Yas Forumsidya Draw Thread

Previous Thread >Post references and names in one post
>Keep it vidya origin
>No shitposting, if a post breaks the rules, DO report and hide it. DON'T respond to it.
>Have fun

Booru: vidyart.booru.org/

NSFW Deliveries:
or catbox.moe/

Drawing Books and drawing programs:
/ic/ sticky:

Attached: 1584635680973.png (2000x1071, 270.7K)

Other urls found in this thread:



Attached: anchor.png (750x750, 97.67K)

Requesting one (or more) of these brown girls as a mermaid, beckoning the viewer to come closer. The respective seashells are their various boob-dressings.

Attached: girls of v.png (880x980, 1.2M)

Requesting Symbiote Juri and Symbiote Mileena (no lips classic teeth only) making out with their tongues passionately on a couch from sexual tension.

Attached: cutes.png (1432x1152, 515.16K)

Requesting Arakune reading hentai magazines

Attached: Arakune_%28Chronophantasma%2C_Character_Select_Artwork%29.png (1374x1717, 1.06M)

Attached: safe bio knight.png (951x926, 367.9K)


Requesting Megaman being given an icecream and/or a hug from an user.

Attached: 1579864919377.jpg (850x750, 65.77K)

This is Niao Sun from Shenmue 3. I'm requesting some fanart for her, regardless if it is NSFW or not

Attached: niao sun shenmue3.png (1600x1362, 1.35M)

Requesting Y'shtola in a sexy and elegant black evening gown + heels combo like on the left.
Preferably in a similiar pose coupled with a sultry, if slightly arrogant gaze.

Attached: Yhshtola (FFXIV) Dress request.jpg (2709x1824, 520.95K)

What should I draw for animal crossing's launch?

Requesting Justin (middle) recording Nana, Saki, and Mio (left) who are naked, covering their private parts to boot. The privates (right) also laugh at the sergeants’ situation.

Nana, Saki, and Mio: JUSTIN! We’ll get you for this!

Attached: 0D06FB37-C6D4-47DD-82A3-CB9D6CD1CC8C.png (1455x735, 783.18K)

Requesting Mallow in a qipao being dominated by Corona-chan, bound and gagged.

Attached: 994CECD9-386C-4EF7-A981-E18207847FC4.jpg (655x390, 196.06K)

You with your favorite aninal crossing villager being friends or what not

innocent female villagers looking up at the viewer

Attached: innocent girl looking up at the viewer.jpg (434x378, 42.87K)

Requesting Aqua in her own version of 2B's leotard. Monsters Inc./Shark Aqua is fine too

Attached: E10 game sex symbol aka Nomura trying to make KH less fujo.jpg (736x1227, 138.63K)

Requesting any of the gigachad/Sleek'n'tears pics with the Katamari King. Preferred the one on the bottom right with him doing the handstand on planet earth.

Attached: Chad of Cosmos.png (1905x2587, 2.92M)

Fat Ankha Butt.

Attached: 1584401284661.jpg (4096x3794, 741.31K)

Requesting gay Ori/Moki porongraphy. Maybe Ori sitting on a Moki's lap like this: files.catbox.moe/0asy2l.png

Attached: ori.jpg (1654x1494, 1002.2K)

Requesting Magitek Box - Sabin wielding mechanical boxing-arms crafted by his brother Edgar. Maybe in the form of an imitation of the official promo-artwork.

Attached: Magitek Box.jpg (2333x2615, 757.67K)

Not the user you were replying to, but here you go.

Attached: 1A905DBB-5B88-4E03-AFD9-84901C3FBA90.png (2642x2598, 1.1M)

Seconding for shark aqua.

Mario from Super Mario Sunshine using F.L.U.D.D. to douse all these sexy Nintendo girls in a wet T-shirt contest. Nipples showing through the t-shirts of course.

Attached: wet-t-shirt-Mario.jpg (1000x1007, 539.69K)

Requesting Game Over Gruntilda with a huge overdesigned staff with her normal form's head (or vice-versa)

Attached: Gruntilda reference.jpg (1139x1107, 118.52K)

Ori is female.

Requesting male Kris (Deltarune) getting his butt rimmed by an user

Attached: Kris back front butt.png (4404x1833, 1.04M)

post full bet you wont

Requesting the Security Officer from Marathon looking annoyed as the Guardians from Destiny pester him about their new loot.

Attached: 3501D087-68C8-4E81-9F28-EDED1993D959.jpg (628x1024, 95.74K)

Vergil if you're going to keep using my delivery at least grab the colored Mileena. Goddamn Dofus.

Requesting Kyle from Dead Trigger doing the Doom box art pose, but with zombies in a ruined city instead of demons on Mars.

And he's holding an M4

Attached: 2775921E-1800-46F8-AFFF-86BD5C203189.jpg (256x368, 30.9K)

I've seen a lot of pictures suggesting otherwise

Requesting Micaiah wearing a swimsuit like on the right (with the mesh/nylon segment).
The one piece variation being the preferred one, though I'd appreciate either.

