Are there any games that teach Japanese?

Are there any games that teach Japanese?

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You have to start from somewhere after you learn to read kana. Break out the paper flash cards, pop words on those fuckers as you encounter them, memorize them, repeat day in and day out.

There's no "good" game to start from, because even a game aimed at kids, such as Pokemon, has some really advanced shit in there that a JSL won't know for a long time.

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Don't be such an ADD faggot.
Pirate Rosetta Stone and put in the time it takes.
You will feel so much better about your self in 6 months in, than if you just played vidya all day.

none that are good and help beyond kana
play the upcoming animal crossing in japanese
pokemon is also good for katakana

>Rosetta Stone
user ....

>he thinks he can learn the most complicated language on Earth from a video game

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>most complicated

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>Rosetta Stone
Am I in 2008?

Step 1 : Memorize hiragana and katakana by doing this game :
Just repeat them until you can finish them under 2 mins
Step 2 : Pick any Japanese game aimed for kids, they will be either written fully in kana or have kanji but will also have furigana to assist reading
Step 3 : Just play the fucking game and look up things you don't know and memorize them

Not him but given you have to learn around 2100 moonrunes with 2+ pronunciations each depending of context just to be able to read it, grammar aside, I'd say with total certainty it is one of the top 5 most difficult natural languages in the world.

One of the most time consuming sure, but there really isn't much in it on the grammar side, as you said it.
Memorization isn't complicated, just tedious.
And also, the user said it was THE most complicated to learn. But it's literally nothing compared to actual ching chong bat soup ling long

Yeah, they're called "immersion classes" and they're subscription based pay2win shit.

When you play an RPG you will remember a bunch of mobs and their abilities and their stats etc as you play, it's not much different. Like an average pokemon nerd could remember a thousand pokemon and their movesets etc. Just enjoy yourself when you learn, pick media that you like and you will naturally remember them.

You're kinda at a disadvantage in some ways because you didn't grow up with it so you won't understand a lot of cultural references that would be instinctual to a Japanese person.
On the other hand, you have an advantage in that you can actually reason so you can recognize patterns and such intrinsic to every language and use that to accelerate your learning. Lot's of native speakers don't even realize these patterns exist unless they're academically trained for it.

It's a waste of time, but I get to watch untranslated tv shows...

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Time consuming is pretty much the only metric regarding difficulty though. No language is difficult in an abstract, galaxy brain way. Literal children learn every language if given enough time.

To grasp Japanese you not only have to learn the concepts but you have to practice speaking it with other people. Sitting alone in your room and trying to translate hentai doujins won't cut it.

Teaching English is impossible, girlfriend is Japanese and always asks me about grammar rules. I don’t even remember learning grammar in school, it’s just something I’ve always known.

Or just go the B2P route, pick up a ticket and fly to Japan. Then go pick up some gaijin hunter JK to teach you Japanese for free.

>not formally trained in language education
>never explicitly learned grammar or syntax

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Even the guy who made Rosetta Stone doesn't recommend using it for Japanese. Duolingo isn't good either. For the love of God, if you want to learn a language save yourself a future headache and spend at least a few hours doing research on potential resources instead of picking what's popular because of heavy advertising.

Yeah that’s exactly what a meant dumb ESL nigger

I have a thing for JKs. I need to know exactly how you achieve this in excruciating detail.

You never had to do syntactic analysis in school? Lucky bastard, that shit was the fucking worst.

Finding a girl to teach you isn’t gonna work trust me, you’re just gonna get drunk and bang her and all you’ll learn are swear words when she gets mad at you for not cleaning the house

So recommend something you niggerfaggot, instead of typing all this homo shit.

are there any games that teach arabic? I'm no muzzy, I just have a thing for sandnog women

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I have no idea what you’re talking about, English class in Canada is writing essays about booms and reading poetry like haikus and stuff. It’s basically a free 80% on your report card if you’re not retarded and born in Canada

>Yeah that’s exactly what a meant dumb ESL nigger
Not sure I'm the ESL one here, friendo.

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>what a meant

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If you really want to get pedantic there are dead languages that are way harder than Japanese.

Can the japanese even swear properly, apart from calling things shit? I mean, Kisama is kinda just like calling someone ironically your Highness.

They don't exist, they've all picked up on the "compensated dating" scheme. They call it "sugar daddy/baby" in the states. Anyway, you might find a girl willing to fuck you for money if you're tall, white, and handsome. I knew a guy in the office who did it on the regular, but he was loaded to hell and back and saw success despite being a jap by just throwing money at them. I never did it because I was young and Yas Forums enough to just go down to the club and get picked up. I learned really quick that tiny japanese girls really liked to be called onee-san by someone over a foot taller than them.

