Who in their right mind would let an annoying vietgook play Vanquish?

Who in their right mind would let an annoying vietgook play Vanquish?

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Are people still watching this guy?

Just SBFP holdovers that are waiting for him to be good again

I unsubbed from both of them when Pat made that podcast episode where he supported Resetera harassing Japanese video game devs for being "creepy" and "gross".

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They will never have another Tarkus moment

No one, his mind isn't right

>Pat unironically made a "Isabelle/Doomguy" joke on this week's podcast
I think I should stop watching these guys soon

I unsubbed from both Pat and Woolie sometime last year and haven't looked back yet. They're both just so fucking horribly godawful now. Hearing about how they've only gotten worse makes me not regret my decision in the absolute slightest. I couldn't take anymore of Le Epic HYPE Black Man and Le Angry Contrarian Midget. They very clearly hate their fans, and constantly throw them under the bus any chance they get nowadays. That shit about the Persona 5 LP completely dissolved any amount of respect I once had for Pat, and Woolie saying MY CHANNEL, MY FUN to the people asking for him and Pat to do more LPs together and getting mad at all the people shitting on his horrendous co-hosts made me hate him as a person.

Don't forget;
>"Dude, Naoto is transgender and Kanji is gay!"

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That never happened

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>That Reboot pin.

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That was it for me too, though I don't hold it against Woolie and wish him well.

>actually watching fat, ugly, fake friend substitutes/online babysitters
Fucking christ you’re pathetic


Nah Woolie supports it too. Listen to him in the podcast, he literally agrees with Pat.

Holy fuck Pat is insufferable and its only been a minute

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to be fair, Pat later acknowledged in a stream that he didn't know that the "self-censorship" in Tokyo Mirage actually affected a major part of story. He also clarifies what he means by "self-censorship" albeit very poorly
starting at 5:00 minutes in

But it doesn't even really matter if it "affects the story or not". We shouldn't have to live in a world where we're preyed upon by sexual prunes like Pat who will doxx, harass and swat anyone that steps out of line.

That to me is why there's no real major difference between censorship and supposed "self-censorship". One is done by the government and the other is done by an angry mob of hyper-sensitive, politically correct busybodies.

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It really puts things into perspective when you take into consideration that both Pat and Woolie are over the age of 30 now and still try to appeal to Tumblr and Twitter mindsets.

>Pat talking a whole bunch of shit, only to later backpedal about it
Yeah, we've heard this same fucking story a billion times already. Give it another week or whatever and he'll go back to doubling down on it again, just like he did with Banjo-Kazooie and Animal Crossing. He's completely insufferable, and I genuinely don't know how his idiot fans keep whaling for him.

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Where my air jordans

this sums up pat in a nutshell. not having all the facts but shouting as if he's an expert with no room for arguments.

>Pat talking about Monster Hunter pretending to be an expert, only for him to get carried all the way through World, and even then he plays babby mode weapons
>Pat talking about how he thinks the idea of hidden game mechanics discovered by exploiting the game in specific ways (Like slide-hopping in Titanfall 2) is stupid and should be removed because it gives unfair advantages
Honestly I don't know how I tolerated him for as long as I did.

oh god, he chose to wear that in the video, like he said i'm going to break the bad news, better put on my reboot hat.

Every weapon in World is babby mode


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Hes almost always wrong everytime, no matter what.

>struggles crazy hard on the final boss of Doom 2016
>now we have a guy that can barely play shooters playing Vanquish
His streams are very painful.

That's pretty accurate. Also yeah, Pat and Matt both seem borderline SJW while Woolie is like a big fan of Legion of Skanks and Luis CK. Woolie is overall pretty chill.

>Pat talking about how he thinks the idea of hidden game mechanics discovered by exploiting the game in specific ways (Like slide-hopping in Titanfall 2) is stupid and should be removed because it gives unfair advantages
That shit honestly drove me nuts. It gives the game a lot more depth, but Pat wants to get rid of it because he doesn't want to be good at games.

No. For as awful as Pat and Woolie are now, it doesn't change the fact that Matt was and will always be the fucking worst. It was extremely clear that after Machinima completely liquidated over night, Matt didn't feel any obligation to phone it in any longer and stopped SBFP.

nah man, as much as i liked them all working together as a dynamic matts still a dick and i have heard more than enough simpsons quotes to do me a lifetime.

