Post games you fucking HATE, and I mean fucking H A T E .
Post games you fucking HATE, and I mean fucking H A T E
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Your favorite game.
Halo 3
>hating a franchise that is nowhere near as popular as it once was
its like hating Gears or War now that its pretty much dead
who fuckin cares?
I believe he’s talking about Halo 4 specifically
Halo 4 multiplayer wise is a big one
Halo 5 campaign wise is a big one
But none will top Mass Effect 3
He said post games that you hate, not franchises, retard.
Absolute fucking goddamn waste of 60 dollars
Played it on and off for 5 years to beat it.
Holy fuck XIII was bad. Bad enough to where I think anyone saying it was unironically good is trolling.
_________ ____ __!!!
>But none will top Mass Effect 3
Mass Effect 2
Honestly, I kinda have to thank Halo 4 for making me not want to bother with the Xbone and go full PC. It was that fucking shit.
I despise all mobas
I can't force myself to finish this
Halo 2
Because if you were following development news Halo was only supposed to have 2 or 3 games. Bungie structured the main story to conclude during Halo 2. If you watch very early Halo 2 promo material they make a big thing about going back to earth as though the majority of the game was going to take place on earth (it was).
Microsoft only had one in the bag success propping up the Xbox and so forced bungie to walk back their Halo plans and stretch out what was supposed to be a 2 part story into whatever the fuck it turned into after the fact.
Halo CE is the only game in the franchise that was the developer's vision, everything after that was corporate meddling... but most here are too young to understand that.
It's also why the plot to Halo 2 makes no fucking sense.
and jrpgs are my favourite genre
>Big ass dungeons with some of the worst room copy-pasting I've ever seen.
>Maps were apparently in the manual, and guess who got the game secondhand with just the cartridge.
>Other members of the fellowship are AI controlled
>Other members are subject to permadeath
>To enter Moria you need to have found six special gems scattered throughout all the big copypasta dungeons. Have fun with that backtrack.
>Gandalf and Legolas don't join until immediately before the Balrog
>Legolas can't even fucking do anything and just roams around the environment helplessly.
>Gandalf is pretty much the only one that can hurt the Balrog, so if his AI eats shit you can get fucked kiddo.
>No saves, password system. Sure that wasn't uncommon back then, but this game's saves are FIFTY CHARACTERS long.
>This was the only SNES game I had for 2 years as a kid.
At least the developers were honest about wanting to ripoff demon's/dark souls.
I hate no game, if I don't like it I just don't play it and move on with my life.
It honestly makes me angry when people say anything good about Bioware games.
>But their old stuff before EA
They have never been good and specially KOTOR and ME, which most people claim to be their pinical are so fucking horrendous and mind numbingly boring and awful. I specially hate it too when people claim ME series is an RPG when it doesn't have even an ounce of RPG mechanics to it, specially once ME2 hit.
Based. I fucking despise Halo 4 more than any other thing 343 has done, followed closely by the Forerunner books.
Stealthfag here so:
>Splinter Cell Blacklist
>Hitman Absolution
It's been a rough decade...
Nice bait
Recommend me a jrpg
Get a load of this guy
>99% chance to hit
>soldier's shotgun is literally right in the face of alien
I still wonder who thought this was a good idea
ok, what's your favorite jrpg
Rancid games, horribly made.
>powercreep the fuck out of hunters so monsters either fall flat in their faces or do nothing but spam screen filling aoes to counter all the bullshit you can pull off
I blame 4th gen for introducing this stuff but it got really bad in 5th, can't imagine how the hell 6th gen is going to turn out, at this point mainline is just Frontier
This, but unironically.
45 degree FOV and the least satisfying gunplay in the series.
Take off your nostalgia goggles you dumb cunts you're never going to be 14 again.
Then go play Phoenix Point and realize that dice rolls are way better than the alternatives
what console?
don't try to judge my favourite cause I hate persona.. i don't even know.. xenoblade chronicles, shadow hearts, breath of fire iv, lunar 2, baten kaitos
Recently played Mass Effect for the first time due to everyone shilling it. Thoroughly enjoyed it.
Start playing ME2, can't even finish it. This game is so much worse than ME1, why does everyone say it's the best in the trilogy?
Worse exploration, worse controls with less available remapping (Why are use, jump, and sprint forced to use the same button?), worse skill system, worse characters, stupid breaking up and arcade scoring of levels, annoying scanning minigame, useless ship refueling, dialog choices really don't align with what you actually say, forced online account to access DLC. How is ME2 better than ME1?
Gears of war died in 2012.
I too hate Halo 4, what a piece of shit. It and 5 just have no idea why people like Halo.
For me, though, it's Resident Evil
*Resident Evil 0, fuck. I love RE
Apparently, Bungie forgot with Reach as well.
Hate is a strong word, but I'm kind of worried for DOA after 5. It just seems like the games are locking out tons of DLC and re-releases and Xtreme 3 seems to be a cashgrab reusing tons of aspects from Xtreme 2 except the jet ski minigame. I love the porn that came from it with but I just wonder if the most that will come from DoA is more Xtreme-tier cashgrabs, especially since I remember that before 5 came out people were complaining that there was no new fighting game, only a PSP port of Xtreme.
Also the controversy over this game at launch felt forced.
It keeps getting a freepass here.
And the universal ammo bullshit is worse than the infinite yet overheating guns in ME1. Reminds me of DX:IW, another terrible sequel to a great game.
>343 Halo
>Dark Souls 2
>EA star wars
That's all I can think of.
the entirety of borderlands
Fuck this game. Ground Zeroes was great and I though Kojima might actually pull it off, and this piece of shit was terrible through and through.
mid tier IQ.
high iq would be getting a refund and using that money to buy a game that you actually like
Fuck this entire console. Before it, there were great console games and great PC games. After it, all PC got was shitty console ports because this console made it "so easy" for developers to port their games to PC.
im a millennial but this game was my entry to MGS and yeah i was disappointed
It was my entry too and I'm just gonna go ahead and say it
David Hayter fucking sucks and Kiefer is a million times better. No wonder Kojima wanted him gone
Also got it secondhand.... Burned into my cortex:
and I loved 1
>shitty sequels, the thread
are you basing that on his 12 lines of dialog?
I really enjoy reach’s hc mp modes. Outside of that, it’s a garbage no experience with a weak single player campaigne
you generally hate something more if it's a twisted form of something that you loved
Yes. I know he didn't talk much and I know Kojima fags like their three thousand meaningless codec calls, but if you're trying to tell an actual story you can't have a hack like David Hayter delivering the lines. It's not like Resident Evil kept the voice actor for Leon from the PS1 days
halo reach > halo 2 > halo 1 > halo 4 > halo odst > halo 3 > halo 5
>but if you're trying to tell an actual story
there's your problem, MGS story always has been a meme
Spec Ops: The Line has to be the most grossly overrated game I've ever played.
>hurr the correct story choice is to turn off the game and stop playing!
Oh fuck off with that horseshit.
I realize, I still don't see the need for a meme voice actor though.