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Arabic is such a disgusting language to listen to.

Maybe it is a Spanish thing. We had to separate sentences in subject and predicate, identify verbs, nouns, prepositions, adverbs, direct object, indirect object... all useless bullshit.

Canada is the second oldest English speaking country in the world behind England
Wow I made a spelling mistake, woah that completely invalidates everything I’ve just said
Dumb cunt
According to her, yes
He found some chink pretending to be a Jap, I’m broke as fuck and this girl spends all her money on me
I’ve never met a spic in my life so I don’t know how they do things in Spain and I don’t care, I wish we bombed you cunts for stealing our fish

Go to /jp/ so you can go down the rabbit hole of wasting 2000 hours of your life on anki.

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>a belligerant idiot proud of his stupidity
Okay, no more replies for you retard.

JLPT N1 here. This is what you need to do.

1 : memorize all hiragana and katakana. Literally no way around this, just start grinding them out of flash cards or something.

2 : , learning kanji won’t do shit if you don’t know readings or learn them in contexts.

3 : once your N5 is 100% green. Download satori reader, and start reading through everything.

4 : once your N3,4 and 5 are in the green on rtk. You can start incorporating manga.

5 : read manga while getting N1 and N2 into green on rtk. Then move onto novels.

Congrats, now you know Japanese. This program worked great for me, did it in my spare time. Took about 2 years. ( took 5 to get all exams done because they only offer it once a year where I live )

It’s a fact, the English landed here before they landed in America. Newfoundland is their oldest Dominion and Ontario the most loyal province

It's ugly if you're watching some hundred year old Imam use it to curse the west for not adhering to his ooga booga laws. Try listening to an actual gulf chick speak, it's melodic. (Stay away from Egyptians, Moroccans, Tunisians, rural Saudis, Algerians and Iraqis)


No, kids games purposefully ignore kanji, fucking awful advice.

>took 5 to get all exams done because they only offer it once a year where I live
I hate this fucking bullshit, why don't they just allow you to take test anytime, I kept missing the schedule, fuck.

It was about a decade ago when I was fresh outta graduate school, so maybe things have changed since then. When I went back recently (like three years ago), the compensated dating racket had increased exponentially.

Isn't there basically no point in doing the exams below N2?

Your first two link are fucking trash, they skip dakuten for christ sake never give anyone advice ever again you braindead monkey.

And with what army are you going to bomb us? Or would you cucks just throw donuts at us and make your women open their legs for us while giving us preference in your medical system if we ever wanted to to to that frozen shithole? lol

True, but there is no point to life anyway.

Move to japan else you have no chance. You JLPT fags make me laughaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahjuahahhahaha

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>learning kanji won’t do shit if you don’t know readings or learn them in contexts
Disagree, but that's because I'm a Heisig baby.

First of all it’s spelt doughnuts, if you’re gonna use the Queens language then use it properly. Secondly, we literally threatened to bomb you if you didn’t stop sending your ships to our waters, Germany forced you to surrender and accept our territorial claims.
Also good luck entering our country, all foreigners are banned from entering no healthcare for you Pablo

>No Sorceress Alive

Why? It was a lot better than Dead Days

Nevermind, I'm a retard and overlooked it.

Not effectively, but just play whatever game you want and work slowly through it.

After studying of course.

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Alright. Which Sentai do you recommend?

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If you want to learn kana, I suggest the KanaDrill app I used from F-Droid. Kana is very easy, do each drill once a day for a week and you should have them down.

What's a good text hooker for VNs?

There are many DS games for Japs to learn other languages like English, Chinese, and Korean, though.

I played an English one. It had a VN part.

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If you can't at least read this you have no hope in Japanese

>let's make our words out of thousands of different characters
>constructed (but not always) of smaller components
>so that it can (but not really) vaguely suggest semantic relationships
>and guide (but not really) the pronunciation of the word
>and let's randomly choose a small set of them to usually write in kana instead (but not always)

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Not the same guy either but I am currently learning Japanese (English native) and I think it's the 3rd hardest in the world (for a native English speaker). A Chinese person learning Japanese will have an easy time because they already know all the kanji.
For an English speaker I think it's Arabic (literally impossible) -> Chinese (like Japanese but you don't get hiragana/katakana to bail you out and the pronunciation is waaaay harder than Japanese's simply 46 syllables. Then Japanese (which is still very hard but not impossible)
