How hyped are you for the sequel announcement on the 26th?

How hyped are you for the sequel announcement on the 26th?

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Not very. It's been too long and I stopped caring years ago. The whole multiplat thing also means any unique gameplay will be stripped away. I'm sure the visuals and music will be on point though.

It already lost the unique gameplay with the Switch version


Can we all agree that the gameplay of TWEWY only works with a dual screen? from all the gimmicks nintendo created Dualscreen is the only thing that allowed new gameplay mechanics that allowed new ideas for games

What do you think of this as TWEWY2's opening theme?

As much as people didn't like the DS/Wii era for not having "core" games, it produced a lot of gems. DS had TWEWY, Trauma Center, 999, etc and Wii had NMH, Red Steel 2, Zack & Wiki. Now everyone just celebrates downgraded ports on Switch like Witcher 3, DOOM, etc.

I'm guessing it'll come to Switch and Apple Arcade.

Ironically I still enjoyed fighting in the Switch version despite the gimped gameplay. Yet, I do agree that half of the challenge was managing both teammates at the same time.

Depends on if it's switch or 3ds. Granted there haven't been a whole lotta 3ds games coming out lately. Funny thing is I'm sure the driving force to put it out isn't because the fans desire it, but because Nomura is gonna tie Yozora into it to push the hype train full steam ahead into next year.

No way is it coming to 3ds. They released Final Remix on Switch and the 3DS is dead.


We still got motion controls on the switch, the joycons are just that and I am sure NMH3 will have the exact same gameplay as 1 and 2

Why the fuck did they make the partner invincible in the switch version?

Yeah, I'm really excited for that. The core gameplay of NMH is really satisfying, albeit kind of simple, and now Suda is going to mix in those skill chips. But virtually no other games are actually going to be designed around it.

What will his role be in the sequel?

Attached: Yoshiya_Joshua_Kiryu.jpg (300x700, 50.62K)

Guy who doesn't give a shit, he might try to thwart whatever the loli reaper is planning, but that's about it. Dude didn't even shrug when Shinjuku got nuked

I guess being the Composer doesn't pay too well if J-Dawg's gotta take side gigs like this

Wait a second. Shinjuku... Shinjuku was featured in the secret ending of KH3 and it was mentioned as being destroyed in the new day mode of final mix. The fight with yozora occurs in a town that looks like shibuya and he mentions that he had to under go a lot of trials, just like the reapers game.

Jesus, if TWEWY 2 gets announced it might just feature Sora and Yozora and Nomura might actually confirm the Nomuraverse.

But Hanekoma said that "he seemed down" when he and Joshua were watching Neku and his friends meet up and he flew off

and the way he acted in A New Day

>being a tsundere
As if he wasn't gay enough

I hope Neku and Sho kick his ass

I wonder if Sho will get a villain redemption? What am I saying they made players feel sorry for xehanort, ansem, xemnas, and ardyn of course sho is gonna get converted into a sympathetic villain. Granted I'm sure there's gonna be a very interesting conversation to be had when they first meet up.

Do you think Josh will be redeemed?

He doesn't seem to be the man behind the curtain this time around, so I assume so. Hell, he'll probably end up saving Neku at some point say something cliche like "it's not because I like you or anything"

Most of us will be dead in a week. Start worrying about surviving, not video games.

Duh, where the fuck have you been, slowpoke.

You're an idiot if you feel sorry for Xehanorts. Fuck that retard


Start building up your immunity and stop touching so many things.

Xemnas and ansem were the ones I honestly was kinda sad to see go. Especially with that theme that played when xemnas died

Just pieced it together, there's so many things to connect.
>the secret star in KH3 being not stella
>Shinjuku and Shibuya being locations shown in KH3 and Twewy final mix
>yozora mentioning trials
It will be interesting to see how this all comes together.

This, based, /thread or whatever

No reason to make a sequel, let alone a new using the world; it too obvious SE will fuck it up and rape it corpse, it was like that with the Switch port it got. Let it rest and make new shit that won't be as good instead.

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If it doesn’t get announced, I am going to laugh at your ass. I love TWEWY but making all of these “are you hyped for the sequel” posts is just pathetic of you.

Why should I care? The first game was complete garbage.
Only literal zoomers and fags who suck SE's cock liked it.

>that new 2Mello remix of Calling

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Honestly not at all, and I say this as someone who might have TWEWY in his personal top ten. While the KH3 DLC seems to be pretty good and the FF7 Remake doesn't look nearly as bad as I thought, Square-Enix just isn't the company that it was when TWEWY was created (and really, TWEWY and KH2FM were the tail end of that era). Plus, TWEWY is one of the greatest examples of "lightning in a bottle" in gaming that I can think of. It really had no business being as good as it was.

The other thing that concerns me is that it seems like they're setting it up to be about Neku again, when his story and character arc were wrapped up flawlessly in the original. One of the things that made TWEWY so special was how engaging it was to watch Neku go from a cold-hearted asshole to a kind, supportive guy, and I seriously doubt that TWEWY 2 will be able to conjure up some entirely separate, equally satisfying arc for him without just retreading old ground. I was totally gearing up for him to be the Hanekoma of the sequel, guiding the new main characters from the background as a mentor. I can understand Nomura's desire to have Sora stay the Kingdom Hearts protagonist, but TWEWY really isn't the sort of story where that would work.

