Why do you pay for this?

why do you pay for this?

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Honestly i dont even know anymore

Mario Kart

>pay 20 bucks for lots of classic games I have played but not payed fo or have just discovered over this service
>get FREE online with it
OK deal. I still got another year lying around I got from smm2.

I don't

Tetris 99

because, im not a poorfag

because i play online games on my switch? what kind of stupid question is this

i don't have an answer

Because people are retards.
It's the same quality as the Wii U's online but with a paywall.

Most people don't. The president did an interview last year where he was butthurt that there weren't enough people buying it.

>all 3 major console makers actually got away with charging people to use the internet they already pay for

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Tetris 99
the NES & SNES games
cloud backups

Tetris 99 and the Classic apps.

All the games are a lagfest though. Even fucking Pokemon which is sad since it's turn based

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>try online when it was free
>its a messy pile of shit with hideous connection
>now pay for it :^)

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I remember when this shit came out and you literally weren't allowed to criticize it. If you did, you just got deluged with BUT IT'S ONLY $20 comments. I sometimes feel self-loathing to be a part of the same species as these retards

Do I need to give my credit card info if I buy it with eShop funds?

Nah if you got money on your account via cards or whatever then that is enough.

I remember when people said "b-but itll get better when it's paid, they'll use the money to improve it"
Nearly 2 years later and it's still a pile of shit just like it was on day 1. Incredible.

>pay to use your own internet connection

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>they'll use the money to improve it
People still say this as a coping mechanism to this day. Why do people defend this shit?

It's worth it just for the SNES games and Tetris. It's also cheap as fuck.

I'm on a family plan with some friends. The guy leading it actually forgot to ask me for any money and it's been months now. Should I remind him?

Sounds like cope

It’s literally the greatest game ever made

>It's worth it for these old ass games I already played
lol okay user
At least PSN gives you current gen games

It's also free. You don't need to pay $20 a year subscription for it.

Nah not really I've beaten Super Metroid like 5 times on it. It's nice being able to switch to those games whenever I want and Tetris is really fun so...

Super Metroid is a SNES game. You can play it for free on any PC or cell phone. Or even a hacked 3DS.

Super Mario Maker 2.

Psn is way more expensive. It's nice having all those games on switch

That isn't even a valid argument because (aside from first party games, and indirectly) the money doesn't even go to the fucking server costs. The company doesn't provide servers for devs, they do all that shit themselves and the paid internet has NOTHING to do with it. I used to work for bideo games and the PS+/XBL was just a flag we checked for before letting a profile into online sections, you're literally paying the company money to use your own internet on servers that aren't even theirs. Paid online is a fucking scam, plain and simple.

I don't, it's a shame nintendo is as jewish as the other ones now, 3ds was at least restricted by the hardware and storage so they couldn't hold back massive parts of a game to sell piece meal to you later


I don't. I got 1 year free with prime. Not going to get a second year. No use for cloud saves.

I don't because I'm not a cuck

>Psn is way more expensive.
Well yeah, you get current gen games instead of 40 year old stuff. Obviously it would cost more

I got the family plan with my friends so it's pocket change for the whole year. I still don't like having to pay at all, but I'm not angry enough about a yearly $5 to give up playing Smash with them.

because you have to actually pay for it for the code to work.

Enjoy your lagfest

so i can play switch games with friends

No way am I lugging a controller around for my fucking phone.
>Hacked 3DS
Okay? I can't put my hacked 3DS on the dock and play on my TV...
Not portable, also see above

>FREE online
what did you mean by this? you paid for it

Splatoon 2, but I never play it anymore. Probably won’t renew it.

Amazing argument

>used to work for bideo games
Why'd you stop?

>playing Smash online
oh nononono

It's still a 30 year old game. You're only okay with paying for it because you're a drone of the highest caliber

Shit argument in, shit argument out

Just buy the guy a pack of beer or something. A fully split family pack is dirt cheap

Bastards got me addicted to Splatoon during the time when it was free.

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>>get FREE online with it
free online would imply that there is a separate online only subscription but there isn't, each part of the package is a part of what you are paying for
they are only saying it's "free" with the package so you lower your expectations when things go wrong or isn't working properly since you believe you aren't paying for it

Yeah, that too. Nothing has soured me to Nintendo more than the Switch. I always knew they were kind of scummy but they don't even put up the pretense of caring any more. They're just ass-fucking everyone in broad daylight.

No I'm okay with it cause sometimes I feel like playing super Metroid on switch...of course I can go boot up my PC and play it too, but not in bed, or on the couch, or on my TV. Plus all the other games you get with it and online. I'm not poor so I don't cry over 20 bucks

Because I hav to

Every time we have this subject there's always suddenly a bunch of anons who all know 15 people who all own a switch and are willing to split costs. Shit is hysterical

I don't pay for the online. I pay for the virtual console gamepass and get online for free just like sonygros and xbots pay for online tog et free games.

>*plays it for five minutes and then never touches it again because it's shallow as fuck*

>I'm not poor
You must be if you think PSN is expensive.

>not piggybacking off a friend's family plan.

So it's a bad comparison then. Not to mention you don't even have exclusive games to play multiplayer, just shits that better on PC

>but not in bed, or on the couch, or on my TV.
You could do this on your Wii U, I mean you're not poor so obviously you own every console

I need that to play crash team racing online? I heard is the fastest way to get wumpa coins...

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It's more expensive than Switch online while offering nothing exclusive. Do you disagree with that?