Explain CHIM to me. Also TES thread

Explain CHIM to me. Also TES thread.

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The power to savescum explained in-game

CHIM is just the realization that you are in a video game world and so you gain access to console commands

The wheel sideways looks like this " I "

No, no, no NO.
CHIM is the realization of a character about the nature of their reality without zero-summing.
Even Vivec understands the nature of the player but it doesn't mean he literally knows you're a human being playing a video game and he's in a video game.
They can intuitively do shit that breaks the game but they don't understand it exactly that way.
They're still IN UNIVERSE, they're seeing things WITHIN THE LOGIC OF THE LORE, they're not fully self aware.
Stop reading that garbage fanfiction analysis.
This fucking guy gets it.

Most who get to *know* God are torn apart by the realization and pulled out of the cycle of life. Yet there are those who even in face of the absolute find strength and personal love not to shatter and leave. Those men find themselves able to reshape the world around them. Their powers are higher than daedric prince-tier, but still not omnipotent.

And those who pretend it's the console or game mechanics get to be made into Swiss cheese by Vivec's spear.

What this user means to say is that once you see the universe in its totality, the terrifying wheel, you can breathe royalty by not loosing your I in this insane machine.

Finding out that you're merely a dream of a godhead and instead of poofing out of existence like most people who come to this realization you instead take reins of the dream

Better takes.

You get to know a lorefag by how he answers this question. It's a litmus test.

it's a little easter egg that some autists have blown out of proportion based off of kirkbride's fanfiction

(Un)fortunately, it's not. CHIM has been heavily attested in the games. There's a whole book series in Morrowind about it. But okay, you consider 36 books on the topic an easter egg. But then you paly Oblivion and CHIM is written about in two more books. Okay, it's obscure lore, it won't matter long term. But then, while you're in Whiterun, foaming over how boring Skyrim is, Heimskr - one of the most memed characters in the game - literally uses CHIM as a retcon for why Cyrodiil isn't a jungle.

But nobody cares about the little easter egg, right? - you foam from your mouth.
It hits you then, as you play ESO that there's a location in Cyrodiil called "Temple of Chim" and as you sweat you run to its Morrowind expansion, far far away from this mention of an easter egg. But then Vivec starts explaining CHIM to you, fully voice acted and you're pulling up a gun to your temple. If only you didn't make that stupid post on Yas Forums

You kill yourself.

>It hits you then, as you play ESO that there's a location in Cyrodiil called "Temple of Chim" and as you sweat you run to its Morrowind expansion, far far away from this mention of an easter egg. But then Vivec starts explaining CHIM to you, fully voice acted and you're pulling up a gun to your temple.

Look i agree with you but i wouldn't bring up ESO in TES lore discussion.
That shit's just a series of weak wanks from people that barely know how to use a toilet without shitting themselves.

>but i wouldn't bring up ESO
Why do you think ESO got its separate paragraph

Post Dunmer titties.

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not canon faggot

ESO is canon.
It's entirely self contained.
It's just very, very weak and written by idiots.
But they weren't idiots to the point of shitting up the main lore, it's contained in such a way that it's canon without breaking anything else.
You knowledge of the lore is pretty weak user.

The reality of the Elder Scrolls is a dream
CHIM is basically lucid dreaming
Zerosum is waking up

Have you ever been dreaming, realize you're in a dream, and then either immediately wake up or stay asleep and do anything you want for a little bit? It's like that except if you wake up you're erased from existence. You accept that you're in a dream, but disregard the fact that you're asleep and therefore can't "wake up."

>Zerosum is waking up
I don't really know if that's "correct"...
Like, you stop existing.
Is that waking up?
You're not waking up to "some other place", you're erased.
I guess the question is: can a fragment of a dream wake up?
Is such a thing even a thing?

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Fuck off back to /tesg/

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Why don't you make me?

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>Like, you stop existing
I don't think most lorefags would agree with that fully. You certainly stop the cycle of reincarnation, but what happens to your soul is debatable. It depends on your conception of the universe.

Is it a literal dream of someone? Is the dream just a metaphor? If so, is the God who moves it benevolent? Can you exit the dream?

Does Vivec know that Todd exists?

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Todd is the Godhead.

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CHIM is knowing every lie Todd has made in his life so yes.