>muh zoomers
Also, TWEWY is considered by most of Yas Forums to be the last truly original
and excellent work by Squeenix after the merger.

I'm honestly impressed it's taken you this long while obviously being a fan of both games.
I guess Square wants to seperate Disney from the series

I’ve seen people on here that were in their 30’s that love this game. It’s a genuinely great game.

I think it’s cool that TWEWY still gets remixes to this day. I love that one Deja Vu remix from Cement City.

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Dumb nigga, zoomers didn't exist when TWEWY was out.

>A glorified flu with minimal killing rate
>Killing most of the people

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This. TWEWY was the FLCL of vidya, a true passion project where the devs were allowed to flex their creative muscles to craft something truly unique and make all of the elements surrounding it form one cohesive whole. There’s no way that a sequel will be able to capture that magic.

>TWEWY was the FLCL of vidya
Actually that's an excellent way of putting it. I'd never thought of it like that. Although in the case of FLCL, I think that any attempt to create a sequel is inherently misguided, while I *can* see a TWEWY sequel being good in an alternate universe where Squeenix never went downhill.

Nope. You just know that Square will fuck it up thanks to the mobile/Switch ports.

Happened for me with KH1, every game after never felt as great as that one.

I agree that it is a testament to what can be achieved when creatives are allowed to forge their own path and freely collaborate. Makes me wonder what we'll be getting from Nomura and Kojima if their passion projects actually get revived.

I’d say it fits. They’re both heavily stylized, coming-of-age stories revolving around a cynical young man learning to let go of his cold exterior and to truly live life while dealing with a dangerous influence that tries to use him for their own goals. Even has music that wouldn’t sound out of place in a Pillows album.

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>TWEWY 2 speculation thread
>No one talks about the secrets addendums:

Here, have this for fun:

A New Day 3 — Secret Addendum C

>It turns out the enormous Noise under that little Reaper's control was actually a pseudo-parallel world artificially constructed by breaking down and forcibly rebinding the Soul from various Noise.

>This sort of unusual and unstable dimension is extremely fragile, so we gave up on the idea of down-tuning our vibes to launch an infiltration. Instead, I interfered with the Noise from the outside by using an advanced method of imprinting.

>My goal was to save both boys.

>Unfortunately, I could only save one.

>A pseudo-parallel world like that one is special in that it is heavily dependent upon its creator.

>A considerable Imagination is required to create such a world—far greater than that of any run-of-the-mill Reaper. I suspect someone must have given that little girl a hand.

>And what about those mysterious visions that invaded Neku's consciousness? What about that abnormal power and whoever created it? What about the Reaper resummoned into the UG via a refinery sigil?

>All of these phenomena occurred almost simultaneously with the aforementioned incident in Shinjuku—that is, the Inversion. But is it possible a single event could truly have such widespread repercussions? I'm determined to find out.

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>neatly presents all the questions we're dying to have answered
>nothing over a year later
That cover is dope as hell though. I especially like the statue of Hachiko. Part of me honestly wished you could have a spirit form of Hachiko as a partner.

>wanting modern Square to fuck up this game even more

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KH2 may have had a more technical battle system but KH1 felt more like a complete package to me. It had a great sense of atmosphere, charming visuals, fun gameplay, and a simple but clean narrative. It, TWEWY, and Chrono Trigger are some of my favorite games to come out of Square and wanna know what all three have in common? They all feel like genuine passion projects made by people that loved what they were doing.

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What if TWEWY had a jazzy OST?

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Maybe if SQ weren't retarded, they could do the dual screen thing again like good ol' split screen multiplayer. TVs and gadgets are bigger nowadays so they can handle it
Then debate if you guys want high-speed motion-sensing/laser-pointer action kept to one hand, or both to dab on the DS

Damn that’s cool. I’ll be sure to check this out.

>simple and clean
Kek. But yeah, I get ya. KH1 and TWEWY were truly something special. Still need to play Chrono Trigger.

I highly recommend it. It’s regarded as one of Square’s best for a reason.

Attached: chrono trigger art 1.jpg (750x470, 145.14K)

they should make each joycon a playable character, sinve the direction buttoms are circles each circle should be a badge for each character, and you attack moving both joycons as it was no more heroes but with each joycon moving one character each.

but since SQ sucks sony cock 24/7 and will never ever make another exclusive this good for a nintendo console they will simply not do this because that would make it unplayable for other platforms

The problem with this and calling (final remix) in my opinion is that they dont feel like remixes, they feel more like original tracks with the calling lyrics put on top of them

I am talking about a single player mode in which each joycon controls a character emulating the dual screen, you move them with the dpads and select the badges with the direction and abxy circles, and in order to attack you just swing the joycons, but this would make this game exlusive for the switch amd we know that is not going to happen
>5 hours of music for a goddamn niche DS game
We’re never getting this level of passion again, are we?

>Trauma Center
good to know 'm not the only one who loved those games. amazing, all of them, especially the OSTs

To be fair that video also includes the various tracks released after the ds version came out.

trauma center works well with motion controls

It ONLY works with motion controls, touch screen isn't as well done, and emulating it and using a mouse is awful.

True but still, it’s really something.

I saw what they did to Kingdom Hearts.

No Way.

If Nomura fucks off then sure. Otherwise no thanks. It doesn't deserve such a fate.