Crack threads aside, what do you think about it? To me it's better than 2016 in pretty much every possible way but it's going so far into another direction that I'm starting to wish it was just a standard fps. This was never an issue to me with 2016.
Doom Eternal
Way better than 2016 the
Its gonna be hard to top this as my GOTY. So much fun.
I only played an hour on Xbox One X but I love it.
Make sure you mess with the HDR settings, the game looks so amazing and colorful during firefights.
This is what I thought videogames would look like in the future when i was a kid.
Also don't forget to claim your Slayer skins for buying Doom I-III.
>on console
Fucking kek
How you people play FPS with a controller is beyond me, and on top of that one of the most fast-paced FPS.
>one of the most fast-paced FPS
Doom eternal is fast, but not in a way that requires quick aiming. Playing fps period with a controller is horrendous but this game is fast for different reasons
I thought it wasn't out until tomorrow.
It unlocks at midnight in every region. So you could've started playing 8 hours ago with australian ip
FUCKING Gamestop started selling console copies today to reduce how many people will be in the stores tomorrow.
Why is there no fucking ammo anywhere in this game?
I've spent like 75% of the time looking for fucking ammo with my chainsaw out with no fuel
Glory kills.
Those are for healing, it's the chainsaw you want to use if you need ammo
Max ammo is really low even with a few upgrades. The game really wants you to switch between weapons
I think the chainsaw refills on its own as you deal damage.
>filters you
I'm literally out of every thing most of the time
No, it slowly refills over time and you can one shot small enemies to make them drop all the ammo you need.
The game forces you to play offensively by cycling through three resource-grabbing mechanic :
- GK for health boost (incidentally save ammo)
- Chainsaw for ammo
- Set enemies on fire and damage them for armor
Never cared for CP77, this was all I was waiting for in 2020 and I would be extremely surprised if I didn't like it.
I have well over 120 hours in D44M and Eternal seems better in almost every aspect.
If you're running out of ammo then you're probably using weapons wrong. Certain enemies are weaker to some weapons and stronger against others. They really want you to combo weapons specifically against each enemy and even then it feels like they really want you to eventually have to use the chainsaw since there's constantly fuel lying around for it.
Seems like a decent FPS but they're loading it with all kinds of stupid Blizzard-tier exposition. Like they played Diablo 3, somehow thought their shit writing was a good idea, and decided to shoehorn it into Doom.
Fuck all of that shit. I just want to kill demons.
That arachnofuck around the corner took me about 5 attempts. Them boys pack a punch, backpedalling onto hazards didn't help.
>skips cutscenes
wow problem solved
youre doing something wrong then, you should have ammo available if you keep switching weapons and remember to use chainsaw
if you liked d44m you will like eternal. but like mentioned eternal is taking d44m up to 11, which isnt necessarily a bad thing but it also stops being a pure fps game. all this other shit you gotta remember and use
you can skip all cutscenes. this game does it way better than d44m/hl2, you can actually skip them because they arent first person cinematics
>console doom
get a load of this faggot lads
I'm just waiting for a rip of the soundtrack honestly.
It feels like a proper game, Yas Forums is gonna bitch about cut scenes but theyre ignorable and the gameplay is tight as fuck. Fast paced with aggressive enemies, this is more doom than 16 was.
So skip the cutscenes and don't give the characters a second thought.
Doomguy sure doesn't. He literally cannot give any less of a fuck.
based christina poster
>this is more doom than 16 was.
I would have to disagree. Because you could get by in 16 by playing it like a straight-up shooter, playing eternal while ignoring glory kills and all the extra shit just isnt possible on nightmare.
>There is LITERALLY no way to add someone you know to your friends list
>Can only send friend invites to randoms you meet in game
Jesus Christ how can they be so incompetent?
I love the original and I thought 4 was pretty gud but I'm just not excited for eternal at all. I'm thinking about just waiting for it to inevitably go on on steam sale.
