We will meet again as Lobotomy Corporation Thread.
We will meet again as Lobotomy Corporation Thread
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why do i never roll army in black?
Don't worry manager, i'll deal with Blue Star. Let's meet again as lovers
I'm having the same problem
>shows up a day before memerepo
its literally the only aleph gear i don't have two full sets of, only the gun
>Finally finished day 47
>first time something went wrong
>second time got Yin Yang'd
>third time Dusk White Fixer made everyone PANIC
>Fourth time Black Fixer broke out Blue Star. Twice.
>Fifth time is the charm
Fucking hell. I can't imagine what day 48 will be like. Oh wait. I know. Agents will be brainlets that walk into Gebura's attacks or into the rabbit territory or some shit.
aleph the heft the no left the bereft
>Red Fixer's laser killed four of my killteam
>called rabbits while my employees were in the department TWICE
Truly, my name is brainlet.
new Distortion Detective chapter when?
>98% codex
>Mem repoed control team days like five times now
>Fucking plague doctor won't spawn
I'm gettin mad
Command team, not control team, fuck
>My gigachad just died out of nowhere
41 days until Ruina
>Day 48
>the only who died is my gigachad in twilight gear and a guy sent to Phase 3 gebura
I know I'll day 1 anyway, but... It hurts.
Why wouldn't you just take it then? It's a nice clean ALEPH to have, the only problem is if you have Plague Doctor, WN, Red Hood, or Parasyte Tree alongside it.
>people told me this game has bad gameplay but a good story and interesting lore
>been thoroughly enjoying the gameplay, keeping my little paper dolls alive and barely paid any attention to the lore
>quite literally one of the only games Yas Forums has ever recommended me that I've really liked the gameplay of
also when can I get this
You'll get it eventually. Hope you're ready to let your paper dolls die.
I retry like a coward a lot but feel no shame from doing so.
I know that feel, good manager, I know that feel. But this particular girl needs people to die to keep her happy. Well, unless you wish to battle her, but she is a feisty one. And as slippery as a snake.
Not soon enough
Neat, that one nico user who used to make cookie x lobo corp stuff temporarily came back
I dont give a shit about the game but I wanna read about all the cool monsters and stuff where can I do that
would you rather catch coronavirus or the melting love aids?
My dolls are powerful
do the nameless grunts count though?
>would you rather catch something you might survive or something that will guaranteed kill you
It's in the manual.
slime aids doesn't kill you if you are the one ML gave her heart to, you might kill everyone around you but that's it
Fuck your manual
Only for her :^)
Dying so soon?
>Posted on a Thursday
Never had a chance
The Elijah mentioned in dream of a black swan's story is the same Elijah we know, right? If so, is there another example of a sephirah related to an abnormality?
Reminder that i want to FUCK laetitia
What happens when the LobCorp thread wakes up from the dream of being a Ruina thread?
Cute hag.
Just upload the fucking music Project Moon
I cant believe Project Moon gave me a hag fetish
Sorry Angela, I only fuck Bongs now.
god i wish i were that bong
Holy shit that’s fantastic, I need more lewd Bongs in my life
Did you draw that?
Yeah, though it's still a wip. I'll revist it some other time, but figured I might as well throw out a quick shitpost doodle before the thread inevitably dies.
Any chance you’ll make more lewd Bongbongs?
Probably, haven't browsed these threads since last year though. Figured I'd check in since Ruina's a little more than a month away.
>haven't browsed these threads since last year though
Holy shit have we really been doing this for that long
Threads dying, post Angela!
Why would you want to post that hag.
how does she go from that
To this? It’s an easy upgrade honestly, why have a blue haired bitch when you can have a mature woman as your assistant
dumb robot, go beepboop at Little Helper or something
>fight these things for the first time
>by the time I figure out how almost everyone is dead
The palecaco is the only big problem
New chapter of Distortion Detective got translated, Moses’ probably-EGO weapon is apparently stupid fucking powerful, although it also really fucks with her constitution and mental state apparently
LoR delay
I was hoping it was mostly done but I guess not
no, they are different people. don't ask why they used the same kinda exotic name twice
crap, but I hope none of them bite the bullet.
Was the porn mod made by one of our guys here?
How do I get the motivation to play again bros? I was at day 42 and just lost all motivation to play.