Explain why gear durability could ever make a game better and more enjoyable rather than the opposite, and why anyone implements it.
You literally cannot.
Explain why gear durability could ever make a game better and more enjoyable rather than the opposite...
Dead Rising
it made you use all sorts of things you wouldn't traditionally use
Extra layer of challenge
Darkwood, you were forced to use your melee weapons like a finite resource, similar to ammo in Resident Evil. Also Dead Rising.
Resource management stimulates emergent gameplay by creating short-term objectives for the player.
When you can also break the opponent's gear like in swordcraft story
Fucking Dark Cloud. It was so bad for this shit.
I would give 1mirrion shekels for MH armors to have a durability stat a la sharpness for weapons.
-Prevents easy dominant strategies, which will turn the game boring. As soon as a player is aware of them they will ALWAYS use them, even if they know they make the game boring.
-Makes exploration more rewarding, since with persistent items, any time you find a weaker weapon is a disappointment, with that system any decent weapon is a good find.
-(With respawns of weapons) makes you create a mental layout of the world playing you more in it, just so you know where to find replacements.
-Alternative system to simple enemy- and equiment level scaling by allowing players to find endgame equipment early, without trivializing the entire game from that.
-Alternative to stat requirements. When you find it, you can use it, allowing for maximum gameplay variety
-Forces players to adopt more varied strategies that maximize weapon efficiency over simple "run in and pummel them to the ground"
-Part of maximizing efficiency is to constantly change weapons, which will result in the development of more unique personal combat styles of weapon switching, rather than sticking to one weapon type all game.
are you fucking retarded or what
It works well in Breath of the Wild because you're expected to quickly cycle through many different weapons. I actually prefer that way to a slow degradation.
I get that it's realistic; especially in the first dead rising but having a broadsword or katana disintegrate after however many uses is just as immersion-breaking
Because immersion > zoomer catering
pick up one of the magazines then
The idea is to stop you from using one game-ending weapon, in most games. BOTW for instance makes you want to not just use a guardian blade you pick up 15 minutes in or something, but save it for a tough fight instead.
Dark cloud is an interesting case, it has repair powder and upgrade systems that reward you for using one weapon for long periods of time. The durability exists more so you can't spend forever inside the dungeons diving without going back to town for more supplies. You use weapons to upgrade them and fuse upgrades to the weapon when applied. It makes you judge whether it's worth using durability (and powders) in a less difficult area, or to save it for grinding tougher monsters for easier upgrades.
Durability is good only if these 2 things. If the enemies are also affected, and if melee weapons crit on breaking.
Yeah you're right, the katana should break after the first swing
This. Oblivion's is also nice since gear takes years to degrade and can be avoided entirely if you're a mage or an unarmed guy in clothes.
I always thought the main reason they broke like that was because they where shitty mall ninja swords
No. Are you? Git gud.
I fundamentally agree.
Durability doesn't work if its too slow. Otherwise its just a economy money sink, and that never works out.
>Destroys everything with just three magazines
if there is an objective best weapon in the game once you obtain it there is no longer a reason to bother picking up any other weapons ever in a game with no durability; while I think weapon durability can be done very badly the idea that is has no place in game design is a short sighted view
What game has the most afterthought of a degradation system? My vote probably goes to DaS1 where it's really only relevant for a couple of weapons like the uchikatana and crystal weapons.
On the other hand, Shadow Tower Abyss, another From game, has my favourite implementation of weapon durability and uses it to great advantage along with having a gigantic pool of weapons to choose from.
In a game where you have to manage limited resources such as the GBA Fire Emblems it makes sense because it leads to strategic decisions. Do you waste a precious point of Killing Edge durability on an enemy or can you get by with using just a normal Iron Sword? That kind of stuff adds to the strategy of the game.
For normal more action-oriented games though I kind of agree with you. Unless you can fully justify adding durability it shouldn't be added.
It makes the game more interesting.
Game with durability should NEVER EVER allow the player to repair their shit.
When they do the whole thing become pointless.
Summon night swordcraft story did it right, in the game you could either beat the living shit out of the other character or even better, break his/her weapon, if you manage to break their weapon you will get the blueprint of that weapon or special ore used to make it so you can then make it yourself.
Obviously, trying to break a weapon is a whole lot harder than just beating the character, you actually need to make sure not to kill them and that your own weapons won't break themselves.
Allows the player to pick up the dropped weapons of enemies, but have purchasable versions of the same weapons still be relevant.
Gear durability would be fine in a game where weapons are plentiful and each weapon did something special when it broke, meaning you actually WANT them to break tactically.
forces you to use multiple options
>repair item
>but it wears down at double the rate
>every repair doubles the wear down
i can't and it's definitive proof of talentless hackery. the glove fuckin fits as soon as you see this mechanic. throw the game in the garbage and play something better.
Game devs typically use it as a money sink.
Diablo 1 has a system somewhat like this with Warrior's innate repair skill which fully repairs an item at the cost of reducing maximum durability
Requires you to think and prepare more, which some people find fun. It can also result in more chaotic gameplay.