>Spent 2 batteries on the classic skin
>Got the prompt saying to go to the main menu to equip it
>Didn't actually unlock it
What the fuck man
Just watched gameplay of the final boss and it looked lame. Not sure how that compares to the rest of the game.
The battle in 3rd map in which you drop down to a small-ish square arena was already way harder than anything in Doom 2016, lol
It’s already been cracked? Lmao did it have denuvo? Guess I’ll give it a go then
Eternal has you moving faster, killing more and has more aggressive and dangerous enemies in higher numbers.
2016 I barely had to think about resources and could keep track of all enemies because of the low numbers of them. Eternal throws way more at you. Feels more like doom to me in that way.
i like it a lot
"I'll Krump with you, honey"
dude it's good. If there's an FPS that deserves a 90+ on metacritic it's this one.
I don't disagree that eternal is faster but I'm gonna heavily disagree with it feeling more like doom. Because like I said, you simply cannot ignore the extra shit (glory kills, weapon special attacks, suit weapon, movement options). You simply cannot survive without using these. Speed is not everything. simplicity is king
>simplicity is king
Is something a knuckle dragging mongoloid might say.
I love 2016 because despite its gameplay options it can still be played with just dodge and shoot. Eternal does everything better but it also loses the ability to be played like a simple, traditional fps. Doom has never been less like doom (apart from doom 3 maybe)
>you cannot ignore the extra shit
You can see what Hugo was saying about it being combat chess. It's not like OG Doom but I like having to think about when to switch weapons, when to move, when to use special attacks/glory kills. Feels more involved. Better than 2016 where you could just faceroll with the fucking combat shotgun through the whole game.
whoa when did XCOM3 come out?
The shotgun holds 16 rounds
And the assault rifle 60 rounds
What a joke
there's chainsaw fuel everywhere
>Demons have 99% accuracy
>Slayer has guaranteed hits
>CPU bottleneck
The glory kills remind me of melee finishes in halo (satisfying). Get the faster paced rune and they're less intrusive. They felt obnoxious at first but now they're a quick reprieve when shit gets hectic. I like it as a part of the combat loop.
Glory kills are the least of my problems if I'm honest
You don't like the dashes? You don't want to go fast?
switch up weapons, wait for it to get low, chainsaw a small demon, rinse and repeat and you shouldn't ever find yourself running out of ammo. it's also done to incentivize you not to autistically stick to a single weapon but change them up.
I don't like the fact that I'm required to use weapon special attacks and the suit attacks to survive. Cacodemon for example has turned into a gimmick, just shoot a grenade at it. Once again, speed isn't everything
I love the game a lot but does anyone else think the two flashbacks where Doomguy speaks were kinda cringe and fucked with the entire tone of the game
why is the zombierino playing with a doomerino toy
Bethesda released an uncracked version without denuvo. They even have a command line to disable the bethesda sign in.
This is so obviously a shill post
How do you fall for this
>quit having fun moving down demons and do this repetitive busywork every 10 seconds or you run out of ammo
great game design here
it's pretty fun. the combat is too difficult in the wrong ways, and can be unfair with clipping/boxing in issues and such
the main problem is that they didnt learn from the first game, i don't want to keep track of a bunch of different seperate cooldowns and have to use 40 different keys to play a game like this. they just expect you to do too much different shit in the fights that you have no time to be able to do because everything runs so fast and catches you so quickly
instead of feeling badass, you feel weak and like you have to kite packs of enemies.
if you ever upgraded chaingun/railgun in doom16 and went for the 'rich get richer' rune then you'd know just mowing down demons without any struggle gets boring pretty fast
why does the pickups have this super bright outline it's annoying
>W+left mouse is peak game design
Is Eternal the ultimate brainlet filter?
Nobody asking the real questions.
Are some of the new Demons cute?
You can tone it down from the settings
Feels like a 3D slasher
I love it but the damn slayer key on the second stage won't spawn.
Cacodemon's pretty cute.
those tits look incredibly small on video, i swear