every other industry:
>I got laid off from my job against my will and just want to work to pay my bills
>wahhhhhhhhhh my boss forced me to work my paying job today
Every other industry:
Other urls found in this thread:
Why does America allow corporations to blatantly ignore rules and laws so freely????
because ignoring rules is how you win
because this kind of thing is settled civilly in court.
because you don't have to listen and your employer can't fire you for refusing to break the law for them
because america is free we don't need to listen to our governments every word.
unlike the EU and their ilk
In this instance, they're not. They're arresting people for it.
this, if you're not cheating your not trying.
How long till this is confirmed to be fraudulent?
No company makes it big by following the rules, user.
Imagine being a gamestop employee and your managers have instructed you to argue with police if they try to shut you down, insisting that selling VIDEO GAMES AND FUNKO POPS is essential during a pandemic
Fuck you faggot I want time off too. I don't work at GameStop though. Everyone else gets to relax at home while I have to deliver all of your stupid shit. It's not fair bros.
Gamestop just fears that if they shut down for a month the stores will never reopen at this point. They're too close to the drain. Corporate is just trying to get every last drop they can since this recession will kill it off for sure.
to be fair, gamestop employees aren't really people
Imagine potentially exposing yourself to permanent lung damage for a job that pays minimum wage.
My friends keep bitching about how lucky I am to be stuck at home due to my work closing down while they are working at grocery stores. I just filed for unemployment, its real fucking fun not knowing if I can pay my rent next month.
It already is confirmed fraudulent. Gamestop is already admitting that they're basically bullshitting to stay in business. Videogames are absolutely not "essential goods".
I for one am looking forward to the bodycam kino of Gamestop managers getting arrested
evidently not.
>world is going to shit because of the kung-flu.
>everyone else is staying home for a while
>boss says I gotta work or I'm outta there.
>live paycheck to paycheck so have no real choice.
>shop is empty most of the time.
>some fat neckbear comes in asking for FFVII remake.
>he coofs as he's handing me the money.
>get sick a few days later.
>can't afford hospital bills.
>found dead in my house a week later.
Fucking Gamestop.
>Going outside to get infected for garbage plastic.
games are data. the idiots responsible for unnecessarily spreading this virus like gamestop should be lined up against a wall and shot.
So what am I supposed to do? Just starve and die?
gubmint said that foreclosures/evictions are suspended until some time in May, dude. You got a little time
"Nobody is more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe themselves to be free."
It literally says "Ignore law enforcement," so I don't know what more you want to be done, they're already breaking the law.
Some counties are ignoring that, Elk Grove specifically in california is one of those
do americans really do this?
oh boy, so now instead of being 1 month behind on rent you'll be 3.
I work(ed) for a sports Arena. Every was sent home. "NO PAY LOL".
Maybe I'll give FUCKING GAMESTOP a call.
Arrest this Mr. Policeman.
Yes, America doesn't like poor people so you'd be doing the conservative hivemind a favor by dying quietly instead of being a martyr for better worker benefits and healthcare. If only you had pulled yourself up by your bootstraps, started your own multi-million dollar business before Covid you wouldn't be in this position?
I don't understand how this is to be enforced because renting and mortgages are private contracts.
Because companies get fined a fraction of what they make, before the Corona thing Boeing was getting shit tons of criticism because they purposely made unsafe plane parts. They found lawsuits and court fines would be a lot cheaper than just fixing the problems.
If I find stains on my dragon dildos one more time I'm suing you assholes
They did - I'm currently appealing on the grounds that I masturbate to FFM porn on the regular
Maybe you should've voted for a politician instead of a reality tv host, now you reap what you sow.
Presumably it won't, but you'll be able to take them to court over it later to sue for damages, so there is incentive for them to just abide by the rules.
Why should the government be able to tell a private business to stop operating when they are breaking no laws?
I don't want to get further in debt since I have no idea when I will be able to get back to work. I live paycheck to paycheck like most people so my savings is like 2k. Hopefully I get unemployment since they said it is supposed to be easier due to the Corona shit. Kinda weird they didn't have an option for that, since I will eventually be able to go back to my job.
>Everyone else gets to relax at home
It's not relaxing or comfy to lose your income stream and not know when you'll get it back. Not everyone can afford to suddenly go without income for weeks at a time.
>instructed to ignore law enforcement and not shut down
Holy based
The second civil war begins at gamestop
>permanent lung damage
It's just the flu
Because a national emergency is going on.
>killing people isn't against the law when it's for muh profits
glad you boomers are all gonna die desu
>It's just the flu
It's not, actually. Coronavirus aggressively attacks the lungs as the first step and can actually cause permanent lung damage. It's not terribly likely in young, healthy individuals, but it's still a possibility and becomes more of a risk the older you are.
>killing people
>0.2% mortality rate
okay retard
because i dunno its a fucking pandemic and things will only get worse if we let people do whatever they want?
If people want to risk going outside that's their prerogative, if you are scared of ligma stay inside retard
Sounds like a (You) problem. If you didn't waste your money on dumb shit maybe you'd have some savings.
They become carriers getting others sick you moron. It's not about their health its the health of others.
There's a nigger at my work that is trying to talk to HR about closing the place down in fear of the corona.