>I don't think most lorefags would agree with that fully. You certainly stop the cycle of reincarnation, but what happens to your soul is debatable. It depends on your conception of the universe.
I think you go back to being a building block?
Sorta like some people believe there's a fundamental Chi to all of us, a "soul" or using a more scientific approach, we're made of energy.
And there's the idea that when we die the energy goes back to the whole, so we're still within a greater overall structure but blended in as part of the greater fabric.
So saying "i exist" or not in that state is complicated.
You would still be, but not really be, you're there but you're part of a whole, you're essentially just losing a temporary shell that probably wasn't as disconnected as it was thinking to begin with anyway.

It all gets kinda confusing the more you think about it from this perspective, and that's why most religions don't like this approach and try to keep things simpler and more defined.

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Why are people still asking this? Why are people still spoonfeeding?

I mean I can't you're just going to post more cringey off model Dunmer art anyways like all fatfags do.

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ESO lore is no more shitty than Oblivion and Skyrim lore.

Mephala, goddess of lies, is the anticipation of the liar god Vivec so the lies of Todd and the lies of God are one and the same.

B-but user... what you described is happening in the Elder Scrolls. You don't go to Sovngarde, Todd lied to you - Sovngarde is either for one in a million or a hallucination as your soul is purged from memory and experience, ready to be recycled for its next Nirnian incarnation. Zero-Sum saves you of that cycle.

I imagine when you first achieve CHIM you see a tiny glimpse of Todd’s smug grin and the phrase of Royalty
reverberates through your head

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CHIM was a nonsense word that Vivec made up when he was high as fuck off demon cock talking about being a God. Then Skyrim made it real to explain why Oblivion wasn't set in a jungle.

With every answer to this question we move forward. Our answers become clearer, our explanation better honed. For all the kids who need to learn lore and for our own selfish reasons, we strive to know lore the best. And with curious and memeing anons both, we will achieve the TES dream.

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>Then Skyrim made it real
Mankar Camoran in Oblivion made it real first. It's right there in his books, clear as day.

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Achieving CHIM is like being in the chess club, but simultaneously not being in the chess club at all.

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CHIM was a nonsense word that Vivec made up when he was high as fuck off demon cock talking about being a God. Then Oblivion made it real to explain why Oblivion wasn't set in a jungle.

Cyrodiil being changed to fantasy forest land to ride on the coat tails of the Lord of the Rings movies and Skyrim treating dragons like myth despite the setting being filled with magic and fantasy creatures and dragons being frequently mentioned to ape off of the success of Game of Thrones are my biggest dissapointments with those two games still.

Who cares about pre-established lore when you can chase trends?

So who are the known CHIMsters? We have Vivec, Tiber, and possibly Molag Bal in a previous kalpa. Anyone else?

>Achieving CHIM is like being in the chess club, but simultaneously not being in the chess club at all.
Thread over. There's nothing more to say.

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>Molag Bal
That's a new one, where'd that come from?

>Molag Bal in a previous kalpa

Technically, whoever the player inhibits ONLY for the duration in history in which we inhibit them.
You could consider their state the highest level of CHIM and then they lose it when that part of history moves on past said game.

I don't believe so. There's two CHIMsters and that's it.

Except, what was Pelin-El? And don't tell me he was some stupid robot who knew shit. Even if that was true, it's surface level.
>And Garid of the men-of-ge once saw such a Madness from afar and maneuvered, after it had abated, to drink together with Pelinal, and he asked what such an affliction felt like, to which Pelinal could only answer, "Like when the dream no longer needs its dreamer."
This is NOT just some android fever dream. It's much more interesting to think what he really mentally achieved.

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Someone in a past thread said Mankar might of been dragonborn, is there anything to support that?

Mankar Camoran, maybe?

he can wear the amulet of kings

I usually cite, or at least point to the lore I dispense, but for the sake of brevity and avoiding a headache, you'll have to trust my baseless, faulty memory, story.

Mankar was a dude who wanted to be a dragonborn so he can take the amulet, but he wasn't a dragonborn. Everyone who tries to put on the amulet and are not a dragonborn have it just slip from their necks. That's why he learned his own protonymic (old Battlespire lore that your soul has a real name) and he was able to change his protonymic, in the process reshaping his soul - and became a dragonborn.

