What's the final Yas Forumserdict ?

what's the final Yas Forumserdict ?

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Bad, but miles ahead of MGS 4.

Great gameplay and a story that had great ambition, but failed the execution. Clearly unfinished. Still very unique and fun to play. Overall a good game, but not the best in the series.

>shit story
>good controller mechanics
>empty world, needed more places to infiltrate with the size of camp omega from GZ
>repetitive sidequests
it's pretty fun the first hour and slowly turns into a boring mess after that


Gameplay feels good. Everything else is pure shit.

The worst MGS game to death. Repetitive, God awful pacing, 90% of the gameplay is filler, have to replay generic missions from Chapter 1 to advance the story

Too much Nuclear, not enough Wild

>The worst MGS game to death
Someone hasn't played 4

It's pretty bad. It had potential, the missions where you start out with minimal equipment could have been great but there's far too little thought put into them.

Gameplay is great but there are only like 5-10 actually good missions and the rest is filler.

It has some really bad pacing issues and is obviously unfinished.

good execution but empty world

Great game, but unfinished. And camera work was worse than in MGS 4 - half of time Snake's ass was obstrucing my view.

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Didn't grab me.

best Metal Gear, Yas Forums is still suffering from the phantom pain it brought

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>Someone hasn't played 4
MGS4 and MGS5 are two different flavors of shit. So, it all comes to which shit tastes worse for you. It's a personal manner.

For real tho, it's really ironically how every problem from MGS4 is almost the reverse of problems from MGS5.

Big Boss... and ____________


Ok, please can yall tell me in a nice, peaceful, and respectable manner explain your reasons for disliking mgs4.

I really tried to like the gameplay, but fuck, I just can't, it's just SOOOO boring. I can't even figure out WHY.
It's obviously the most (and only) developed part of the game, extremely polished and all, but 3 hours after playing it and I'm already bored of it...why can't it stay fun?

Ironically, Ground Zeroes is actually more fun than Phantom Pain, and it fit Metal Gear a lot more too. What the fuck?

Best game of 2015

I dropped the game after a few missions because I didn't want to fuck with the base management and resources bullshit. I just wanted to play a tactical shooter with a decent story.

I haven't play it in at least 5 years, so I feel free to tell you: I can't really remember.

Yeah...I pretty much blocked out the whole game outside my brain. I do remember the Fox squad thingy being pretty meh.
But the one thing I could never forget despite trying really hard, was the twist that Liquid was actually Ocelot pretending/believing himself to be Liquid...that still bothers the shit out of me; I'd still rather believe Big Boss was just stoned and made that shit up because that's honestly too retarded for me.
The whole game builds up upon the whole "Solid snake Vs Liquid Snake" thing more than any game before it to THEN pretend it isn't a big deal? Go fuck yourself Kojima.

This might be the first instance where I experience something that felt like "subversion of expectation for the sake of subversion"

But hey, if you're really bored and have nothing to do with your life, you can see this nice little 3 hours and 30 minutes video talking about some guy's opinion on this game's problems.
I don't agree with everything this guy says, but he gives a nice "summary"...if you can call it that.
It might give you a better perspective to the reason why people dislike it than Yas Forums comments.

It's a cool video either way, so watch it at work and you can't go wrong.

Good game that falls short of its goals, leaving you unfulfilled and wishing for more. I really do wish someone had a go at open world stealth with lots of tactics and freedom.

MGS4 is a shit show and intentionally so.

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What is the best, cheapest way to play MGS4 in 2020


If you live in a sacred place untouched by time, there might be some LAN houses or shit like that which have PS3s which you can rent for an hour and play whatever game they have.

Skip all the cutscenes and watch them later on youtube, play the 10 hours (out of 20) worth of gameplay.

It's not like the cutscenes help you not get confused, so you aren't really missing much.

BB looks a hella lot like the Old Farmer from south Park

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got it for half the price at release and still regret it
fuck kojima, and fuck this piece of shit game. the movement was good, everything else was fucking trash

that said, i enjoyed death stranding.

Its pretty good when modded to give you everything, otherwise its a tedious chore

4 might have been shit but it was MGS shit. MGS5 isn't even MGS. At least 4 had memorable moments and a great soundtrack. 5 has literally nothing going for it.

Holy shit, thanks user.

>4 might have been shit but it was MGS shit
Nope. MGS 4 literally retconned the quality out of every single character except maybe Solid Snake and, uuuuh, Otacon? They ruined Eva, they ruined Big Boss, they ruined the Patriots, they ruined Ocelot, they ruined Campbell, they ruined Raiden (Although admittedly Platinum managed to make something worth a shit out of this later)

It's not "MGS shit", it's a high-budget fangame made by a 10 year old

>At least 4 had memorable moments and a great soundtrack.
Memorable in how bad they were, maybe, or are you one of those numales going "OMFG MUH FISTFIGHT IN THE SKYSCRAPPER!!! MANLY TEARS ;_;"?

>5 has literally nothing going for it.
It has going for it the fact that it wasn't the game that raped the series past of no return, because it's not MGS 4.

i said mgs4 was shit. what i meant by "it was mgs shit" was that it was still an MGS game. you had the mgs gameplay, structure, cutscenes, twists, turns and all in between.
5 has nothing. even the gameplay is complete garbage.

