
Any Sony Exclusive

I kept making posts about it but I was always open to the idea. I was just playing devil's advocate until it was irrefutable.

>Any Sony Exclusive
Gravity Rush has very good writing.

>any anime game

you're thinking of borderlands 3 buddy

that UI is a photoshop... right?

>Gravity Rush has very good writing.

Literally every anime game has some coomer fag defending it. I bet you wouldn't think it has good writing if the MC looked like Danny DeVito. I gaurantee you theres an MLP fanfic out there with greater use of theming, contra-position, and great dialogue than King Lear, but no one fuckign cares because its such a dumb fucking premise. Take your weeb taste to the trash where it belongs.

Did you ever play it?

Have you?

I played Gravity Rush on Vita and PS4. Gravity Rush 2 on PS4 is my favorite game of all time. The ending had me in tears, I highly recommend the series.

>Ching Chong Ding Dong Uuuuuuuguuuuu Nihoooooomaaa

no, why?

The game's story is actually a metaphor for the death and destruction of the 2011 Japanese earthquakes and tsunami.
It's actually pretty sad at times if you're able to see into that subtext.
It really impacted me as a person.

since when does master chief have a pet rabbit?

>anime good


>>anime good
Technically, it's inspired by French comics of the 1960s and 1970s, so it's not anime.
It is made by a Japanese developer, though.

I too really like bunnies.


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its just a game where you shoot demons who the fuck cares about everything else

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What are some games with good writing then?

Wasn't that fanart?

What the fuck? Bethesda is stealing other people's artwork!!!!

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Clearly you've never played resident evil


I don’t care if someone shits in a toilet, I care when they shit on my floor. All you’ve proved is that it’s an ugly cartoon with a boohoo feel bad for my backwards chingchongland and send aid please.

This but unironically
RE is based

>All you’ve proved is that it’s an ugly cartoon with a boohoo feel bad for my backwards chingchongland and send aid please.
Isn't that basically what writing is? The best way to get a point across?
Besides, it's more about the deaths. There's even a song about how death makes everyone equal. That's a pretty universal part of the human condition. Tragedies happen pretty much globally.

and yet Doom 1 and 2 with virtually zero story remain two of the best video games ever made. Huh.

you're not allowed to have gradients on the bars

kingdom hearts

It is though.

why is the ui an ugly rainbow color?

DMC3 is well written and DMC5 is okay.

shills btfo

>Zoomers that watch cutscenes on Youtube think they can talk about the game itself

I am the guy who posted this and I just remembered Destiny as a franchise exists
Eternal will have to settle for #2

You're right, it isn't.

Death of the Author, biatch!

but daisy died before he ever got that edgetastic armor from the sentinels

>tfw all wads are canon
>tfw HDoom is canon

>anime bad

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>implying reddit doesn't love anime

One of the cinematics confirms that the Slayer is in fact, Doomguy from Doom 1,2 and 64 and the marine from 3.

Attached: doom_slayer_and_daisy_by_xous54_dawq4gs-fullview.jpg (1024x1260, 317.53K)


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Gimme the run down on the canon.

Play now or sleep and play in the morning?
Nothing going on since bat soup virus is going on and everyone panicking

Confused. Is this a reimagining like Wolfenstein?

How did he retain his virginity though?


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Did this game finally comfirmed he's the OG?

No. They were in their time, but to say they're still the best is utter rubbish.