And also mentions breathing fire at some point, or something that indicated shouting. It's been a while.

I always found Mantling more interesting then CHIM.

Important question: was Dagoth Ur on his way towards achieving CHIM?
Because if you think about it he was starting to impose his own being, and his own interpretation of the dream over other beings, changing the world around him?
That's like...not CHIM yet but it feels like it's a step towards it, right?

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Amulet of kings dude, and the fact the Septims have a hefty sum of bastards, I think there is a theory one of the characters in Skyrim is a bastard

It's the opposite.

Just to start a discussion - I'm not sure I believe in mantling. Sure, you can gain powers associated with various beings and sure, you can be a con man copying them well enough, but are you really becoming someone or are you tapping into the same supernatural idea which gives you power like it did to the other dude?

You mean that Martin Septim knocked up the Champion Of Cyrodiil who gave birth to a hidden heir while they were Sheogorath.

Something about how Molag Bal taught CHIM to Vivec because he achieved it in a previous kalpa when he was king of the Dreugh which allowed him to become a daedric prince in the first place. I’ve seen it around but don’t know how much lore/BS there is to back it up.

What do you mean?
But if he's expanding himself onto the wheel isn't that some form of influence on the dream?
But it's not the same as "lucid dreaming"?
But, i mean, he's still changing shit similiarly to how Vivec would, just using a different approach?
Where's the core difference in this process?

I thought he was trying to become the Godhead rather than manipulate their world like what CHIM allows.

>Molag Bal taught CHIM to Vivec
Ah, you see CHIM is a known concept among the daedric princes (not that they can ever achieve it). You should take that story as Vivec learning forbidden knowledge from Molag Bal, but not CHIMing himself from just learning about the concept.

if you read the 36 lessons of vivec in one sitting it all makes sense

Wait how do you become the Godhead without realizing the truth about the dream?
And thus if you did, wouldn't you either zero-sum or CHIM on the spot?
Wouldn't that happen to him sooner or later?

You have it reversed. Dragons were considered myth because their original lore was weird as fuck, the males eat time and the females excrete it and they were basically time-machine terminator robots that spoke reality. The dragons were turned in to normal dragons to make it more normie friendly.

36 Lessons is all fine and dandy, but have you read REMANADA?

>And the shieldthane bore witness to the spirit opening naked to his king, carving on a nearby rock the words AND HROL DID LOVE UNTO A HILLOCK before dying in the sight of their union.
Top Loar

What if you are also drunk

Going chim means you realize you are everyone and everyone is you. It goes both ways.
Dagoth-ur perspective however was that everyone else was him but he was himself, not everyone else. The world is him but he is not the world.

What IS an Elder Scroll? I never got that

What the fuck does that even do?
How do you even call such a state?

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Nonlinear fragment of creation that manifests as a scroll.

You try and build a god killing robot in a volcano and turn all your friends into vampires that can’t really die

Intellectual property of Zenimax™

It's like a selfish form of enlightenment. Someone who goes CHIM realizes they are everyone and its all a dream of the godhead, but they dont break from the realization and just kind of roll with it.
Who knows what the fuck Dagoth-Ur saw. He saw the wheel and the I, but must have decided this was all his own dream or that the world was him but he wasn't the world. Maybe he didn't even see the godhead or rejected that he was in its dream. Maybe instead of just accepting it he decided he was gonna wake that sleepy fucker up. We'll never know cause he's dead as hell.

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>It is said that dragons makes no distinction between debating and fighting, and so their words have always been magical and powerful, for those who take the time to learn and understand their meaning
Speaking of reality warping, if two dragons fighting with the thu’um is just healthy debate and the thu’um is tonal reality warping, does that mean the dragon that wins the argument effectively alters reality?

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What is an Elder Scroll, is a TES question with the most KINO of answers.

>The Elder Scrolls contain nuggets of wisdom!
>And they're prophecies too!
Battlespire and Redguard:
>Actually The Elder Scrolls contain all knowledge on Tamriel!
>Even the future can be predicted using them!
>And they're like source code, able to break unbreakable enchantments!

Bravo Todd, I am in awe of you accomplishments.

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>How do you even call such a state?

This guy explained it better than I planned to Sometimes explaining it even mindfucks me.

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