>watching his Thrill Kill video
>mentions the game has "a rather insensitive view on mental illness"
I'm pretty hard left, but goddamn can he get annoying. Still does some solid content oddly enough, actually puts effort into his own stuff unlike the other two.

Dude just looks like an old hobo now.


Christ how many fucking years did people ask for spec ops and then he shits it out with 2 esl none of whom can play shooters or speak english

fuck i hate this nigga

>That one time they accidentally recorded themselves shit talking their own fans and uploaded it

These people are fucking retards

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How did Matt of all people turn out to be the fucking tard wrangler in the group?

>Woolie has a work ethic, but needs his terrible ideas reigned in
>Pat needs someone to breath down his neck to do literally anything
>Matt is more insightful than he lets on, but needs people to actually make him look funny/likeable

There's a lot of games that they've played on Woolie's channel that I would be interested in watching, but because he has ESL friends that sound fucking horrendous to listen to, I've just completely given up.
Also, that Crash Team Racing Nitro-Fueled video was embarrassing.

And now they get to do it in front of a live audience, and yet their Stockholm syndrome fans still donate money to them to keep them living comfortably.

I still think this was an inside job by Liam who was recording
How do you not notice that shit?

I'd like to hear this

>Woolie's only good and most popular LP is KOTOR 2
>is the slowest one


Hate that shit, yeah nigga its your channel, but its a fucking service you are offering in exchange for my views/donates and no fucking English speaker wants to struggle through someone who can't even say his name

God, I had such hopes after DMCV

Watching Pat and Woolie transform into insufferable cunts really sucked. At least Matt's content is enjoyable and the rare Liam stream is games he actually enjoys playing. I hope they do another Sonic LP soon, Adventure 2 was great.

The fucking comment section for this video drives me bonkers. The absolute ass kissing going on is insane.

Pat has always been like this, but he's only getting worse. Getting paid for existing does that to people.

>Doesnt even recognise the sword from 300


It's because he's playing with someone that can enunciate

Why the fuck does Woolie hang out with his two other friends? They're such fucking fun vacuums that have nothing fun to add at any point.

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the light bowgun says fuck you and wishes it was easy mode.

wtf is an ESL.

Electronic sports league

wft is an google retard

I honestly don't mind the ESL, but the fucking sub average play really digs into my nerves. Woolie also clearly gets hyper sensitive when people tell him he sucks. He was bitching on the podcast and calling Black Mesa dated because he didn't think to pick up a valve handle and use it as a key. Like a lot of games do this shit, Amnesia had valve handles you had to use for a puzzle that were actual physics objects in the field.

Like when Oney had Corey play that Shantae game and he was borderline brain dead about it.

It's just a Falcata

English Second Language

god i would love to see this combo tackle a game or have pat and woolie watch paige play and give her shit the whole time.

but nope gotta have little nice boy banterless reggie and the asian humour vacuum ming

>"its a fucking service you are offering in exchange for my views/donates"
This is something Woolie (and Pat) seem to constantly forget.
I imagine that they've been losing viewership steadily for quite awhile now (checking WoolieVS and his viewership is in the thousands to tens of thousands now, which is a major drop-off compared to what it once was), but their insufferable actions as of late has really made people just completely fall off of them. I've heard of even hardcore fans of them being fed up with them now, and that rarely happened back when they were all together. No one wants to watch Woolie entertain his ESL friends for another playthrough, and that fact alone no doubt makes him seethe uncontrollably.

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He literally played RE2 Remake recently where there are fucking several points where you need a crank/handle to open doors.

Its literally the same design as the swords from the movie

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ah, makes sense. Minh's english is actually his third language.

>falls asleep

I know, doesn't change the fact that it's terrible.

English second language, they're charisma vacuums

>Its a Pat eats on stream sounding like a fucking pig while he talks to woolie episode

Leave Minh alone man, he's doing his best!