>Memorable in how bad they were, maybe, or are you one of those numales going "OMFG MUH FISTFIGHT IN THE SKYSCRAPPER!!! MANLY TEARS ;_;"?
microwave scene
return to shadow moses
>It has going for it the fact that it wasn't the game that raped the series past of no return, because it's not MGS 4.
you say that but it completely invalidated Big Boss's efforts in MGS3 and retconned Zero even more into a stupid fucking redemption arc that doesn't even make any fucking sense

>was that it was still an MGS game
It wasn't. As I said, it was a high budget fangame.
>you had the mgs gameplay
The core MGS stealth gameplay only existed in the first act and the first half of the second act. From that point forward it's cutscenes bonanza with some occasional good boss fights peppered in every 4 hours. The "it's a movie" meme is completely justified.

I'm not gonna let you have this shit revisionist history. MGS 4 is the worst game in the series and it's not even close. It's the sharpest downfall in the quality of the IP. It's what raped the series past the point of no return. MGS V, by virtue of appearing after that disaster and coming out when the whole series is already ashes, is inherently better.

>The core MGS stealth gameplay only existed in the first act and the first half of the second act
yes, like i said, it's still there. it's completely absent from mgs5, retard.

absolute kino
needed alot more cutscenes

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>you say that but it completely invalidated Big Boss's efforts in MGS3
Like when he shows up alive decades later to serve as a poor exposition dump in a moment that completely betrays all of his character introduced until then, because Kojima is an utter hack?
>H-h-h-h-he was forced by the other developers
Don't care, shit is shit. MGS 4 is shit.

>and retconned Zero even more into a stupid fucking redemption arc
Laughing my ass off at you crying about a retcon of a retcon. Zero should have never been the leader of the patriots, you stupid faggot. That makes no sense whatsoever. They ruined the codec team from MGS 3 for some sort of shock value, while also taking away all personality from the Patriots and turning them into some silent brainlet intelligence that gets played around like a fool by a guy pretending to be someone else because he stole his arm (Yet which we're supposed to believe was able to control the world's economy, society, media, war structures and memes for at least 5 years)

>Like when he shows up alive decades later to serve as a poor exposition dump in a moment that completely betrays all of his character introduced until then, because Kojima is an utter hack?
so it's okay to do it EVEN MORE just because a game fucked up in the past? lol, you're not very smart are you

It's not okay. As I said in the very first post of this thread, MGS V is bad. But a shit game that ruins a series is inherently worse than a shit game that comes in when the series already went to shit.

>1000+ hrs played
Wouldn't recommend.

i dont care about which game ruined the series, i care about which game left me with better memories and which I'd rather replay at the end of the day. And that game is not, and will never be, MGS5. Because for all sins MGS4 committed, MGS5 doubled down on all of it without anything to compensate.

you sound like you know a lot about videogames and sucking penis


nothing final about it if you and other anons are gonna keep asking every now and then. i'm sure that at this point anyone who makes a mgsv thread knows that most people here think it's shit, and it's like they make threads just for everyone to talk about how bad the game is. i really don't get it


Really excited to play the game since I loved the previous MGS games. Purely for the stealth and tomfoolery. I don't know why, but playing M&K, just felt like there was so many controls and it didn't feel very tight. I remember trying to go through doors, but instead would kind of slide against the side before I eventually barged in. I don't know, something about having to use so many buttons for a simple action I really couldn't stomach much. I didn't even make it very far, got to the first level After the tutorial, heading to the desert and talking to Ocelot and didn't feel like continuing. Is it better with controller or can I change the controls for M&K and make it bearable? Or am I SOL?

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>having to use so many buttons for a simple action

Attached: look at this faggot.gif (240x184, 400.82K)

>and which I'd rather replay at the end of the day
If you genuinely want to replay MGS 4 or have ever had that instinct, you're a cancerous faggot and your opinion on what's good and bad is worthless.

If you've played the game, you should know what I mean.

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i know that you're running into doors and then wondering why your character is slamming them like a lunatic instead of gently opening them


>With this I'll rid the world of infestation
>Sans lingua franca
>The world will be torn asunder and then, it shall be free
mgs5 is kino

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>villain has a total screentime of about 5 minutes
>gets killed halfway through the game
fuck off retard

sry you don't like kino

I'm trying to get to the door and before I even have the chance, he's busting in. It was strange to work on my part and I don't know why. I know what to do and how to do it, but it doesn't feel "good". It's too squirrely.

an indoor encounter would be interesting
so much of this game is spent sneaking along the edge of the encounter zone towards your target

shitty gameplay during the story, but a 10/10 if you only dick around with a 100% save in free roam

Played it last summer just another bigass jap game I usually play and dump after beating, looked really good on PS3 so theres that.

>only time will tell

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That macintosh 420 remix has been ingrained into my memory.

you don't even fucking know what that word means, stop using this stupid Yas Forums meme. i know this game is 90% cutscenes, but it still counts as a video game, so don't talk about it like it's a movie

How is MGSV 90% cutscenes? There is so few cutscenes that people list it as a flaw
