Apologize. Guilty Gear was always on the side of gamers

Apologize. Guilty Gear was always on the side of gamers.

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Strive will still suck


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If that's true then were is my waifu Bridget?

This is my favorite line.


I love sol!

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>dude we fix the UI and we are implementing rollback
>huum cool but what about all the gameplay feedback?
Game is still trash

Citation needed.

You should probably wait to say that until we get the full product. Rollback doesn't mean much if you don't actually enjoy playing Strive for long.

Waiting for the beta so everyone bitching about how they casualized Guilty Gear. Also bitching about who's not in the cast

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I pray next evo skips strive

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tell me when they patch in the other half of may's moveset

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you know I dont mind if a wild throw going to do 40% damage outright to skip having to learn the combo from it
but they could at least add some more animation or something
like throw him to the ground and soccer kick him in the head follow up or whatever

instead of just slightly tilt the camera and do ryu's throw

they have seriously got to tone down the entire game's damage output

giving a rushdown character a guaranteed 40+% damage command throw is just silly. i can understand wanting to have small combos but not being able to burst it is a nightmare waiting to happen.

>creating shit females

ArcSys genuinely restored a lot of my faith with the rollback announcement. They clearly were apprehensive about it but in the end they listened to the fans. I'll buy Strive just to support that decision, even if I don't like the gameplay.

>arcsys finally starts using rollback
>its on their worst game yet

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>support rollback
>but if you do, it kills old gg forever

strive isn't as bad as bbtag

that's not gbvs

play offline pussies

babytag is one of the laziest cash grabs ever made so that hardly means shit

capkeks lol

Whats so great about rollback? SFV has rollback and everyone complained about its online nonstop

>>but if you do, it kills old gg forever
you mean the one that was already killed with Xrd? because I seriously hope you aren't dumb enough to think that the +R faggots were ever okay with what Xrd did to it
whatever the fuck they are doing with Strive is still miles better than trying to do an Xrd retread with just some minor tweaks. Xrd at its core was a fucking mess. All those purdy gwaphics and great tutorial didn't do shit for the game since it still sold like shit. They even know they can't (and don't want to) try to replicate Reload or +R because fighting games have long stopped being designed like that.
the Guilty Gear you think you know doesn't sell. They have better chances rebranding their shit and see if it sticks than trying to sell some other shit they know it won't stick

announcing rollback is the #1 sign that this game is doomed, you kidding? instead of fixing the many many issues people have with the gameplay, just throw a placebo out to people who literally wouldn't play this game even one week ago.
it's not even an established rollback that works, they're making their own & given arcsys awful track record with netcode and their decisions with this game in general the odds are solid they'll end up making another mess like the jive netcode. rollback is not a magic "netplay good now" potion and even if it was the game needs to be something worth playing for this to matter.

bbtag is an incredible game and a throwback to the 2004 era of fighting games. what's your issue with it?

xrd was literally reload with yrc on release. they cut most of the ac changes, hence the backlash from the remaining ac+r players. most moved to xrd eventually but everyone dropped it at different points

+R is more wildly different from reload than xrd is you poser bitch. show me the OTG combos in reload, show me the braindead combo extenders like BBU or fb sidewinder

>throw their entire established fanbase and niche in the dumpster to try and appeal to people who will just play street fighter/mortal kombat/tekken instead
yeah real genius marketing move

>New trailer this weekend.
On one hand I want to see Millia or Zato’s new design since it will probably be one of them. On the other I really hope they show someone new or wasn’t in Xrd.

>xrd was literally reload with yrc on release. they cut most of the ac changes
So the gameplay derivative goes something like this?

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I don't care if it's gonna be shit. I'm still gonna buy it and have fun playing it with my friends

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BB or UNIfags not understanding the game isn't just chopped up pieces of their games and its own thing entirely. That said the dlc was shitty.

>That said the dlc was shitty.
we live in a world where roughly half of the street fighter/tekken rosters are DLC, we lost that war ages ago. tags method of having the base game be cheaper and a full game with all the DLC for about the same price as literally any other fighting game release + season pass in the last several years is a good model, people just see a page full of DLC day 1 and their brain shuts off.

bbtag also had one of the best, absolutely free DLC updates of any fighting game

I don't know enough about Strive due to rage but otherwise yeah. the original xrd was a weird time for the anime community. most of us did reload netplay here on Yas Forums so it wasn't hard going back, but wasn't the best feeling after getting used to accent core competitive.