Wow its literally nothing

You know, even with all his shitty fucking opinions and lack of awareness, I forgave Woolie because he was the internet's "that black friend whose into hype and cool shit".
But after DMC4 where he didn't know how to Buster, I never forgave him. Holy shit, fuck that casual. How can you be so involved with all these games and still be so garbage?
I made it farther than him at EVO, how fucking trash is he

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>posts a YouTube video
>"literally nothing"

minh would be fine if there was just one person there that could go full banter with woolie with the knowledge to back it up. at least then minh would be a fun third wheel.

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>I made it farther than him at EVO
Yeah but did you take that 1 round 1 time offa diago?????

Yeaah. I like Reggie, but he doesn't have the same background Woolie does. MF ain't even played MG3.

I sometimes get perfects against my game's best player

Only retards get approved for jobs as game testers, that should tell you what you want

>It's another "Look everyone this e-celeb is terrible isn't he Yas Forums? I can't believe people watch him! Look at this 200 page detailed list I made of all the mistakes I found in his last 20 videos!!!" thread

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>Finally watched it a few years back
>Thought it was average at best, with some horribly dull moments, with a few unlikable characters dragging the whole show down

Also, their entry level knowledge of Hajime no Ippo (and most things in general) pisses me the fuck off.

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I was looking forward to Castle Super Beast but the format is just terrible with hours of rambling. They desperately need a third person and some proper pacing.

Yeah woolie is gay but so is DMC4. I know bustering is literally a single face button, but no self respecting man should ever be proud of experience with DMC4

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>only 20k on a finale that old
fucking oof, even UDGs pulled better numbers than that shit

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Who the fuck cares, you can get through that game just mashing attack

I gotta admit, there's a perverse sense of entertainment I get watching Woolie lob conversational/banter softballs at Minh and watching him drop them all spectacularly while Woolie visibly struggles not to call him a fucking retard.

>pat's feet don't touch the ground

But user, don't you know? All that endless waffling about vomit and farts for hours is evergreen content that will never age!

>half of Woolie's new crew can't speak proper fucking english
>Pat's """"""content"""""" is lazy stream reuploads
>Matt puts out proper content with some semblance of production value, but the sound of his voice is so awful it rivals that one obese fedora wearing bong

SBFP was some kind of ungodly miracle. Each one of these people are insufferable on their own.

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The valve in RE3 wasn't an in environment physics object though. Basically Woolie has like never touched 90% of PC games and plays all of them with a controller because he can't take the 10 hours he would need to adjust to a keyboard. Like how do you know how to type but not how to use a keyboard for a game? Playing a Half Life game with a controller and then complaining about aspects of it being dated is wildly retarded.

I don't even mind his accent, and he was fine during Sekiro, but watching the first part of Vanquish kinda killed my hype for it. Dude cannot even tell what is and isn't an enemy and seems to be glued to cover and using the slowmo to kill every single robot. It's like when Woolie started Doom and couldn't aim for shit, and kept mashing melee whenever an enemy got slightly close to him, and using the chainsaw every time a shield guy or a hell knight spawned because he shouldn't run and gun at all. Fuck, he even mentioned in a cast that he really liked Titanfall and Mirror's Edge because they gave you neat movement in an first person game, then when he actually plays a first person shooter with movement as your main defense he stumbles hard as fuck.

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Pat is a real life fantasy dwarf.

Yeah it will forever live on in my memory as "don't ever re-listen to Castle Super Beast episodes".

Man, compared to now Pat looked skinny as fuck

Reggie and Mihn need to sit down and learn the basics of improv. Take a look through the golden age of SBFP and learn what works and what doesn't. Especially Mihn.
V seems like he actually watched their videos and knows how to do commentary. He knows how to play off Woolie and crack jokes.
John McHunterchad is what the channel really needs. Too bad he's in Ireland doing his SJW podcast.

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>That old recording that exists where Pat calls someone a faggot at an arcade
I almost wish that Pat and Woolie would get cancelled by the very same people they try to constantly impress, and go the Oney route of just not fucking caring what they're saying in the slightest and telling those people to fuck off.

To be fair it was always intended as a loveletter to the genre and you need to consider the timeframe it dropped in, recent anime has been aping GL anyway, yadda yadda yadda

Its like 15 years old and they probably haven't rewatched it for 13 at best

>tfw my friend won't watch table tennis kino

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Imagine being an adult and not knowing how to have a proper sleep schedule.