>last weapon breaks
>have to scramble for a replacement while also not dying
Because the entire god damned point of the dungeon crawling is that you can't just keep fucking going as far as you fucking want. You have to be prepared.
Dark Cloud is a god damned dungeon crawler, not a fucking ARPG like Diablo.
Fucking zoomers.
it's shit and a crutch for poor game balance
>weapon durability exists
>punishment is extremely harsh for breaking your weapon
>unlock the shop less than an hour in
>can buy and carry a gorillion repair powders
Why? Thirst works the same way. It's like they wanted these systems in the game, changed their mind, but instead of removing them just trivialized them.
Playing it recently, Dark Cloud's durability system doesn't seem like the most well thought out. Powder is cheap enough to do entire dungeons in one go and paired with the leveling system, it just encourages using only 1 weapon. Durability in the form it's in just seems unnecessary, though I would miss it if a DC3 was made with no durability. 2 tried to fix this with weapon system changes and carrying max 20 powders (not including auto repair), and while it was somewhat effective, it could have been better.
Durability was only a problem in dark cloud when you're doing shit like fighting the secret boss to get the Chronicle 2 because if you swing at him while he's guarding it'll practically snap your weapon in two
>Explain why gear durability could ever make a game better and more enjoyable rather than the opposite
It's always a band-aid solution when the devs don't know how to fix a bigger problem.
It's usually a sign of incompetent designers.
It's a great idea in dungeon crawlers and brawling games, where the point is to be moving on and refreshing your inventory. In RPGs or generally most other games it just means more shit to do when you reach a town, and will usually never matter outside of that.
Most people are just put off by TES/Fallout, which don't really have any reason to include it.
this, but also i think your item sack, map, and camera control should have separate durability meters also. also, it kinda makes sense that your screen should gradually darken if you dont press a dedicated "blink your eyes" button. i think that these things would improve the game.
durability is an anti-fun mechanic because it encourages hoarding. you find something cool but instead of using it you think "I should save this for later where I might really need it" but then you never actually really need it so you end up playing the game with the most easily replacable equipment.
Can I use the void energy created by the weapon breaking and popping out of existence as a weapon?
Then you should stop being a gay baby and just use shit. Don't blame the game for your autism.
Easy games encourage hoarding.
Use weapon to 1% durability, swap weapons, repair when in town. Rinse and repeat the durability lasts for 3.5 slashes and you have effectively doubled its lifetime durability.
First iteration has 100% durability, second has 50%, 25%, etc. adds up to 200%(ish).
Rinse and repeat until the durability*
I mean, if you can get a reliable source of the same weapon, you don't really need to bother with repairing it. It's probably cheaper to just get a new one.
On that note, hammers shouldn't lose sharpness
Dark Cloud is just one of those games where it feels like most mechanics are playing against the player in a bad way
>weapon upgrade system is tedious and is only made worse with durability
>having to switch characters for arbitrary reasons on a regular basis
>randomly generated dungeons makes everything feel bland and samey
>thirst meter
The town building sections are cozy and the atmosphere is great, but damn are the dungeons bad. I couldn't get past Queens.
Damn, I forgot about the costs to repair.
it filters retards like OP, this brings me great pleasure
People who aren't retarded like having extra layers of management and challenge. Unfortunately brainlets can't handle thinking about more than one thing at a time and ruin it for the rest of us.
Also you could get magazines that would increase the durability of certain weapon types. Gotta make those mini chainsaws last as long as possible
Yeah but you never use it. You just teleport back to town and repair things the normal way
Repairable weapons I'm cool with. BotW with it's "Oh hey, your steel broadsword that could survive years of use just broke after 20 hits" shit turned me off from the game altogether. Same with Farcry 2.
Has a buddy who replaced the clowns sound effects with Dr. Rockso from Metalocalypse. Was fucking hilarious.
Dark Could actually makes it work though because all weapons are worth investing in because they can be turned into gems that power up other weapons. In BotW they're useless because they only deteriorate in value and you can easily farm endgame gear so 99% of what you find throughout the game is worthless.
Based Dark Cloud
Durability is only worth having if it's an active thing to consider.
A good comparison is Dark Souls 1 vs 2
In 1, durability is a non-issue outside of enemies with acid that burns durability. Could easily be removed and gameplay would barely change.
In 2, weapons break much faster, so it's something you gotta actively pay attention to, possibly making you carry multiple weapons incase your primary weapon's durability drops too much.
Show me.
Anyone who reads books knows the intimacy that comes with a weapon. It's more than just an extension of the hero's power: it is an tool. An object. It must be maintained. The grip is shaped so that when held in hand you can have proper edge-alignment. Durability is a reminder that what you're holding is tangible; it is real. It's significant. Maintenance makes you care about what you use rather than just a "+5 damage beat stick".
My nigga.
It's fine if the game is well balanced around it. But it's just "there" like in shit like BotW then it's just a slog or a chore.
I assume it's to keep inferior weapon drops relevant by giving the player an incentive to use them against weaker enemies.
This nails it all. I love the system in BoTW and Apotheon where you're constantly figuring out how to keep weapons for different occasions. it also helps balance the game since if you have shit weapons you're more likely to use them against weak enemies.