It's shitty in the sense that most of the assets are just reused from their home games which makes sense obviously, but still feels a little scummy.

wild throw was already doing 40% damage though, you just had to learn the followup combo

one of the guys working and supervising them is one of the Killer Instinct devs who worked on it netcode. Might end up shit but definitely not as shit as release SF5
>>throw their entire established fanbase and niche in the dumpster to try and appeal to people who will just play street fighter/mortal kombat/tekken instead
yes, that's the entire fucking point, retard. Your entire ''niche and established fanbase'' for this series is a fucking joke. They are rebranding their gameplay precisely because you retards are so fucking small that they ended up deciding you aren't worth catering to this time around. Making video games is a business, breaking even is not enough, you have to sell more than that. And you people clearly aren't bringing enough cash.
If this shit was just as simple as a fucking sprite dump like what capcom did back with CvS2 or Marvel2 then I would understand if they didn't give a fuck about sales all that much cause there's a lot of the development cost being saved in reused assets. But no, they actually go above and beyond and keep one upping themselves in the art and graphics department. You didn't get Zappa or Robo Ky playable because your fucking game wasn't worth pumping more money into

the sprites sure, but the moves are completely different in how they function. they didn't just take a character and shove them into the game and call it a day, programming a fighting game characters moves so they work as intended and don't have obvious glitches with any of the other dozens of characters and their 2 dozen moves takes time.
as I said, the game is a throwback to the 2004 era where games that did this kind of thing were very common. nobody said "how lame, they're making me pay money for sprites that were already in this older game", they said "cool, look at all these characters in one game"

>But no, they actually go above and beyond and keep one upping themselves in the art and graphics department.
literally nobody asked them to do this except for eceleb fags like max who don't play and won't play this game past a week. even if what you say is true and there aren't enough GG fans to be "economically viable", replacing a small number of fans with literally no fans by making a game too boring and simplified for the older fans who have a spine and too strange and filled with daisukes outdated boomer tastes in music and character design for normalfag button mashers or the street fighter/tekken audience is a stupid move

arcsys has gotten a big head over the relatively success of dbz and granblue and seem to think that people play those games sold as well as they did because of arcsys and not because of the IP, strive is going to be a harsh wakeup call.

Wait you can't combo after Wild Throw anymore?

So we're just gonna pretend Morrigan's sprite in every capcom game wasn't a running gag for fighting game fans? I'm not even outright disagreeing with you here by the way. I bought the dlc and had my fun and I'm aware more goes into these games hence why my original post even stated BBfags and UNIfags are unable to see it as its own game. All I'm getting across here is at face value the dlc doesn't seem like a good deal.

First of all, show me sol doing 40% meterless off wild throw in literally any gg game without bullshit like max guard meter chipp
Second, even if the combo does do that much damage, do you really think that's at all the same? A combo can be dropped. A combo can be burst out of. A combo can give the other person a bunch of meter. A combo can be still going when the round timer ends so you end up losing anyway. A combo can give a less advantageous knockdown than a hard knockdown right next to sol. It's an absurd tool to have.
Combos are too hard for casuals even though it's just muscle memory, instead the game is about NOOTURL GAEM because that isn't way harder and involves quick thinking and reflexes or anything

>First of all, show me sol doing 40% meterless off wild throw in literally any gg game without bullshit like max guard meter chipp
I assume you meant midscreen because dustloops will do more than 40%

Will they expand Jam's panty collection so she has one for each day of the month?

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Strive looks so shit.

You have to RC.

>asking for waifus then backpedaling to wanting the trap
Surely no coomers are this much of a fag

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>show me sol doing 40% meterless off wild throw in literally any gg game
this has always been his thing. reload he can go into dustloop and in ac it was the easy setup for sidewinder loop

>have rollback
>'influencers' will shil the game
>it'll still sell like shit
Twitter crying over it doesn't equate to sales.

How long till he quits Strive?

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If Slayer's in, 3 days. Otherwise a week.

does he even play Xrd or +R regularly?

Yeah because (you) aren't profitable
They have to pander to someone else

but I buy every single one of their entries?


Do you have that webm by any chance.

he was one of those xrd "baiken" players, so literally never

Which one? If you mean the video of him getting bodied while playing Baiken then it was on /ggg/ back before it died, if you mean something else then probably not

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so what was that announcement about yesterday?

rollback netcode

and he still gets invitation to VIP room for 2019 ArcRevo. Makes me angry these "influencers" who don't actually play the game get preferred treatment.

Yeah, that one. Shit was hilarious.