Overall: Confusing and hard to abbreviate half the time
Overall: Consistant, but not interesting
Overall: Both memerable and unique
Overall: Confusing and hard to abbreviate half the time
Overall: Consistant, but not interesting
Overall: Both memerable and unique
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How long until sonygers start demanding that we stop calling it the SeX because it triggers them?
I don't buy consoles anymore but I absolutely love that it's actually called SeX
Phil is an absolute madman and I 100% approve. I would buy it for that reason alone if I was going to get a console next gen. but yeah I'm still not gonna
PS1 amongst people and a few countries. officially it was called the psx a quite a bit though.
I don't see any video games
who cares either way
5th gen is crap and by far the most overrated gen in vidya history. That transition to 3D was shaky at best and once the nostalgia gets wiped aside it's mostly trash.
Both the preceding gen and gen 6 are far better.
t. zoomer
>the SeX
Xbox fucking wins
stop calling the Playstation a PSX, this is a PSX
Gamecube N? The fuck does the N stand for
>about to enter another generation where Xbox wins in the west again
these are always the comfiest gens
Gen 8 was trash
Die redditor
>the fuck does the N stand for
Switch = NSW
Xbox = XBOX
Why do you retards keep doing this? The PSX existed but ya'll motherfuckers mean the PS1. The PSX was basically a fucking DVR.
>Xbox = XBOX
>Switch = NSW
nobody calls it that
Calling the PS1 the PSX is like calling the xbone "Scorpio", yes it was referred to by that name in devleopment but the official name is PS1
Underage posters out
>5th gen is crap and by far the most overrated gen in vidya history. That transition to 3D was shaky at best and once the nostalgia gets wiped aside it's mostly trash.
>Both the preceding gen and gen 6 are far better.
based and truthpilled
For every OOT there were 10 superman 64s, and most of the games that are not regarded as straight up masterpieces are overrated trash. Hell, even a lot of the more memerable games like FF7 are overrated.
So now all the sonnyger Yas Forumsedditors can literally finally have SeX. Based Microchad.
based and Xpilled
Nobody referred to Xbox a huge or hueg. It's was just Xbox and later OG xbox.
the official name is just the Sony Playstation. PS1 was given to it by consumers after the launch of the PS2, much like how people call the first movie of a series "Movie 1" when sequels come out.
>post tfw when sonygers chimp out we can literally respond with "have SeX"
Yeah I used to trade games on a website ugtz.com and our trades would be like that Sonic [GEN], Mario [NES], Metal Gear Solid [PSX]. It eventually became a thing of the past and nobody refers to it like that.
Jesus could you be anymore of a zoomer. Go back to fortnite fag.
Xbox had to fuck up your normal numbering shit. Xbox shakes hands left handed.
aww shit dude this cherrybasket completely eliminates people calling it the ps1 in real life.
Several months ago
Sometimes the N is front NGC but people switched it when the Nokia N-gage(NGE) came out
Nobody but people on the is site call the original Xbox Heug, most people use 'OG Xbox' when referring to the original.
maybe PSX was at one point a nickname, doesn't mean it is or ever was common enough to be recongizable. some random magazines and a couple of forum posts from 25 years ago doesn't disprove ps1 has always been its name in common parlance ever since the release of the ps2. when you insist its called the psx you look like an arrogant asshole pretending they are in an exclusive club.
SEGA's better
it's literally just like when people say 2021 is the true start of the decade. you're just being an asshole
I'd take Gex 3 or Glover over something like Overwatch or Fortnite any day but that's just me, and those are on the super low end of 5th gen games.
Nah this is so strange people say
>'The' xbox
>Have shares in Sony,MS,and Nintendo
>Finally understand why companies pretend to not care about console wars
It's because they have free advertisement anyway.
Maybe true for N64 outside of a couple great first and second-part titles.
Definitely not true for PSX, that thing had an enormous amount of varied games.
The only consoles better than PS1 in that regard are PS2 (probably) and Nintendo DS (the best one).
>I'd take Gex 3 or Glover over something like Overwatch or Fortnite
Then you're retarded. Fortnite is cribge because of the people that play it and as a game it's nothing iverly impressive but holy shit dude Gex is actually terrible
where is chapter 2?
>Gex is actually terrible
You have to be 18 to visit this site.
This is the shittiest opinion I've seen this year.
Switch is not an abreviation
>That old GameFAQs layout
I didn't need to see that.
Me, my friends and everyone I knew just called it "the PlayStation"
SX makes more sense than SeX
Yikes and cringepilled
Where did this bandwagon against Gex come from?
>nobody calls it that
Official abbr. and what the scene uses.
Great job, take a hilarious video and paste a bunch of wojaks on it to make it funnier! That's so much better than what reddit does.