Final Fantasy VII Remake
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The music sucks.
I like the new battle theme.
Lmao they moved the release date because they fear a fat racoon. Il
It's up.
>2 seconds in
>Canned laughs
>Close it
I don't know what it was about and I don't care.
epic one reddit
me too
why not
Remaster when? You'd think someone would get on it with all the hype surrounding VIIR
Final Fantasy VII Remake's combat is not like Final Fantasy XV nor is it exactly like Kingdom Hearts
I wasn’t expecting a nostalgiacoom tonight but I guess that’s where we’re heading
Why nerf her tits?
your brain is nerfed
>people are still uploading demo playthroughs
The combat is just that fun.
based deathunitesus
yeah it really is
I can't imagine just how much more fun it will be in the full game if it's this fun in the demo alone.
Notice how this parody art uses the old, better, iconic designs instead of the new trash.
now this is desperate
doesn't need one
>defending ethics department
fuck off retard
It's bland, but I wouldn't say all the tracks sucks. We've heard some fucking bangers so far.
holy shit
drink your goddamn tea
why the fuck is meteor already in part one?
Because Square is desperate to blow their load in the first part so retarded zoomers will buy it
Because Square knows deep inside that even if the game sells well, the game will ultimately flop.
That's true. Didn't notice that before
Watchmen of Fate aka Shillmen of Future Episodes show characters their fates, which in turns tickle's fans' balls, and keeps newcomers hooked for future games.
Fake memories, multiverse and time travel shenanigans
She looks surprisingly like the original low poly Tifa here.
Is this for real? Did they really put that shit in the Remake?
I keep hearing about this but never see proof, never even saw shit about this in the leaks.
>remake finally happens
>story goes full retarded
Which one of you niggas used that fucking Monkey paw?
Holy shit that's the worst thing I've heard about this Remake. Fucking time travel shit.
Take a look in this new trailer. Sephiroth is showing Cloud and them Meteor.
So how hard do you think it'll be to fight the Weapons when those parts are released?
dear lord, that's beyond jewing
t u m m y
There is literally a vid of Sephiroth doing meteor but you know that can't happen until the actual ending. Cloud is just seeing his fate
At least on the coomer level the DEmake delivers
not really time travel as nobody's traveling anywhere but yeah the watchmen are literally marketers
>the watchmen are literally marketers
That's actually funny
Kuraudo, wake uppu and buy me GAUMU
That's depressing
won't buy your shit game, but damn what a nice tummy
All they had to do was remake the game. Maybe expand upon a few things here and there, but keep the original story intact with 3D graphics. Literally one job, and they could even get this right. Fuck Square.
>Get a plastic doll right but not the actual in-game model
fucking kek
gib tifa
Why put something in the game that absolutely doesn't belong in its lore? FF7s leading theme was life in a Buddhist sense. Having suddenly fate and gods and all the other shit in it, is fucking stupid
The Watchmen are really jarring though, to be fair. As someone says, they're literally in-game shills.
No point in replying to him. It's the same shill that pops up in every thread arguing against anyone who criticizes their precious FFVIIReshit. Literally the next FFXV-kun.
The funny thing is VII having no of the usual high fantasy elements FF is known for, was also something that made it a unique entire in the series
I like ff7, but that WoF thing is fucking disgusting.
Im laughing at you because you are being a melodramatic bitch that overracts at everything they tell you in an anime imageboard instead of having real confirmation on what the stuff actually is.
Look at this retard and tell me it isnt funny
I'm still getting the game if that calms your Yarmulke down, I just think they're a silly addition.
Gameplay is great, defender stance is fun. I hope there's some way to prevent Zack's sword from being outclassed, too much story behind it for me to replace it now !
I literally couldnt care less. I dont like time travel either but at least im not pretending or having opinion on stuff clearly nobody knows in here
People are already freaking out and its pretty funny. Literally sjw tier when someone says nigger.
>watchmen are literally marketers
game is gonna be shit
Snufkin! I love this fucker
>Im laughing at you because you are being a melodramatic bitch that overracts at everything
Says the melodramatic bitch that overreacts to people hating your shit Remake and NuTifa. Keep seething though tranny.