Already cracked

>already cracked
>by Bethesda

Attached: Doom-Eternal.jpg (1170x585, 76.12K)

Other urls found in this thread:!5dBzQSga!tiMHqRNS2tMW-tgaQRZ5MUCNsj-XtF6I1FZ5vE-ne74

Enjoy my cock ESL

Was it cracked by Bethesda or ID Software? The distinction matters here.

Considering the same thing happened with Rage 2, which id had little involvement in, it's probably safe to say it was Bethesda. It was specifically the bethesda launcher version of Rage 2 iirc too.

Bethesda left a drm-free exe of the game in their version of the game.

so not cracked then?

Someone's getting a promotion then.

True. Avalanche made Rage 2 so it is clearly Bethesda making the mistake again. So this exe actually is Denuvo removed then, rather than denuvo-bypassed. We will see performance and FPS gains over paycucks.

You don't need to crack something that does not exist.

Yep, might as well be free to play.

you're not a pirate if you act like this much of a faggot. You're just a bitch looking for attention. You probably post Twitter screenshots.

So where's the link?

So then stop saying it's "cracked by Bethesda" you copetard piece of shit.

it's just copy and paste denuvoless exe to steam files, block exe in firewall and play
we'll get scene release in a matter of hours anywy


not gonna lie if bethesda's doing this to get people to install their launcher by releasing games drm free on it, i'm impressed. Still won't install it but maybe with a couple more releases.


more like piratechads eternal amirite fellas

Is todd cucking gaben?

crackwatch doesn't show anything

If you're reading this /ourguy/, please go work at capcom so you can release the RE3R crack. Bethesda going to file for bankruptcy soon.

Come back when you're out of highschool

No work at valve and leak the snack bar

>getting this buttflustered by a joke
The bat soup quarantine's getting to you, huh?


60$ is literally nothing though. That's like an hour of work for a 20+ hour game.
but somebody gifted it to me on steam so I didn't even have to pay.

If you honestly thought the guy was being literal when he said Bethesda cracked their own game, then you need help.

It's isn't uploaded newfag

>waaah ESL
seethe harder buyfag mutt

To some people it's about the money. To others it's about not having a rootkit that will burn your SSD's lifespan and cripple your CPU. I'm part of the latter.

They are dropping the ball. I seem to be getting more and more from cs.rin. rather than waiting for outdated versions on GG.


I have that version, where in the files is the exe?
I didn't even realise it had denuvo, it didn't say it did on the steam page so I wonder if valve are gonna let them get away with it.
It explains why I was getting sudden skips in cutscenes though.

it's patched out

I am Australian, my pc was turned off when the patch hit.

folder called original

Thanks, do I need to do anything to the original Exe first?

>someone left the keys in their car, guess I'm allowed to steal it

Attached: Cv3el5lXYAAQjH-.jpg (320x240, 8.77K)

>Wasting $60 in the middle of a pandemic
>$60 can buy you a shitton of food

block ingoing-outgoing connections in firewall

But I was buying it on PS4. I don't trust my PC to run it...

fuck off
Go to bed pablo

ok retard, but this isn't worth pirating to begin with

>you won't illegally download a car would you user
yes I would

Attached: 1583119885242.png (1673x2160, 2.24M)

Websites hosting this release look like some BonziBuddy shit. Is the game actually good so I consider buying it for once?

It runs pretty shit on anything with less than 3gb vram on the gpu.

Alright cool, I don't really use firewalls but I am pretty sure Windows comes with one so I will try and figure out how to set it up
Also Holy shit the deunovless exe is like 300 MB smaller.


Attached: 1539325348159.jpg (200x200, 6.5K)

English Second Lenguage. So not muhrican.

So how demanding is it in terms of hardware requirements compared to Doom 2016? More demanding, less demanding, or about the same?

Attached: EEsLUNhWsAUGBlx.jpg (1200x810, 267.87K)

prob u dont even need that, but it’ll prompt for a beth account creation

but its not denuvo?

About the same. Rx580 gets 73fps on 1080p ultra.

I did what I think was a disabling in firewall but I ran into a problem of the deunovoless EXE lacking some DLL files. I gotta go to work though so I will figure it out later
I'm excited to play the game without the skips in cutscenes, I am fairly certain those were caused by denuvo

If you buy, get the bethesdanet version, that's really all that this means. It's got a denuvo-free exe right in the downloaded files, same shit as rage 2 if you followed the release of that. Steam has denuvo and no baked in drm free.

>Create a Bethesda account when it prompts you (this is mandatory apparently, obviously don't use your real account)

About the same, my 970 gets 1080p60 on med/high. 1070 rig gets 1080p60 max, lowered shadows a peg in one of the later levels cause it dipped.
The biggest change is the minspec is a little a more demanding, if you were barely running it low before you may not be running it this time around.

you can disable the tips, side-quest XP popups, and tone down the loot that pops out of enemies, right?

yes, simple toggle to remove tutorials
>side-quest xp popups
you can turn off mastery quest notifications yeah
>tone down loot that pops out of enemies
If you're playing on uv or nightmare it's absolutely necessary. Most of it is 1-2 ammo, it's just plentiful to look pretty. Flame belcher, for instance, will spit out about 10-20 armor shards on a killed on-fire enemy, but they're all 1shards, so it just looks like it's too much.

So no, no you can't tone down the loot pinata shit, but you can just not kill them in ways that spawn that stuff.

No true, you can play it offline and you skip the login

Is there a link to just the .exe without any of the other files?

Have fun losing your entire Steam account, bud.

cool, ty for responding.
I wish they got rid of the confetti and mini cutscenes, but it looks fun anyway!5dBzQSga!tiMHqRNS2tMW-tgaQRZ5MUCNsj-XtF6I1FZ5vE-ne74


Thank you, I can go to sleep now in peace. Tomorrow I'll install the game from my physical copy, then replace the exe with the DRM free version and enjoy the game without hassle.

I blocked the exe but it didn't work. still had to make a beth account and sign in one time, now the exe is firewall blocked and working swell. Pirates always win! Thanks for the improved performance, Bethesda!

Attached: 1539296258174.png (758x707, 434.19K)

Just don't do glory kills. The game's a lot harder now because enemies are much more spread out, and it's not just corridor>open room>corridor forever, so you have to actually think about how you're killing enemies to get them to drop different shit. But things like flame belcher are no cutscene, set the enemy on fire and kill for armor drops, chainsaw is still ammo, and glory kills are still health, but they will drop if you don't do those things, it seems to still determine what you're most in need of then drop that, but in less quantity.