How do we save monster hunter
I just started this game and I'm hooked 20 hours in.
Remove weapons.
Just fight the monsters with your fucking fists you fucking scrub.
Sex with Safi!
Remove gimmick
posted room join in sns dood
uhhhhhhh bros, kinda new to this game. Can I like uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh just, you know, play the game without worying about all the shit that's uhh, you know, everywhere?
Should I even bother trying to cut the tail?
Yes, with Partbreaker 3 and SnS i always have it cut by the 10-13 min mark by myself and it increases the reward level by a full level.
I have zero urge to hunt Safi'Jiiva, from the stuff i've seen the fight doesn't look fun at all.
put back in swimming
>you have lost connection
>you have lost connection
>you have lost connection
I think I'm done with MH on PC. This garbage netcode makes sieges impossible when the idea is to remain in the same room over the course of multiple hunts to finally kill it. Meanwhile, I can't even last a single quest right now without losing connection.
>carted twice
I hate everything about this hunt
Where do you aim exactly? The entire middle is a shit zone, the tip seems soft but it seemed kinda hard to hit. The base also seems soft but I'm not sure if that counts as the tail. I hate how I can't just zsd it.
k safi is kill now what
The base is easiest to hit, just be careful with the backleg attacks
Are you using Partbreaker? With LS i had the Tail done by phase 3 at latest.
Repeat until you have the awakened weapon of your dreams.
Congrats! You beat the game!
>Safi keep targetting me
Am I being dumb and is there something to it?
I'm just smacking his leg but the faggot just won't leave me be
Flash him or Farcaster
You are dealing max damage and your team are plebs
No I mean grabbing his attention.
The tutorial told me that you can grab it by flinching his head, but that happen only if he target someone else, I've done 3 runs so far and every single fucking time the faggot pick on me, several time in a row
steaks can only be made 1 at a time on BBQ spit
God damn it, the fags won't even help me when I get pinned
>first aquashot I get comes with narga essence
My first run I broke his tail by phase 3, but my following run he was just fucking SPINNING constantly
Is anybody having issues actually loading the quest?
This shit just doesn't work half the time
>safi targets someone
>that someone doesn't drag his retarded dragon ass into the boiling bioenergy deposits that edge the arena
Know you will know my pain pcfags
but that's how it's always been, we need to bring back the double spit from Tri and have portable version of the mega spit from X for max meat
What's the trick to maximize dracolite gain from sealed alchemy? Bring a weapon to level 3? level 4? before sealing it?
what MR is recommended for safi?
fuck im 998
How do you trigger those again? I remember them being there and wanting to bring him there from the recon, but I already forgot how they were triggered.
>tripfag shares his retarded opinion nobody cares about based on no first-hand experience that would be of any use to anyone
Fucking magical.
We don't, iceborne sealed the deal and the series is doomed.
Not even joking, this is capcom we are talking about, mh won't go back to being good, most probably.
literally any attack inside the field of bioenergy
this but back when 4 launched
>Finish Safi
>Go talk to Seeker
>LITERALLY says Fatalis is coming
Seriously Fatalis 100% confirmed
Its so fun seeing you desperate nintendo fags try to save face
There's no saving it at this point.
How do I check the list of broken/unbroken parts?
Tell your team to do some fucking damage
The same way you do kulve
What the heck is bioenergy, anyway?
This is actually the best looking armor they've ever done.
what should i be looking for on the weapons bros?
Just don't get hit and it's pretty good
>want to play
>anal internet keeps disconnecting and I can't either join parties or many my own
I just wanted to kill a big red dragon a couple of times
what class
Any faggots who want to be the little girl can post the female version?
Google give me pictures for ants
So I didn't get to augment any of my Rarity 12 armor, how fucked am I?
Epic :) an updoot for you my good sir! Have a nice day :)))
He goes after whoever does the most damage, not just head attacks. If you wanna shake him loose you need to have somebody else flinch him, and they'll take the aggro for you.
Safi armor is stellar for SnS
>cool design
>good Defense and Elemental Res (except Dragon)
>enough decos to get most stuff
>Set bonus is great for weapons that make good use of Elemental
>you can counter the downside by using Health Augmented weapons
Reminds me of the mid-2000's Dracula armor from the intro.
Safi is pretty boring. Feels like a big damage sponge you hit for a few minutes.
How would that be?