He also sells dope as a "side gig"
He sounds like a cool guy, shame he has to put up with a stupid faggot like you.
I personally do have savings and, luckily, a job I can do from home regardless. But I remember being young and dumb without savings and I would have wanted my employer to fight as hard as possible to let me keep working and making that money. It's just basic empathy to understand that not everyone sees being suddenly out of work as a good thing.
I don't give two shits if a neet goes to gamestop and gets infected buying FF7, but I'll give a shit when he infects everyone at the supermarket buying his tendies afterwards.
ok nigger
citation needed to the fraudulent bit
Since they started closing stores because they don't know how to not suck, the only one left is in the mall.
The mall is closed.
It's not one of the stores with an external exit, you gotta get to it from inside the mall.
Good luck with that plan, Gamestop.
Sunny Delight is more expensive than OJ around here.
Do you seriously think it is safe to go to the grocery store with or without GS open? Get your groceries delivered like a modern member of society and skip the risk altogether
Italians must have extremely shitty immune systems then if a flu is killing them in droves.
They can have fun enforcing that.
America is owned and run by corporations, you can't tell your boss how to do things.
>It's just the flu
It's the flu that also compromises the lungs, which often leads to people contracting worse shit like ARDS. ARDS is what'll fuck you up
Sells "dope", OK boomie
it doesnt fucking matter if its safe or not, its what people are doing, so minimizing the other places where people can come in contact with it is the only real option
>you should feel bad for idiots who want to fuck you over because they're retarded
But then what happens for small business landlords that can't afford for all of their tenants to not pay rent for months at a time? Not every apartment is a giant condominium complex owned by a big corporation.
The same percentage probably would have died from the normal flu as well
Eat shit you edgy faggot.
How does someone working in a Gamestop fuck you over? If you're worried about it, just don't go to Gamestop.
> Muh cold
Go fuck yourself, Bernie faggot. The governor here is trying to tell us all go stay in but you know what? That cock sucker can shove it. I'm not his slave and as a free man I will go where I like, not be locked in my house like a prisoner.
I wish I could spit on you
Stop replying to the bait
Free real estate
someone care to explain to me why everyone is focusing on gamestop still being open when other "non essential" are still open.
oh because gamers bad.
>not everyone sees being suddenly out of work as a good thing
Nobody sees it as a good thing except lazy euro-wannabe millennial fucks who are elated at the possibility of being cared for by the government while contributing nothing. They're so upset to be stuck at at paying jobs while their laid off friends are at home in their parents houses writing instagram/reddit comments.
>can't get a haircut
>can still buy vidya
Time to fight even more long haired pube neckbeards for toddler nintendo games now
Are army trucks full of dead bodies typical during Italian flu season?
The GOP is giving everyone$2400. The Jew fuck Dems anted low interest loans. I know who I support
This is fucking disgusting.
Americans are truly the biggest corporate cocksuckers in the world lmaoooo
people are free to do that
govt can fuck off with their authoritarian bullshit though
The retards who want to work are putting other people, myself inculded, at risk just because they were too stupid to have savings.
Meanwhile my groccery job is letting me work 10+ hours and 7 days a week. Feels good.
I thought it had already been reduced to $1200? And that 'everyone' only included people who makes $40-75k.
They're normal in state of emergencies which we're in because this is a flu without a vaccine and we don't want shit spreading more than it should. Doesn't stop it from being a flu
Shouldn't have voted for Trump¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Why is this big news when there are states that aren't closing down everything?
*gets trampled and coofed on by fatass scalpers trying to buy toilet paper*
>still going to pick up animal crossing tommorow
Americans are not human. Lovecraft was aware of the conspiracy, but he was terrified for his life so he concealed the truth in his works like "The Dunwich Horror." The early settlers were all just nonstop banging fish people along the East Coast and the fish monster genes are now spread throughout the American population
based covid-19 cleansing the world of useless italian fat smokers and grandparents
I agree, he talks like a fucking retard
But it won't be free real estate. The worst case scenario is them just selling it to the city or a bank and then the place being bulldozed or prices being jacked up.
Has nothing in common in with the flu. It's like the common cold except deadly. You can't become immune to it and each time you get it will continue to destroy your lungs more and more until you do die from pneumonia. Just because people are surviving it once doesn't mean they will when they get it a second or third time.
That's when they say you are uncooperative or are rude to customers or have a bad haircut, etc. etc. to fire you instead.
Everyone but zoomer retards who get all their news from CNN and the young turks thinks Trump is doing a fantastic job, cope seethe and dilate in your preferred order foreigner piece of shit
>job closes for 30 days
>still getting paid
>government is giving emergency money on top of this
>getting paid twice to sit on my ass and play Doom and Animal Crossing for a whole month
Thanks, China.
The normal flu is a flu without a vaccine since most people don't bother getting the flu vaccine and half the time it doesn't even fucking work.
Is the government compensating all the businesses and employees losing money due to being forced to lockdown under legal penalty? Because if not, it's kind of fucked up.
look at this fucking fag who doesn't even have a fishfu.
Two payments of $1200, 500 per child. Nothing for those who make o e 75 k but they dont need it.
I'm poor man, 2400 is like a 10% raise. I love Corona.