Attached: Micaiah_Mesh_Swimsuit.jpg (4109x2859, 1.05M)

Requesting Mecha Eli-chan (Bunny) please

Attached: Mecha-Eli-Chan_FGO.jpg (1528x2488, 1.04M)

this but a futa girl villager is pounding it

full what? its just a cute villager looking up at the viewer. i bet she's got cookies or something

Rockman.exe accidentally falling into Roll.exe's chest. One of his hands is firmly mushed into one of her breasts and his face is planted into the other. Roll.exe of course has a very shocked embarrassed look on her face.

Just something cute an innocent yet slightly perverted.

Attached: Rock-&-Roll.jpg (604x573, 168.92K)

Requesting lewd schoolgirl Inkling with Roy.

Attached: hilt deep.jpg (984x710, 157.68K)

Requesting Kohaku Hearts in a white bunnysuit.

Attached: Kohaku Hearts.jpg (3360x2374, 1.15M)

Requesting the Silencer from Crusader: No Remorse having just slaughtered a ton of Imperial Inquisitors and about to finish off the Second Sister like he's doing in the picture

I mean the Imperial Inquisitors from Star Wars, just so we're clear.

Attached: F84A2F1F-36BD-439B-A1B6-854F4A7EFF5E.jpg (768x1024, 117.79K)

Nope, her getting fisted by a regular female villager, now shut up and die you big lummox.

Attached: gunfiring-900x600.jpg (900x600, 38.81K)

Requesting more of this Draco
and getting armour broken
or sailor girl Draco with an anchor

Attached: Img326906_l.png (335x425, 44.23K)

Requesting her farting smoke.

Ok, I promised something lewd next time I drew, so I'll do this.

Requesting Prisoner 849 from Unreal wasting some Fortnite characters in a fight

Attached: 669DA15A-C227-4EF0-8D4E-641F9ACA0303.jpg (724x1024, 123.33K)

I was working on this yesterday didn't finish until today

Attached: Gebura 19-03-20.jpg (2000x1415, 211.3K)

Offering simple art trades right now. Pic related is an art sample of mine.

Attached: 425A637E-C30B-48A7-ADA4-2D324B302ABF.jpg (1000x746, 71K)


Attached: tumblr_p9t9qeXbhn1th206io1_400.jpg (400x225, 23.38K)

Requesting Edelgard in a similiar style/fashion as the reference images.

Attached: Edelgard Geisha.jpg (1944x2649, 1.22M)

Requesting Melony playing a game on the Nintendo Switch with her kids please.

Attached: Melony's kids.jpg (2598x2379, 907.85K)

Thank you, user. or as the Egyptians say شكرا لكم.

Requesting dark mind 2, make him a demon since zero 2 is an angel

Attached: B4212486-F3C3-4C9D-9761-203444FC4286.jpg (4096x4096, 685.01K)


Requesting Captain Falcon hitting the gym while keeping his helmet on.

Attached: ap,550x550,16x12,1,transparent,t.u1.png (549x413, 163.61K)

Taking Dark Samus requests, because her design is cool.

Attached: 28699.png (750x650, 599.09K)

Hey come on bro I anchored it first

Requesting buttjob

Requesting someone to adapt Roll Caskett's MML outfit into looking like a poofy elegant dress or a bunnysuit and have her in it.

Attached: Roll_Caskett.png (332x650, 161.68K)

Requesting Chihaya Mifune angrily saying you promised to fuck her tits in her country dialect

Attached: 517-349blov.jpg (1252x1000, 238.54K)

Requesting Dark Samus in a slingshot bikini

Futa on female

Where is her bulge?

Requesting werebandicoot Ami with 8-pack abs. 10-pack abs are also acceptable

Attached: Ami.jpg (1169x505, 262.61K)

Dammit you won by 12 seconds! Already deleted it.

Can you draw her punching Mario

That is not Mario.


Requesting Leonie wearing a wedding dress

Attached: awa13bozvuq31.png (820x1200, 528.86K)

Akasha with shorter hair, like a bob-cut or just cut to shoulder or mid-back length

Attached: Akasha.png (1024x1024, 791.53K)

Dark Samus as a Lego Minifigure, maybe in racing kart ala Lego Racers

Let's see what you can come up with Yas Forums.

Attached: Master-samus-Guy.jpg (2540x2200, 925.81K)

Requesting Mack from Super Mario RPG riding a hover quad bike (with sawblades instead of wheels) instead of his pogo knife.

Attached: 5788.png (750x650, 386.39K)

Requesting files.catbox.moe/31h1m6.jpg with Cecile or her in a swimsuit relaxing on a hammock on the beach with a good book and a big cocktail glass

Attached: Cecile Neues.jpg (2648x2064, 1.74M)

Requesting Poharan in any of these outfits.

Attached: Poharan outfits.jpg (1588x1505, 440.41K)

requesting a charmed edea in just a thong and boots flaunting her ass and offering the viewer sexual favors

Attached: Edea_lee.jpg (390x580, 26.55K)